2.4 Estimation of the Cyclic Cross-Correlation Function

Let x(t) and y(t) be jointly GACS stochastic processes with cross-correlation function (2.31a)(2.31c). In Sections 2.4–2.8 and 3.4–3.13, when it does not create ambiguity, for notation simplification we will put


From (2.31b), it follows that the knowledge of the cyclic cross-correlation function img, as a function of the two variables α and τ, completely characterizes the second-order cross-moments of jointly GACS processes. For each τ, img is nonzero only for those values of α such that img for some img (see (2.39)). Moreover, for (α, τ) such that img for some img, the magnitude and phase of img are the amplitude and phase of the finite-strength additive complex sinewave component at frequency α contained in the cross-moment img (see (2.31c) and (2.39)). Therefore, the problem of estimating second-order cross-moments of jointly GACS processes reduces to estimating the cyclic cross-correlation function as a function of the two variables (α, τ).

2.4.1 The Cyclic Cross-Correlogram

In this section, for jointly GACS processes, the cyclic cross-correlogram, the cyclic correlogram, and the conjugate cyclic correlogram are proposed as estimators of the cyclic cross-correlation function (2.33), the cyclic autocorrelation function (2.12), and the conjugate cyclic autocorrelation function (2.26), respectively. Moreover, their expected value and covariance are determined for finite data-record length (Napolitano 2007a).

Definition 2.4.1 Let img and img be continuous-time stochastic processes. Their cyclic cross-correlogram at cycle frequency img is defined as

(2.118) equation

where img is a unit-area data-tapering window nonzero in (− T/2, T/2).

Note that since img has finite width, the integral in (2.118) is extended to img img. Consequently, the cycle-frequency resolution is of the order of 1/T.

By specializing (2.118) for img and (*) present, one obtains the cyclic correlogram. For img and (*) absent, one obtains the conjugate cyclic correlogram.

Assumption 2.4.2 Uniformly Almost-Periodic Statistics.

a. The stochastic processes y(t) and x(t) are singularly and jointly (second-order) GACS in the wide sense, that is, according to (2.18) and (2.31c), for any choice of z1 and z2 in img
(uniformly almost-periodic in t in the sense of Besicovitch (Besicovitch 1932)).
b. For any choice of z1 in img and z2 in img, the fourth-order cumulant img img can be expressed as
(uniformly almost-periodic in t in the sense of Besicovitch), where img depends on img, img, and (*), and cumulants of complex processes are defined according to (Spooner and Gardner 1994, App. A) (see also Section 1.4.2).

Assumption 2.4.3 Fourier Series Regularity.

a. For any choice of img and img in img it results that
where img is the essential supremum of img (Champeney 1990).
b. For any choice of img in img and img in img, it results that

A necessary condition such that (2.121) holds is that there exists a positive number M such that

(2.123) equation

uniformly with respect to τ.

Assumption 2.4.4 Fourth-Order Moment Boundedness. The stochastic processes img and img have uniformly bounded fourth-order absolute moments. That is, for any img there exists a positive number img such that

(2.124) equation

Assumptions 2.4.2–2.4.4 regard time behavior and regularity of second-and fourth-order (joint) statistical functions of x(t) and y(t). Specifically, under such assumptions the second-order (cross-) moments of x(t) and y(t) and their fourth-order joint cumulants are limits of uniformly convergent sequences of trigonometricR polynomials in t. Moreover, for each Fourier series in (2.119) and (2.120), the nth coefficient has amplitude approaching zero, as n → ∞, sufficiently fast to assure that the infinite sums in (2.121) and (2.122) are convergent. A sufficient condition such that Assumption 2.4.4 holds is that the fourth-order moment functions of x(t) and y(t) are almost-periodic in t in the sense of Besicovitch.

Assumption 2.4.5 Data-Tapering Window Regularity. img is a T -duration data-tapering window that can be expressed as

(2.125) equation

with img, continuous almost everywhere (a.e.),

(2.126) equation

(2.127) equation

[Note that (2.127) is used only to prove (3.66)].

Let img be the Fourier transform of img. In Section 3.5 (Lemma 3.5.1), it is shown that img. Let us assume that there exists img such that img as img.

In the proofs of the asymptotic properties of the discrete-time cyclic cross-correlogram (Section 2.6) we also need the assumptions that a(t) is bounded and continuous in (− 1/2, 1/2) except, possibly, at img is Riemann integrable, and is differentiable almost everywhere (a.e.) with bounded first-order derivative img (see Lemmas 3.10.1 and 3.10.2).

Assumption 2.4.5 is easily verified by taking a(t) with finite support [− 1/2, 1/2] and bounded (e.g., a(t) = rect(t)). If a(t) is continuous at t = 0, then from (2.127) it follows a(0) = 1.

The data-tapering window img, strictly speaking, is a lag-product-tapering-window depending on the lag parameter τ. Its link with the signal-tapering window is discussed in Section 3.5, Fact 3.5.3.

By taking the expected value of the cyclic cross-correlogram (2.118) and using (2.31c), the following result is obtained, where the assumptions allow to interchange the order of expectation, integral, and sum operations.

Theorem 2.4.6 Expected Value of the Cyclic Cross-Correlogram (Napolitano 2007a, Theorem 3.1). Let y(t) and x(t) be wide-sense jointly GACS stochastic processes with cross-correlation function (2.31c). Under Assumptions 2.4.5a (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3a (Fourier series regularity), and 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), the expected value of the cyclic cross-correlogram img is given by

(2.128) equation

where img is the Fourier transform of img.

Proof: See Section 3.4.

The function img has duration T and, hence, img has a bandwidth of the order of 1/T. Consequently, from (2.128), it follows that in the (α, τ)-plane the expected value of the cyclic cross-correlogram can be significantly different form zero within strips of width 1/T around the support curves img, of the cyclic cross-correlation function. Moreover, the expected value along a given lag-dependent cycle-frequency curve img is influenced not only by img, but also by the values of the generalized cyclic cross-correlation functions img relative to all the other lag-dependent cycle-frequency curves img, the influence being stronger from curves img closer to img and with larger img. The effect becomes negligible as T → ∞. Such a phenomenon, in the case of cyclic statistic estimates of ACS processes is referred to as cyclic leakage (Gardner 1987d).

By expressing the covariance of the second-order lag-product img in terms of second-order cross-moments and a fourth-order cumulant, the following result is obtained, where the assumptions allow to interchange the order of expectation, integral, and sum operations.

Theorem 2.4.7 Covariance of the Cyclic Cross-Correlogram (Napolitano 2007a, Theorem 3.2). Let img and img be zero-mean wide-sense jointly GACS stochastic processes with cross-correlation function (2.31c). Under Assumptions 2.4.2 (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3 (Fourier series regularity), 2.4.4 (fourth-order moment boundedness), and 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), the covariance of the cyclic cross-correlogram img is given by

(2.129) equation


(2.130) equation

(2.131) equation

(2.132) equation


(2.133) equation

(2.134) equation

(2.135) equation

(2.136) equation

Proof: See Section 3.4.

For complex-valued processes, both covariance and conjugate covariance are needed for a complete second-order wide-sense characterization (Picinbono 1996), (Picinbono and Bondon 1997), (Schreier and Scharf 2003a,b). The expression of the conjugate covariance of the cyclic cross-correlogram can be obtained by reasoning as for Theorem 2.4.7 and is reported in Section 3.7.

Finally, note that in the special case of ACS processes, Theorems 2.4.6 and 2.4.7 reduce to well-known results of (Hurd 1989a, 1991), (Hurd and Leimgkow 1992b), (Dehay and Hurd 1994), (Genossar et al. 1994), (Dandawaté and Giannakis 1995).

2.4.2 Mean-Square Consistency of the Cyclic Cross-Correlogram

In this section, the cyclic cross-correlogram is shown to be a mean-square consistent estimator of the cyclic cross-correlation function (Napolitano 2007a).

Assumption 2.4.8 Mixing Conditions (I).

a. For any choice of img and img in img it results that
b. For any choice of img in img and img in img and img it results that

(2.138) equation

In the proofs of the asymptotic properties of the discrete-time cyclic cross-correlogram (Section 2.6) we also need the assumption that the functions img and img img are Riemann integrable.

Assumptions 2.4.8a and 2.4.8b are referred to as mixing conditions and are generally satisfied if the involved stochastic processes have finite or practically finite memory, i.e., if z1(t) and z2(t + s) are asymptotically img independent (Section 1.4.1), (Brillinger and Rosenblatt 1967). For example, under assumption (2.121), the function series img is uniformly convergent due to the Weierstrass criterium (Smirnov 1964). In addition, in order to satisfy (2.137), the function img should be vanishing sufficiently fast as img in order to be summable. A sufficient condition is that there exists img > 0 such that img img, where img is the “big oh” Landau symbol.

Assumption 2.4.8b is used to prove the asymptotic vanishing of the covariance of the cyclic cross-correlogram in Theorem 2.4.13. This condition, however, is not sufficient to obtain a bound for the covariance uniform with respect to α1, α2, τ1, τ2. Uniformity is obtained in Corollary 2.4.14 with the following further assumption.

Assumption 2.4.9 Mixing Conditions (II). For any choice of z1 in {y, y*} and z2 in {x, x*} there exist functions ϕ(n)(s) such that

(2.139) equation


(2.140) equation


Assumption 2.4.9 implies Assumption 2.4.8b with the left-hand side of (2.138) uniformly bounded with respect to τ1 and τ2.

Assumption 2.4.10 Lack of Support Curve Clusters (I). There is no cluster of support curves. That is, let

(2.141) equation

then for every α0 and τ0, for any img no curve αn(τ) can be arbitrarily close to the value α0 for τ = τ0. Thus, for any α and τ it results in

(2.142) equation


The set img contains the only element img if img is the only support curve such that img. The set img contains more elements if (α0, τ0) is a point where more support curves intercept each other (see (2.20) and (2.21)). The set img is empty if α0αn(τ0) img.

Assumption 2.8 is used to establish the rate of convergence to zero of the bias and the asymptotic Normality of the cyclic cross-correlogram. In the special case of ACS signals, Assumption 2.8 means that there is no cycle frequency cluster point (see (Hurd 1991), (Dehay and Hurd 1994)).

By taking the limit of the expected value of the cyclic cross-correlogram (2.128) as the data-record length T approaches infinite, the following result is obtained, where the assumptions allow to interchange the order of limit and sum operations.

Theorem 2.4.11 Asymptotic Expected Value of the Cyclic Cross-Correlogram (Napolitano 2007a, Theorem 4.1). Let y(t) and x(t) be wide-sense jointly GACS stochastic processes with cross-correlation function (2.31c). Under Assumptions 2.4.2a (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3a (Fourier series regularity), and 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), the asymptotic expected value of the cyclic cross-correlogram img is given by

(2.143) equation

Proof: See Section 3.5. img

Let A(f) be the Fourier transform of a(t) with rate of decay to zero |f|γ for |f|→ ∞ as specified in Assumption 2.5. For the bias of the cyclic cross-correlogram

(2.144) equation

the following result holds.

Theorem 2.4.12 Rate of Convergence of the Bias of the Cyclic Cross-Correlogram (Napolitano 2007a, Theorem 4.2). Let y(t) and x(t) be wide-sense jointly GACS stochastic processes with cross-correlation function (2.31c). Under Assumptions 2.4.2a (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3a (Fourier series regularity), 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), and 2.4.10 (lack of support curve clusters (I)), one obtains

(2.145) equation

Proof: See Section 3.5. img

We are interested in finding the maximum of the values of γ such that (2.145) holds, provided that such a maximum exists. This can be achieved, for example, by observing that if a(t) is p times differentiable and the p-th order derivative a(p)(t) is summable, then img, where img denotes the L1-norm. As further examples, a(t) = rect(t) ⇒ A(f) = sinc(f) ⇒ γ = 1; a(t) = (1 − |t|)rect(t/2) ⇒ A(f) = sinc2(f) ⇒ γ = 2. Furthermore, the result of Theorem 2.4.12 can be extended with minor changes to the case A(f) = O(g(f)) as |f|→ ∞, with g(f) strictly increasing function with no order of infinity (e.g., g(|f|) = |f| ln |f|).

In Fact 3.5.3, the link between the signal-tapering window and the lag-product-tapering window is established. Consequences of this link on the rate of convergence of bias are discussed in Section 3.5.

Starting from Theorem 2.4.7, the following result is obtained, where the assumptions allow to interchange the order of limit and sum operations.

Theorem 2.4.13 Asymptotic Covariance of the Cyclic Cross-Correlogram (Napolitano 2007a, Theorem 4.3). Let y(t) and x(t) be zero-mean wide-sense jointly GACS stochastic processes with cross-correlation function (2.31c). Under Assumptions 2.4.2 (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3 (Fourier series regularity), 2.4.4 (fourth-order moment boundedness), 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), and 2.4.8 (mixing conditions (I)), the asymptotic covariance of the cyclic cross-correlogram img is given by

(2.146) equation


(2.147) equation

(2.148) equation

(2.149) equation

withimg. In (2.147)(2.149), for notation simplicity, img, img, img, and img.

Proof: See Section 3.5. img

Theorem 2.4.13 can also be proved by substituting the mixing condition in Assumption 2.6 a with the mixing condition in Assumption 3.5.4 as explained in Section 3.5.

In Theorem 2.4.13, the terms in (2.147), (2.148), and (2.149) can give nonzero contribution only if the argument of the Kronecker deltas is zero in a set of values of s with a positive Lebesgue measure. For example, if the signals x(t) and y(t) are singularly and jointly purely GACS (Section 2.2.2), then in (2.147) with α1 = α2 and τ1 = τ2, the terms with img can give nonzero contribution.

From Theorem 2.4.11 it follows that the cyclic cross-correlogram (2.118), as a function of img, is an asymptotically unbiased estimator of the cyclic cross-correlation function (2.33). Moreover, from Theorem 2.4.13 it follows that its variance

(2.150) equation

is O(T−1) as T→ ∞. Therefore, since

(2.151) equation

the cyclic cross-correlogram is a mean-square consistent estimator of the cyclic cross-correlation function.

The expression of the asymptotic conjugate covariance of the cyclic cross-correlogram is reported in Section 3.7.

By specializing Theorems 2.4.11 –2.4.13 for y = x and (*) present, we have that the cyclic correlogram is a mean-square consistent estimator of the cyclic autocorrelation function. For y = x and (*) absent, we have that the conjugate cyclic correlogram is a mean-square consistent estimator of the conjugate cyclic autocorrelation function.

For ACS processes, we obtain as a special case results of (Hurd 1989a, 1991), (Hurd and Leimgkow 1992b), (Dehay and Hurd 1994), (Genossar et al. 1994), (Dandawatacute; and Giannakis 1995), (Schell 1995). In particular, in the asymptotic covariance (2.146), the terms img, img and img defined in (2.147), (2.148), and (2.149) specialize into

(2.152) equation

(2.153) equation

(2.154) equation

where the sum over n′ is extended to all cycle frequencies img of img such that img is a cycle frequency of img, the sum over n′′ ′ is extended to all cycle frequencies img of img such that img is a cycle frequency of img, and the last term is nonzero only if α1α2 is a (fourth-order) cycle frequency of img.

The asymptotic bias (Theorem 2.4.12), in general, is not uniform with respect to α and τ. In fact, from (2.128) and the continuity of img (Lemma 3.5.1a), img is a continuous function of α for each fixed τ at least in the case of img finite or for img approaching zero sufficiently fast as n→ ∞. In contrast, since for each fixed τ the set Aτ defined in (2.32a) is countable, the function img is discontinuous in α (see also (2.39)). Thus, we have the convergence of a family of continuous functions to a discontinuous function and, hence, the convergence cannot be uniform. In particular, the closer the point (α, τ) is to a support curve, the slower the convergence of the estimator bias. An analogous result was found in (Genossar et al. 1994) for discrete-time asymptotically-mean cyclostationary processes. Furthermore, the asymptotic variance (Theorem 2.4.13) is not uniform with respect to α1, α2, τ1, and τ2. However, a bound for the covariance, uniform with respect to cycle frequencies and lag shifts can be obtained starting from Theorem 2.4.10 with the aid of Assumptions 2.6 a and 2.7. It is the analogous for continuous-time GACS processes of a similar result proved in (Genossar et al. 1994) for discrete-time asymptotically-mean cyclostationary processes.

Corollary 2.4.14 (Napolitano 2007a, Corollary 4.1). Let y(t) and x(t) be zero-mean wide-sense jointly GACS stochastic processes with cross-correlation function (2.31c). Under Assumptions 2.2 (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.3 (Fourier series regularity), 2.4 (fourth-order moment boundedness), 2.5 (data-tapering window regularity), 2.6 (mixing conditions (I)), and 2.7 (mixing conditions (II)), there exists K such that

(2.155) equation

uniformly with respect to α1, α2, τ1, and τ2.

Proof: See Section 3.5. img

2.4.3 Asymptotic Normality of the Cyclic Cross-Correlogram

In this section, the asymptotic complex Normality (Picinbono 1996), (van den Bos 1995) of the cyclic cross-correlogram is proved (Napolitano 2007a).


(2.156) equation

be second-order lag-product waveforms, with optional complex conjugations [*]i, i = 1, ..., k, having kth-order cumulant

(2.157) equation

where the cumulant of complex processes is defined according to (Spooner and Gardner 1994, App. A) (see also Section 1.4.2).

Assumption 2.4.15 Mixing Conditions (III). For every integer k ≥ 2, img, i = 1, ..., k and every conjugation configuration [*]1, ..., [*]k, there exists a positive summable function ϕ(s1, ..., sk−1) (depending on τi, i = 1, ..., k and the conjugation configuration) such that

(2.158) equation

uniformly with respect to t. img

The cumulant of the lag products zi(t) can be expressed in terms of cumulants of y(t + τj) and x(t). For this purpose, let us consider the k × 2 table

(2.159) equation

and a partition of its elements into disjoint sets {ν1, ..., νp}, that is, νiνj = ∅ for ij and img the whole table. Then, let us denote each element of the table (2.159) by its row and column indices (img, m). We say that the two sets img and img hook if there exist img and img such that img1 = img 2, that is, the two sets contain (al least) two elements with the same row index. We say that the sets img and img communicate if there exists a sequence of sets img such that img and img hook for each h. A partition is said to be indecomposable if all its sets communicate (Leonov and Shiryaev 1959), (Brillinger 1965), (Brillinger and Rosenblatt 1967). It can be seen that if r1, ..., rk denote the rows of the table (2.159), then the partition {ν1, ..., νp} is indecomposable if and only if there exist no sets img, (n < p), and rows img, (h < k), such that img; that is, if and only if we cannot build a rectangle of size h × 2, with h < k, using some of the sets of the partition.

The cumulant img can be expressed as (Leonov and Shiryaev 1959), (Brillinger 1965), (Brillinger and Rosenblatt 1967)

(2.160) equation

where νi (i = 1, ..., p) are subsets of elements of the k × 2 table (2.159), img is the cumulant of the elements in νi, and the (finite) sum in (2.160) is extended over all indecomposable partitions of table (2.159), including the partition with only one element (see (3.45) for the case k = 2 and zero-mean processes). Therefore, Assumption 2.9 is satisfied provided that the cumulants up to order 2k of the elements taken from table in (2.159) are summable with respect to the variables s1, ..., sk−1 and a bound uniform with respect to t exists. That is

(2.161) equation

Assumption 2.4.15 is referred to as a mixing condition and is fulfilled if the processes x(t) and y(t) have finite-memory or a memory decaying sufficiently fast. It generalizes to the nonstationary case, assumption made in (Brillinger 1965, eq. (5.5)) in the stationary case. Examples of processes satisfying Assumption 2.4.15 are communications signals with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) symbols or block coded symbols, processes with exponentially decaying joint probability density function, and finite-memory (time-variant) transformations of such processes.

For a single process x(t) (yx), according to the results of Section 1.4.1, the asymptotic statistical independence implies that, for every img,

(2.162) equation

where img. Thus, the summability condition (2.161) is satisfied provided that

(2.163) equation

for some img > 0, uniformly with respect to t, for every img ≤ 2k.

Assumption 2.4.15 turns out to be verified if the stochastic processes zi(t), i = 1, ..., k are jointly kth-order GACS (Section 2.2.4), (Izzo and Napolitano 1998a), that is

(2.164) equation

(uniformly almost-periodic in t in the sense of Besicovitch (Besicovitch 1932)) and, moreover,

(2.165) equation

Assumption 2.4.16 Cross-Moment Boundedness. For every img and every { img 1, ..., img n} ⊆ {1, ..., k}, there exists a positive number img such that

(2.166) equation


Assumption 2.4.16 means that the processes y(t) and x(t) have uniformly bounded 2kth-order cross-moments for every k.

The proof of the zero-mean joint complex asymptotic Normality of the random variables

(2.167) equation

is given in Theorem 2.4.14 showing that asymptotically (T → ∞)

1. img
2a. the covariance img is finite;
2b. the conjugate covariance img is finite;
3. img for k ≥ 3;

with superscript [*]h denoting optional complex conjugation. In fact, in Section 1.4.2 it is shown that these are necessary and sufficient conditions for the joint asymptotic Normality of complex random variables, where cumulants of complex random variables are defined according to (Spooner and Gardner 1994, App. A) (see also (1.209) and Section 1.4.2 for a discussion on the usefulness of this definition). Condition 1 follows from Theorem 2.4.12 on the rate of decay to zero of the bias of the cyclic cross-correlogram. Condition 2a is a consequence of Theorem 2.4.13 on the asymptotic covariance of the cyclic cross-correlogram. Condition 2b follows form Theorem 3.7.2. Finally, Condition 3 follows from Lemma 2.4.2 on the rate of decay to zero of the joint cumulant of cyclic cross-correlograms.

The main assumptions used to prove these theorems and lemmas are regularity of the (generalized) Fourier series of the almost-periodic second-and fourth-order cumulants of the processes (Assumptions 2.4.2 –2.4.3), short-range statistical dependence of the processes expressed in terms of summability of joint cumulants (Assumptions 2.4.8 and 2.4.15), lack of clusters of support curves (Assumption 2.4.10), and regularity of the data-tapering window (Assumption 2.4.5). In addition, Assumptions 2.4.4 and 2..4.16 on boundedness of moments are used for technicalities (application of the Fubini and Tonelli theorem).

Lemma 2.4.17 (Napolitano 2007a, Lemma 5.1). Under Assumptions 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), 2.4.15 (mixing conditions (III)), and 2.4.16 (cross-moment boundedness), for any k ≥ 2 and img > 0 one obtains

(2.168) equation

Proof: See Section 3.6. img

Theorem 2.4.18 Asymptotic Joint Normality of the Cyclic Cross-Correlograms (Napolitano 2007a, Theorem 5.1). Let x(t) and y(t) be zero mean. Under Assumptions 2.4.2 (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3 (Fourier series regularity), 2.4.4 (fourth-order moment boundedness), 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), 2.4.8 (mixing conditions (I)), 2.4.10 (lack of support curve clusters (I)), 2.4.15 (mixing conditions (III)), 2.5.16 (cross-moment boundedness), and if img in Theorem 2.4.12, one obtains that, for every fixed αi, τi, ti, i = 1, ..., k, the random variables img defined in (2.167)


are asymptotically (T→ ∞) zero-mean jointly complex Normal with asymptotic covariance matrix Σ with entries

(2.169) equation

given by (2.146) and asymptotic conjugate covariance matrix Σ(c) with entries

(2.170) equation

given by (3.137).

Proof: See Section 3.6. img

Corollary 2.4.19 Under the Assumptions for Theorem 2.4.18, one obtains that, for every fixed α, τ, t0, the random variable img is asymptotically zero-mean complex Normal:

(2.171) equation


By specializing Theorem 2.4.18 and Corollary 2.4.19 for y = x and (*) present, we find that the cyclic correlogram is an asymptotically Normal estimator of the cyclic autocorrelation function. For y = x and (*) absent, we find that the conjugate cyclic correlogram is an asymptotically Normal estimator of the conjugate cyclic autocorrelation function. For ACS processes, we obtain as a special case the results of (Hurd and Leimgkow 1992b), (Dehay and Hurd 1994), (Dandawatacute; and Giannakis 1995).

As a final remark, note that here it was preferred to describe the finite or practically finite memory of the involved processes by assuming summability of (joint) cumulants of the processes. These assumptions turn out to be more easily verifiable than ϕ-mixing assumptions (Billingsley 1968, p. 166), (Rosenblatt 1974, pp. 213–214), (Hurd and Leimgkow 1992a,b) which are expressed in terms of a function ϕ(s) which describes or controls the dependence between events separated by s time unites. In contrast, summability of cumulants can be derived from properties of the stochastic processes for which cumulants can be calculated (see e.g., (Gardner and Spooner 1994), (Spooner and Gardner 1994), (Napolitano 1995)). A discussion of the finite or practically finite memory of processes by using cumulants is given in Section 1.4.1 and (Brillinger 1965).

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