5.6 Proofs for Section 4.7.2 “Asymptotic Normality of the Frequency-Smoothed Cross-Periodogram”

In this section, proofs of lemmas and theorems presented in Section 4.7.2 on the asymptotic complex Normality of the frequency-smoothed cross-periodogram are reported.

Fact 5.6.1


(5.122) equation

where [*]i represents the ith optional complex conjugation, and let us consider the k × 2 table

(5.123) equation

and a partition of its elements into disjoint sets {ν1, …, νp}. The cumulant cum{Z1(f11, f21), …, Zk(f1k, f2k)} can be expressed as (Leonov and Shiryaev 1959), (Brillinger 1965), (Brillinger and Rosenblatt 1967)

(5.124) equation

where νm (m = 1, …, p) are subsets of elements of the k × 2 table (5.123), img is the cumulant of the elements in νm, and the (finite) sum in (5.124) is extended over all indecomposable partitions of table (5.123), including the partition with only one element (see the discussion following (2.159) for details).


(5.125) equation

The elements of the table (5.123) can be identified by the pair of indices (i, j), where i img {1, 2} is the column index and j img {1, …, k} is the row index.

From Assumption 4.7.8 it follows that

(5.126) equation

where img is the vector with elements fij, (i, j) img νm, the pair (im, jm) is one element (e.g., the last one) of the set νm, and img is the vector containing the same elements as img except (im, jm). Thus, it results that img.

In the sequel, the following notation will be used:

(5.127) equation

with elements of νm ordered from left to right and from top to bottom.

5.6.1 Proof of Lemma 4.7.10 Cumulants of Frequency-Smoothed Cross-Periodograms

Let us omit, for notation simplicity, the subscript yx(*) in img, img img, and img. Furthermore, in order to avoid heavy notation, the optional complex conjugations [*]i will be omitted. Results in the presence of these complex conjugations are similar.

By substituting the STFT expression (4.94b) and (4.107) (with Δf = 1/T) into the cross-periodogram definition we formally have

(5.128) equation

Thus, let

(5.129) equation

for the multilinearity property of cumulants (Mendel 1991) we have

(5.130) equation

where, ϕ1 img11, …, ϕ1k], ϕ2 img21, …, ϕ2k], img. In the second equality (5.124) and (5.126) are accounted for; in the third equality the sampling property of Dirac delta is used and here and in the following (*)i = (*) if i = 1 and (*)i = (*) * if i = 2.

Using again the multilinearity property of cumulants (Mendel 1991), the result is that

(5.131) equation

where, in the third equality Assumptions 4.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity) (with Δf = 1/T) and 4.6.2 (frequency-smoothing window regularity) are accounted for; and in the fourth equality the variable changes


are made in the inner integrals in img (with λ fixed) so that, according to notation introduced in (5.127), the result is that


Starting from the bounds derived in (5.133) and (5.138), the interchange of the order of cum, expectation, and integral operations can be justified by the Fubini and Tonelli theorem (Champeney 1990, Chapter 3). Furthermore, the same bounds justify the interchange of infinite sums and integral operations by the Weierstrass criterion (Smirnov 1964).

Let us consider the only term img corresponding to the only partition with p = 1 in (5.131). The set ν1 is coincident with the whole rectangular k × 2 table and img with (i1, j1) = (2, k).

(5.132) equation

where img and in the second equality the variable change


(so that img) is made.

Accounting for Assumptions 4.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), 4.6.2 (frequency-smoothing window regularity), 4.7.8 (spectral cumulants), it results in

(5.133) equation


(5.134) equation

and, hence,

(5.135) equation

The k × 2 table (5.123) has two columns and partitions are indecomposable (see comments following Assumption 2.4.15). Thus, for p ≥ 2 each set νm hooks with one or two other sets of the partition. Specifically, two sets (those containing at least one element of the first row or at least one element of the last row) hook with one set and the remaining p − 2 sets hook with two sets. Consequently, for p ≥ 2, each set νm has at least one line containing only one pair of indices. Let us choose as pair (im, jm) in Fact 5.6.1 the pair of indices corresponding to the lower of these lines of νm containing only one pair. Thus jm is a row index not shared with any other pair img, where img is obtained by νm by removing the element (im, jm). The case is different for the only partition containing only one element (p = 1). In such a case, jm = k is a row index shared by (im, jm) = (2, k) with the element (1, k).

Let us consider now the generic term img with p > 1 in (1.131).

Since p ≥ 2 and sets νh hook, we can select (ih, jh) so that no other pair img has j = jh. Moreover, there are p − 1 distinct indices jh and jp = jp−1. Let us interchange the order of integrals


and let us make the variable changes


Then, for h = 1, …, p − 1, order the integrals so that the innermost is that in img and make the variable change


(img fixed). Since no other pair img has j = jh, then

(5.136) equation


(5.137) equation



Let img denote the inverse function of img. It follows that img is bounded due to Assumption 4.7.9. Thus,

(5.138) equation

That is,

(5.139) equation

with 2 ≤ p ≤ 2k. Hence

(5.140) equation

For k = 2 from (5.140), we have

(5.141) equation

The above limit is bounded for all partitions ν with k = 2 only if the processes are zero mean. In fact, in such a case terms with p = 3 and p = 4 are identically zero (only terms with p = 1 and p = 2 are nonzero, see (5.11)). For k = 2 and zero-mean processes a tighter bound is provided by Theorems 4.7.7 and 5.8.2, for which

(5.142) equation

For k ≥ 3 from (5.140) we have

(5.143) equation

provided that the order of the two limits is not interchanged. In fact, for Δf finite, the limit as T→ ∞ is zero for k ≥ 3. In contrast, for T finite, since 2 ≤ p ≤ 2k, the limit as Δf → 0 is infinite for those partitions ν with pk/2 + 1.

The interchange of the order of integrals in the expression of img to obtain (5.137) is justified by the Fubini and Tonelli theorem (Champeney 1990, Chapter 3). In fact, let img be Tk−1f)p−1 times the integrand function in the expression of img in (5.137). One has

(5.144) equation

with the rhs belonging to img due to Assumptions 4.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity) and 4.6.2 (frequency-smoothing window regularity).

5.6.2 Proof of Theorem 4.7.11 Asymptotic Joint Complex Normality of the Frequency-Smoothed Cross-Periodograms

From Theorem 4.7.6 it follows that

(5.145) equation

The rate of decay to zero of Δf should be such that img approaches zero as T→ ∞ and Δf → 0 with TΔf→ ∞. Let us assume that

(5.146) equation

with 0 < a < 1. Then, as T→ ∞, ΔfT = Ta → 0 with TΔfT = T1−a→ ∞. In addition, we have

(5.147) equation

Consequently, img approaches zero as T→ ∞ provided that

(5.148) equation

Therefore, the condition on a is

(5.149) equation

From Theorem 4.7.7 it follows that the asymptotic covariance

(5.150) equation

is finite. Analogously, from Theorem 5.8.3 it follows that the asymptotic conjugate covariance is finite. Moreover, from Lemma 4.7.10 with k ≥ 3 we have

(5.151) equation

Since the value of the cumulant does not change by adding a constant to each of the random variables (Brillinger 1981, Theorem 2.3.1), we also have

(5.152) equation

That is, for every fixed ni, fi, ti, the random variables


i = 1, …, k, are asymptotically (T→ ∞ and Δf → 0 with TΔf→ ∞) zero-mean jointly complex Normal (Section 1.4.2).


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