7.5 Transmitted Signal: Narrow-Band Condition

Models (7.129) and (7.156) are derived in (Van Trees 1971) for the case of relative motion between transmitter and receiver when the relative radial speed img can be considered constant within the observation interval (t0, t0 + T). Moreover, in (Van Trees 1971) it is shown that the time–scale factor s can be assumed unity, provided that the condition

(7.209) equation

is fulfilled, where B is the bandwidth of img and T the length of the observation interval. Even if condition (7.209) involves both the signal bandwidth and observation interval, it is generally referred to as narrow-band condition.

In the following, the narrow-band condition is derived for a deterministic signal with Fourier transform approaching zero sufficiently fast. The special case of a strictly band-limited signal is considered. Then, the case of a stochastic process with power spectrum approaching zero sufficiently fast is addressed.

Theorem 7.5.1 Narrow-Band Condition –Deterministic Signals. Let x(t) be a differentiable deterministic signal with Fourier transform X(f) such that X(f) = O(|f|γ) with γ > 2 for |f| > B (that is, |X(f)| ≤ K|f|γ for |f| > B). It results that

(7.210) equation

Proof: Let us consider the first-order Taylor series expansion with Lagrange residual term of a delayed version of the signal x(t)

(7.211) equation

where img. One has

(7.212) equation

from which (7.210) follows. Condition γ > 2 assures the existence of all the involved integrals.

In the special case of strictly band-limited signal, the term with the integral on |f| > B is identically zero so that the term O(Bγ+2t|) is absent in (7.210).


From (7.210) it follows that when Bt| < 1 (and, hence, a fortiori Bγ+2t| < 1 if B > 1Hz and γ > 2), that is when the time shift |Δt| is much smaller that the reciprocal of the bandwidth B of the signal, then the time shift can be neglected in the argument of x. Similar results can be found in (Swick 1969).

The case of stochastic processes can be addressed by the following result.

Theorem 7.5.2 Narrow-Band Condition –Stochastic Processes. Let x(t) be a finite-power stochastic process with a.e. differentiable time-averaged autocorrelation function img (Section 1.1.2) and with power spectrum img such that img with γ > 2 for |f| > B (that is, img for |f| > B). For all values of Δt such that img is differentiable in (0, |Δt|), one obtains

(7.213) equation

Proof: It results that

(7.214) equation

where the second equality holds since the time-average does not depend on time shifts of the signal and img is real and nonnegative.

Let us consider the first-order Taylor series expansion with Lagrange residual term of the time-averaged autocorrelation function around the origin

(7.215) equation

where img denotes the first-order derivative of img and img if Δt > 0, img if Δt < 0. One has

(7.216) equation

From (7.214) and (7.216), condition (7.213) immediately follows.

Analogously to the case of deterministic signals, in the special case of strictly band-limited stochastic process, the term with the integral on |f| > B is identically zero so that the term O(Bγ+2t|) is absent in (7.213).


7.5.1 Constant Relative Radial Speed

Theorems 7.5.1 and 7.5.2 can be applied in the special case of the linearly time-varying delay introduced by the relative motion between transmitter and receiver with constant relative radial speed. Specifically, from (7.115) (stationary TX, moving RX) and (7.142) (moving TX, stationary RX) we have

(7.217) equation

Thus, for t img (t0, t0 + T) the maximum variation of D(t) is

(7.218) equation

Let us assume that

(7.219) equation

According to Theorems 7.5.1 and 7.5.2, time variations in intervals of width much smaller than 1/B can be neglected. Thus, for t img (t0, t0 + T)

(7.220) equation


(7.221) equation

That is, the Doppler channel for the complex signals can be modeled as linear periodically time-variant.

In the case of stationary TX and moving RX, accounting for (7.116), img and condition (7.219) can be written as

(7.222) equation

Moreover, in the case of moving TX and stationary RX, accounting for (7.143), img and condition (7.219) can be written as

(7.223) equation

which is coincident with (7.209).

Note that when condition (7.219) is satisfied, then s img 1 can be assumed in the argument of img. Such a condition, however, does not allow to assume s img 1 (and, hence, ν img 0) in the argument of the complex exponential img. If condition

(7.224) equation

holds, then

(7.225) equation

Thus, if both conditions (7.219) and (7.224) are satisfied, then

(7.226) equation

where img, and the channel model for the complex signals is LTI.

In the case of stationary TX and moving RX, accounting for (7.131), condition (7.224) can be written as

(7.227) equation

that is

(7.228) equation

In the case of moving TX and stationary RX, accounting for (7.158), condition (7.224) can be written as

(7.229) equation

that is

(7.230) equation

Conditions (7.228) and (7.230) are more stringent then (7.222) and (7.223), respectively, since fcimg;B. Example: DSSS Signal

Let us consider a direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DSSS) signal (4.60) used in code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems with full duty-cycle rectangular chip pulse, chip period Tc, number of chips per bit Nc, and bit period Tb = NcTc. By assuming a bandwidth B img 1/Tc for the DSSS signal, one has

(7.231) equation

(7.232) equation

where rb = 1/Tb = 1/(NcTc) is the bit rate and Nb the number of processed bits.

If img, c = 3 · 108ms−1, and Nc = 31, then, in the case of stationary TX and moving RX, 1 − s img 0.5 · 10−7 and the narrow band condition (7.222) is

(7.233) equation

In order to model the channel as LTI, also condition ej2πνt img 1 must hold within the observation interval (0, T). Such a condition is generally assumed to be verified when the maximum phase term introduced by the complex exponential within the observation interval is less than Δθ = π/4. If fc = 2 GHz, in case of stationary TX and moving RX, accounting for (7.131) the magnitude of the Doppler shift is

(7.234) equation

and, hence, assuming rb = 128 kb s−1 we have

(7.235) equation

The coherence time τc is the time necessary for a wavefront to cross a λ/2 distance, that is, img (Sklar 1997, p. 145, eq. (21)). According to such a definition, the channel can be considered stationary within observation intervals less than τc/4. That is, the condition to be fulfilled in order to model the channel as LTI is


which is coincident with (7.235). Example: Sonar Systems

In sonar systems, the narrow band conditions (7.222) or (7.223) involve values of |1 − s| significantly bigger than those for the case of electromagnetic propagation. If the medium is air, then c = 340 ms−1. Therefore, if img then 1 − s img 8 · 10−2. If the medium is water, then c = 1480 ms−1. Thus, if img then 1 − s img 2 · 10−2. Example: Satellite and Space Communications

In the Cassini-Huygens mission, the Cassini probe speed with respect to Huygens in some circumstances is img (Oberg 2004). Therefore, for c = 3 · 108 ms−1 one has 1 − s img 2 · 10−5. In (Oberg 2004), it is shown that, for synchronization purposes, the time-scale factor s cannot be assumed to be unity in the argument of the received complex envelope signal.

Satellites of the Global Position System (GPS) move with a speed img. The radial speed w.r.t. a stationary observer on the Earth surface is img where E and ϕ are the elevation angle and the Earth central angle, respectively. For E + ϕ = π/2 − π/16, one has img.

7.5.2 Constant Relative Radial Acceleration

Let us consider the received signal (7.28) (with A(t) = b not depending on t):

(7.236) equation

with (see (7.201))

(7.237) equation

where img, img, d2 = ± aξ/(2c).

The time-varying part of the delay D(t) can be neglected if

(7.238) equation

Time variations in intervals of width much smaller than 1/B, where B is the bandwidth of img, can be neglected (Theorems 7.5.1 and 7.5.2). Thus, a sufficient condition to assure (7.238) is

(7.239) equation

where Δtmax is the maximum delay variation for t img (t0, t0 + T). If condition (7.239) is satisfied, from (7.236) it follows that

(7.240) equation


(7.241a) equation

(7.241b) equation

(7.241c) equation

and the second equality in (7.241b) and (7.241c) is obtained for t0 = 0 in the case of stationary TX and moving RX (Section 7.4.1).

Assuming that for t img (t0, t0 + T) the function D(t) is monotone, then its maximum variation is

(7.242) equation

From (7.200) we have

(7.243) equation

Therefore, (7.239) is verified if

(7.244) equation

Since both quantities involved in the left-hand side of (7.244) are positive, a necessary and sufficient condition assuring (7.244) holds is

(7.245) equation

that is,

(7.246a) equation

(7.246b) equation

Condition (7.246a) is the same as condition (7.222) derived for constant relative radial speed, stationary TX and moving RX. Therefore, (7.246a) and (7.246b) are referred to as narrow-band conditions for the case of constant relative radial acceleration.

In the case of stationary TX an moving RX, |aξ| = |a| and img. Accounting for (7.241b) and (7.241c), for t0 = 0 conditions (7.246a) and (7.246b) can be written as

(7.247a) equation

(7.247b) equation Example: DSSS Signal

Let us consider a DSSS signal used in CDMA systems, with chip period Tc, number of chips per bit Nc, and bit period Tb = NcTc. It results that B img 1/Tc = rbNc and T = NbTb = Nb/rb, where rb = 1/Tb = 1/(NcTc) is the bit rate and Nb the number of processed bits.

The narrow band conditions (7.246a) and (7.246b) specialize into

(7.248a) equation

(7.248b) equation


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