7.8 Spectral Analysis of Doppler-Stretched Signals –Constant Relative Radial Acceleration

In the case of constant relative radial acceleration, under the narrow-band conditions (7.246a) and (7.246b), the complex received signal is given by the chirp modulated signal (7.240) (with img and img replaced by x and y, respectively, for notation simplicity):

(7.346) equation

Accounting for the Fourier transform pairs

(7.347) equation

and (Champeney 1990, p. 81)

(7.348) equation

with a = πγ, we have that the Fourier transform of a delayed, frequency shifted, and chirp modulated signal (7.346) can be expressed as

(7.349) equation

where OA[·] denotes the Linear Canonical Transform (LCT) operator (Ozaktas et al. 2001) with parameter matrix

(7.350) equation

which is coincident with a Fresnel transform with λz = − γ.

In the case of finite-power stochastic processes, the Fourier transform should be intended in the sense of generalized functions (Section 1.1.2), (Gelfand and Vilenkin 1964; Henniger 1970).

7.8.1 Second-Order Statistics (Continuous-Time) Narrow-Band Model

In the case of constant relative radial acceleration, under the narrow-band condition (7.246a) and (7.246b), the complex received signal is given by (7.346). It results that

(7.351) equation

If (*) is present in (7.351), one obtains the autocorrelation function

(7.352) equation

If x(t) is ACS, that is, with autocorrelation function

(7.353) equation

where img is a countable set and img is the set of cycle frequencies, (7.352) specializes into

(7.354) equation

Thus, y(t) is GACS and its autocorrelation function can be expressed as

(7.355) equation

with lag dependent cycle frequencies

(7.356) equation

and generalized cyclic autocorrelation functions

(7.357) equation

The functions ηn(τ) are parallel lines with slope γ in the (α, τ) plane. Thus, they do not intersect each other.

If (*) is absent in (7.351), one obtains the conjugate autocorrelation function

(7.358) equation

If x(t) is ACS, that is, with conjugate autocorrelation function

(7.359) equation

where img is a countable set and img is the set of conjugate cycle frequencies, (7.358) specializes into

(7.360) equation

Due to the presence of the term img, the conjugate autocorrelation function is not periodic or almost-periodic in t. Therefore, with reference to the conjugate autocorrelation function, the continuous-time signal y(t) is not ACS or GACS. Note that in discrete-time the chirp signal img is periodic when img and is not AP if img.

Accounting for the fact that for b ≠ 0 both integrals


are finite (Champeney 1990, p. 81) one obtains

(7.361) equation


(7.362) equation

Therefore, the conjugate autocorrelation function can contain a finite-strength additive sinewave component at frequency img only if γ = 0 and x(t) has nonzero conjugate cyclic autocorrelation function at conjugate cycle frequency βn = img − 2ν for some βn img Axx.

Finally, note that the above model for the received signal depends on the length of the observation interval T since it is derived under the narrow-band conditions (7.246a) and (7.246b), that is, img and img. In order to model the received signal as GACS, however, the further condition |γ|τcorr > 1/T must be satisfied in order to appreciate the variability of the lag-dependent cycle frequencies with cycle-frequency resolution Δα = 1/T, where τcorr is the maximum value of |τ| such that img is significantly different form zero (Section 2.7.6). For t0 = 0 conditions (7.246a) and (7.246b) can be written as (7.247a) and (7.247b), respectively, that is img and img. Therefore, we must have

(7.363) equation

that is

(7.364) equation Wide-Band Model

In the case of constant relative radial acceleration the delay is quadratically time varying (see (7.201))

(7.365) equation

According to (7.236) (with img and img replaced by x and y, respectively, for notation simplicity) the complex received signal is given by

(7.366) equation


(7.367) equation

If (*) is present and x(t) is WSS, then the autocorrelation function of y(t) is

(7.368) equation

with img or img. Thus,

(7.369) equation

This result is due to the presence of t in the argument of img or img. The infinite time average can be nonzero only if τ = 0. A similar result is obtained if x(t) is ACS.

In (Izzo and Napolitano 2002b, 2005, pp. 200–201), it is shown that cyclic higher-order statistics (moments and cumulants) can have supports contained in lines.

An experiment is conducted to illustrate the behavior of the cyclic autocorrelation function of the output of the Doppler channel existing between transmitter and receiver with constant relative radial acceleration. The transmitted signal x(t) is a binary PAM signal with pulse period Tp = 8Ts and raised cosine pulse with excess bandwidth η = 0.25. The channel introduces a quadratically time-variant delay (see (7.365)) with d0 = 20Ts, d1 = − 0.1, and d2 = − 0.00375/Ts. For an observation interval of 210 samples, the narrow-band conditions (7.247a) and (7.247b) are not satisfied. In fact, since B = (1 + η)/(2Tp), we have BT = 80 and |1/d1| = 10, BT2 = 81920Ts and |1/d2| img 266.67Ts.

In Figure 7.18, (top) graph and (bottom) “checkerboard” plot of the magnitude of the cyclic correlogram of the output signal y(t), is reported as a function of αTs and τ/Ts. Accordingly with (7.369), the cyclic correlogram is significantly different from zero only in a neighborhood of (α, τ) = (0, 0).

Figure 7.18 Output signal of the Doppler channel between transmitter and receiver with constant relative acceleration under the wide-band condition. (Top) graph and (bottom) “checkerboard” plot of the magnitude of the cyclic correlogram as a function of αTs and τ/Ts.

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