5.11 Proofs for Section 4.10 “Multirate Processing of Discrete-Time Jointly SC Processes”

In this section, proofs of results of Section 4.10 are reported.

For future reference, let us consider the discrete-time sample train with sampling period M, its discrete Fourier series (DFS), and its Fourier transform:

(5.190) equation

where δm is the Kronecker delta, that is, δm = 1 if m = 0 and δm = 0 if m ≠ 0 and mod M denotes modulo operation with values in {0, 1, …, M − 1}. Thus, δn mod M = 1 if n = kM for some integer k and δn mod M = 0 otherwise.

Furthermore, in the sequel, the following identities are used

(5.191) equation

(5.192) equation

In the following proofs, the bounded variation assumption (4.192) allows to use the Fubini and Tonelli theorem (Champeney 1990, Chapter 3) to interchange the order of the integrals in ν1 and ν2.

5.11.1 Expansion (Section 4.10.1): Proof of (4.241), (4.242b), and (4.242c)

From the identity

(5.193) equation

it follows that the impulse-response function of the LTV system that operates expansion is

(5.194) equation

Thus, the transmission function is


(5.195) equation

where in the last equality the Poisson's sum formula (Zemanian 1987, p. 189)

(5.196) equation

is used. Equation (4.242b) follows by using the definition (4.243) of img, where equalities should be intended in the sense of distributions (generalized functions) (Zemanian 1987).

From (5.195), using the scaling property of the Dirac's delta δ(bt) = δ(t)/|b| (Zemanian 1987, p. 27) we have

(5.197) equation

from which (4.242c) follows accounting for the definition of img.

5.11.2 Expansion (Section 4.10.1): Proof of (4.250)

The inverse double Fourier transform of both sides of (4.248c) provides the cross-correlation of xI1(n) and xI2(n) (see (4.182) and (4.187))


(5.198) equation

The third equality in (5.198) follows from the Fourier pair

(5.199) equation

and the fourth equality is due to (5.190). The fifth equality in (5.198) is a consequence of the Fourier-transform pair (4.244)(4.245).

By substituting n1 = n + m and n2 = n into (5.198), (4.250) immediately follows.

5.11.3 Expansion (Section 4.10.1): Proof of (4.253)

From (4.250) with L1 = L2 = L and using (5.190) it follows that

(5.200) equation

The sixth equality of (5.200) follows observing that for every img there is at most one value of img, say img0 (depending on img, img, and L), such that img, provided that img. In fact, it results that

(5.201) equation

Thus, (4.253) immediately follows since img is periodic in img with period 1.

5.11.4 Sampling (Section 4.10.2): Proof of (4.261)

Let be M1 = M2 = M. Each process xδi(n) is the product of the almost-cyclostationary discrete-time process xi(n) and the (real-valued) periodic train δn mod M with Fourier series expansion given in (5.190). Thus, by using the discrete-time counterpart of (1.143) or (Napolitano 1995, eq. (46)) (specialized to 2 single-input single-output systems, second-order, and reduced-dimension) we have

(5.202) equation

from which, accounting for (5.190), one obtains (4.261).

In (5.202), in the second equality the variable changes p = p1 and q = p1 + p2 are made and in the third equality the fact that img is periodic in img with period 1 is used, so that the sum over img can be equivalently extended over img.

5.11.5 Decimation (Section 4.10.3): Proof of (4.268), (4.269b), and (4.269c)

From the identity

(5.203) equation

it follows that the impulse-response function of the LTV system that operates decimation is

(5.204) equation

Consequently, the transmission function is


(5.205) equation

where in the last equality the Poisson's sum formula (5.196) is used. Equation (4.269b) follows by the definition of img. From (5.205), using the scaling property of the Dirac delta, we have

(5.206) equation

from which (4.269c) follows accounting for the definition of img.

5.11.6 Decimation (Section 4.10.3): Proof of (4.277)

By using (4.275) we have

(5.207) equation

where, in the fourth equality, the Fourier-transform pairs (see (4.270) and (4.272))

(5.208) equation

(5.209) equation

are accounted for.

Equation (4.277) follows by substituting n1 = n + m and n2 = n.

5.11.7 Decimation (Section 4.10.3): Proof of (4.278)

From (4.277) with M1 = M2 = M it follows that

(5.210) equation

In the rhs of (5.210), there are at most M (consecutive) values of h such that img since when img ranges in img it results that img. Therefore, (4.278) follows, accounting for the periodicity in img with period 1 of img.

5.11.8 Expansion and Decimation (Section 4.10.4): Proof of (4.286)

Accounting for (4.182) and (4.187) and using (4.285) and the sampling property of the Dirac delta, the cross-correlation function of xI1(n) and xD2(n) can be expressed as

(5.211) equation

where, in the last equality, the Fourier-transform pair (4.244) and (4.245) is used. By substituting n1 = n + m and n2 = n we have (4.286).

5.11.9 Strictly Band-Limited SC Processes (Section 4.9.1): Proof of (4.287a)(4.288b)

Let x1(n) and x2(n) be strictly band-limited processes with bandwidths B1 and B2, respectively. It results that

(5.212) equation

If x1(n) and x2(n) are jointly SC with Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum (4.190a), then (5.212) specializes into

(5.213) equation

Let us define the sets

(5.214) equation

(5.215) equation

Analogously to the continuous-time case, without lack of generality the functions img and img in (4.190a) and (4.190b) can be chosen with supports such that the sets img and img are at most countable (Definition 4.2.4 and Theorem 4.2.7). In addition, let us assume that the number of cluster points (accumulation points) of img and img is at most finite. Thus, from (5.213) it follows that img

(5.216) equation

where img and img, with cl{ · } denoting set closure. From (5.216) it follows that

(5.217) equation

almost everywhere for ν1 img [− 1/2, 1/2). However, since img is at most countable, the cross-correlation (4.198a) is not modified assuming that (5.217) holds everywhere. Thus, (4.287a) and (4.287b) immediately follow.

Analogously, starting from (4.190b), the band-limitedness condition (5.212) leads to

(5.218) equation

from which (4.288a) and (4.288b) follow.

5.11.10 Interpolation Filters (Section 4.10.6): Proof of the Image-Free Sufficient Condition (4.290)

Accounting for (4.246a), (4.287a), and (4.287b), the support of each term in the sum over img in (4.289) is given by

(5.219) equation


(5.220) equation

Let img be the Fourier transform of img. It results that

(5.221) equation


(5.222) equation

The following conditions are sufficient to assure that the Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum img in (4.289) is a frequency-scaled image-free version of img:

1. Bi ≤ 1/2, (i = 1, 2). So images do not overlap. That is, for every k and k′ in img (possibly k = k′), one has

(5.223) equation

2. Wi ≤ 1/2, (i = 1, 2). So the filter passbands do not overlap. That is,

(5.224) equation

3. Bi/LiWi, (i = 1, 2). So the low-pass filters img and img capture the main images ((img 1, img 2) = (m1L1, m2L2), img in (5.220)), i.e., those centered in img. That is, img one has

(5.225) equation

4. Wi ≤ 1/(2Li), (i = 1, 2). So the low-pass filters img and img do not capture images different from the main ones. That is, img one has

(5.226) equation

The sufficient conditions in items 1–4 can be summarized into the sufficient condition (4.290).

5.11.11 Interpolation Filters (Section 4.10.6): Proof of the Sufficient Conditions (4.291) and (4.292)

Let us assume that (4.290) holds. Thus the Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum img in (4.289) is a frequency-scaled image-free version of img with img given by (4.246a)(4.246c). In addition, form (4.290) and B1 ≤ 1/2 it follows that

(5.227) equation

For a fixed img, due to condition (4.291), it results that

(5.228) equation

If both conditions (5.227) and (5.228) are satisfied, then in expression (4.246b) of the Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum img, for ν1 img [− 1/(2L1), 1/(2L1)] the support curve img of the replica with h = 0 can intersect other support curves with the same k (h ≠ 0) only if on these other curves the spectral correlation density is zero. In fact, 1/L1B1/L1 is the smallest |ν1| in correspondence of which the image around ν1 = ± 1/L1 of the replica centered in ν2 = 0 (h = 0 in (4.246b)) can have nonzero spectral correlation density. Moreover, 1/L2B2/L2 is the smallest |ν2| in correspondence of which the image around ν1 = 0 of the replica centered in ν2 = ± 1/L2 (h = ± 1 in (4.246b)) can have nonzero spectral correlation density. Thus, the density of Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum (4.289) along the considered support curve is a frequency-scaled image-free version of the corresponding density of Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum imgν1 img [− 1/(2L1), 1/(2L1)].

Condition (5.228) holding for every img jointly with B2 ≤ 1/2 gives

(5.229) equation

(5.230) equation

which prove sufficiency of (4.291).

The proof of sufficiency of (4.292) is similar.

5.11.12 Decimation Filters (Section 4.10.7): Proof of the Aliasing-Free Sufficient Condition (4.293)

The Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum of xD1(n) and xD2(n) is given by (4.273a)(4.273c). Accounting for (4.287a) and (4.287b), the support of each term in the sums over k, p1, and p2 in (4.273a) is given by

(5.231) equation


(5.232) equation

with pi img {0, 1, …, Mi − 1} and img, (i = 1, 2).

If MiBi ≤ 1/2, (i = 1, 2), then

(5.233) equation

for every k and k′ in img (possibly k = k′). Therefore, (4.293) is a sufficient condition to assure that the Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum img is a frequency-scaled alias-free version of img.

5.11.13 Decimation Filters (Section 4.10.7): Proof of the Sufficient Conditions (4.294) and (4.295)

Let us assume that condition (4.293) holds. Thus, the Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum img in (4.273a)(4.273c) is a frequency-scaled alias-free version of img. From (4.293) it immediately follows that

(5.234) equation

For a fixed img, due to condition (4.294) one obtains

(5.235) equation

If conditions (5.234) and (5.235) are both verified, then in expression (4.273b) of the Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum img, for ν1 img [− 1/2, 1/2] the support curve img of the replica with h = 0, p1 = 0 can intersect other support curves with the same k (h ≠ 0, p1 ≠ 0) only if on these other curves the spectral correlation density is zero. In fact, 1 − M1B1 is the smallest |ν1| in correspondence of which replicas with p1 = ± 1 can have nonzero spectral correlation density and 1 − M2B2 is the smallest |ν2| in correspondence of which replicas with h = ± 1 can have nonzero spectral correlation density. Thus, the density of Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum (4.273b) along the considered support curve is a frequency-scaled alias-free version of the corresponding density of Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum img for every ν1 img [− 1/2, 1/2].

Condition (5.235) holding for every img jointly with B2 ≤ 1/(2M2) prove sufficiency of (4.294).

The proof of sufficiency of (4.295) is similar.

5.11.14 Fractional Sampling Rate Converters (Section 4.10.8): Proof of (4.296)

It results that


(5.236) equation

where, in the first and third equality, (4.272) and (4.245) are accounted for, respectively. By using (4.190a) into (5.236), (4.296) immediately follows.

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