List of Figures


2.1  Bus architecture with a separate I/O bus

2.2  Bus architecture for Memory Mapped I/O

2.3  Bus architecture with two PCI buses and one SCSI bus

2.4  The Interrupt Sequence

2.5  The Virtual Memory address translation

2.6  The usage of virtual address translation to avoid memory conflicts

2.7  Sharing data via static variable on systems which do not support Virtual Addresses

2.8  Using the Page Table translation to map possibly different virtual addresses onto the same physical memory page

2.9  r and è representation of a line

2.10 (r, è) relationship for points (x0, y0) and (x1, y1)

2.11 Circles drawn around points over the circumference intersect in the circle center

2.12 A sample image with a circular shape

2.13 The image of 2.12 after edge detection

2.14 The content of the voting matrix generated from the edge pixels of 2.13

2.15 The detected center in the original image

3.1  Multiprogramming

3.2  Process Interleaving and SystemTiming

3.3  Process State

3.4  Process state diagram

3.5  Process State withMultithreading

4.1  An example of deadlock

4.2  A simple resource allocation graph

5.1  Incrementing a shared variable

5.2  A race condition

5.3  Another,more complex race condition

5.4  Problems with lock variables

5.5  Hardware-assisted lock variables

5.6  Peterson’smutual exclusion

5.7  Concurrency in Peterson’s algorithm

5.8  Unbounded priority inversion with busy wait

5.9  Bounded priority inversion with passive wait

5.10 Process State Diagram with Semaphores

5.11 Mutual exclusion semaphore

5.12 Producers–consumerswith semaphores

5.13 Semaphores may be difficult to use

5.14 Race condition after wait/signal

5.15 Brinch Hansen’s semantics for signal

5.16 Hoare’s semantics for signal

5.17 POSIX semantics for signal

5.18 Producers–consumerswith monitors

6.1  Direct versus indirect naming

6.2  Asynchronousmessage transfer

6.3  Synchronousmessage transfer

6.4  Remote invocation message transfer

6.5  Producer–Consumer with synchronous message passing

6.6  Producer–Consumer with asynchronous message passing

7.1  Process and Thread contexts

7.2  Execution time of the marge matrix summation for an increasing number of executor threads on an 8-core processor

8.1  Relative vs. absolute delay

9.1  Network frames: Ethernet, IP, and TCP/IP

10.1  Concurrent read and write operations may be dangerous

10.2  An example of concurrent read and write operations

10.3  A lock-free solution to the readers/writer problem

10.4  Basic lock-free transformation of a sequential object

10.5  Race condition with a careless memory management approach, part 1

10.6  Race condition with a careless memory management approach, part 2

10.7  Universal construction of a lock-free object

11.1  Real-time scheduling notation

11.2  An example of cyclic executive

11.3  An example of secondary schedule

11.4  Task split in a cyclic executive

12.1  Scheduling sequence for tasks τ1, τ2, and τ3

12.2  Interference to τm due to higher-priority tasks τi

12.3  Tasks τ1 and τ2 not scheduled under RM

12.4  Situation in which all the instances of τ1 are completed before the next release of τ2

12.5  Situation in which the last instance of τ1 that starts within the critical zone of τ2 overlaps the next release of τ2

13.1  Upper Bounds and Least Upper Bound for scheduling algorithm A

13.2  Necessary schedulability condition

13.3  No overlap between instances of τ1 and the next release time of τ2

13.4  Overlap between instances of τ1 and the next release time of τ2. 300

13.5  Schedulability conditions for Rate Monotonic

13.6  RM scheduling for a set of tasks with U = 0.900

13.7  RM scheduling for a set of tasks with U =1

13.8  Ulub value versus the number of tasks in the system

13.9  A sample task set where an overflowoccurs

13.10 Utilization based schedulability check for EDF

14.1  Scheduling sequence of the tasks of Table 14.1 and RTA analysis for task τ3

14.2  RM scheduling fails for the tasks of Table 14.3

14.3  DM scheduling succeeds for the tasks of Table 14.3

15.1  Unbounded priority inversion

15.2  Priority Inheritance Protocol

15.3  Critical regions nesting

15.4  Transitive Priority Inheritance

15.5  A schedule with unbounded priority inversion

15.6  A schedule with priority inheritance

15.7  A schedule with priority inheritance

16.1  Self-suspension and the critical instant theorem

16.2  Self-suspension and task interaction

17.1  FreeRTOS scheduler-related data structures

17.2  FreeRTOS context switch, part 1

17.3  FreeRTOS context switch, part 2

17.4  FreeRTOS context switch, part 3

17.5  FreeRTOS context switch, part 4

17.6  FreeRTOSmessage queues

17.7  FreeRTOS context switch on a Cortex-M3

18.1  Data organization of the Linux O(1) scheduler

18.2  Latency due to non-preemptible kernel sections

18.3  The evolution of kernel preemption in Linux

18.4  The Adeos pipeline

18.5  The Xenomai domains in the Adeos pipeline

18.6  The Xenomai layers

18.7  The RTAI layers

18.8  The RTAI components

20.1  The tank–pump system

20.2  Tank–pump system controlled in feedback mode

20.3  Tank–pump system response when controlled in feedback mode

20.4  Flow request to the pump using feedback control with proportional gain

20.5  Graphical representation of the transfer function for the tank–pump system

20.6  Graphical representation of tank–pump system controlled in feedback

20.7  The module of the transfer function for the tank–pump system. 453

20.8  Zeroes and poles of the transfer function for the tank–pump system

20.9  The response of the controlled tank–pump system with proportional gain set to 0.4 and integral gains set to 0.02 (black) and 0 (grey), respectively

20.10 The response of the controlled tank–pump system with proportional gain set to 0.4 and integral gain set to 1

20.11 Sampling a continuous function

20.12 A square function

20.13 The approximation of a square function considering 1 and 10 harmonics

20.14 The components (amplitude vs. frequency) of the harmonics of the square function

20.15 Representation of a complex number in the re–im plane

20.16 A signal with noise

20.17 The spectrum of the signal shown in Figure (20.16)

20.18 The signal of Figure 20.16 after low-pass filtering

20.19 The spectrum of the signal shown in Figure 20.18

20.20 Frequency response of an ideal filter with cut-off frequency fc. 469

20.21 Frequency response of the filter used to filter the signal shown in Figure 20.16

20.22 Frequency response shown in Figure 20.21 expressed in decibel. 470

20.23 The module of the transfer function for the tank–pump system controlled in feedback highlighting its values along the imaginary axis

20.24 The Fourier representation of the tank–pump transfer function

20.25 The poles of a Butterworth filter of the third-order

20.26 The module of a Butterworth filter of the third-order, and the corresponding values along the imaginary axis

20.27 The module of the Fourier transform of a third-order Butterworth filter with 5 Hz cutoff frequency

20.28 An electronic implementation of a Butterworth filter of the third order with 5 Hz cutoff frequency

20.29 A frequency spectrum limited to fc/2

20.30 The discrete time Fourier transform corresponding to the continuous one of Figure 20.29

20.31 The Aliasing effect

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