

Active electric dampers

control current, 581

position and acceleration response, 582

response to guideway irregularities, 583584

schematics, 579

Active guideway MAGLEV

iron-core urban PM-LSM

pictorial representation, 603, 604

system parameters, 606607

three-phase stator winding and propulsion-guidance PM inductor, 605606

multimover doubly fed LIM

coupling inductances, 607

equivalent circuit, 607608

field-oriented propulsion control, 608609

low-speed propulsion performance, 609


feeding system of propulsion, 602, 604

generic magnetic bogie, 602

integrated propulsion-levitation guidance, 602, 604

JR-MLX, 601

levitation-guidance coil, 603

propulsion and levitation coils, 601602

specification, 602, 605


aerodynamic safety, 601

commercialization in 2002, 596

generic supply system, 598599

long stator cable three-phase winding, 597598

practical inductor, 597598

propulsion efficiency and power factor, 598599

propulsion structure with supply substations, 600

pure operation of LSM, 600

schematic representation, 596597

Air-core configuration design, brushless motor, 444445

Attraction levitation system (ALS)

analytical model, 535537

C-core topology, 533534

control system performance

average control power, 550

electromagnet–guideway collision avoidance, 549550

ride comfort, 550, 552

design methodology, 541542

dynamic modeling

linearization, 544

single electromagnet–guideway system, 542543

structural diagrams, 545546

E-core topology, 534

eddy currents, 535

longitudinal end effect

airgap flux density and eddy current density, 540

eddy current, 538

levitation and drag forces, 540541

robust control systems

fast current and force responses, 555

gain scheduling, 554

MAGLEV industrial transport platform, 556558

sliding mode control, 554

SM-PI-current control system, 556

state feedback control

control law, 546547

dc-dc converter, 548

external forces, 548549

vehicle lifting at standstill, 553554

zero power sliding mode control, 558562


Capacitor (electrostatic) LEM, 14

Close-loop position control, brushless motor

PID control, 447

sliding mode, 448449

Cogging force

double-sided flat PM-mover LOM, 490, 493

and longitudinal end effects, F-LPMSM

chamfering and widening the end tooth, 302

drag force, 302

methods, 303

2-pole PM mover, 303304

slot/poles, 301302

two tooth-wound, 301

T-LPMSM, 337

tubular homopolar LOM, 468469

Coil mover LOM

airgap PM flux density, 453455

core sizing and losses, 456

inductance, 455

integrated microspeakers and receivers

acoustical analysis, 458459

calculation, 459462

characteristics, 458

2D FEM analysis, 459, 462

harmonic distortion, 458

monopole source type diaphragm, 459

sound pressure for speakers, 462463

multiple-coil topology, 452

number of turns/coil, 457458

phasor diagram, 456457

single coil topology, 451452

two-coil mover two-PM pole stator LOM, 453


DC-excited linear synchronous motors (DCE-LSM)

circuit model for transients and control, 175177

efficiency and power factor, 174175

field-oriented control, 177178

flat active ac stator configuration, 165166

inductor design guidelines

airgap flux density, 167

back-iron depth, 169

module, 166167

speed, 168

steady-state power for suspension, 170

parameters, 171173

phasor diagrams, 174

with PM, 178179

stator core design, 170171

three-phase armature winding, 166

DC-polarized L-SRM MAGLEV, 629630

Design methodology

ALS, 541542

F-LPMSM, 320326

H-LSM, 220224

L-RSM, 241248

L-SRM, 273282

T-LPMSM, 354360

Digital video camera focuser, 445447

Direct thrust and flux control (DTFC) system

F-LPMSM, 316320

high-speed LIM

block diagram, 123124

urban SLIM thrust control response, 123125

low-speed LIM

block diagram, 120

observers for primary and secondary flux linkage, 119

parameters, 120121

slip frequency, 118

stator currents, primary flux and thrust, 120122

Double-sided flat PM-mover LOM

FEM analysis

airgap flux density, 489, 492

machine inductance vs. current, 489, 492

setup and magnetic field line, 488489, 491

thrust vs. mover position and coil current, 489, 492

nonlinear model

cogging force, 490, 493

current and position waves, 497

current magnitude, 496

dc and ac inductance vs. current, 495

efficiency, 496497

flux derivative distribution, 490, 493

force coefficient vs current, 494

friction force, 490

linear machine, 493494

voltage magnitude vs. mechanical output power, 496

parameters estimation, 497498

performance improvements, 498499

prototype configuration, 485

state-space model

constant load coefficient, 488489

current and speed phase vs. frequency, 488, 490

current magnitude frequency response, 487

current vs. loading coefficient, 488, 490

displacement magnitude vs. loading coefficient, 488, 491

efficiency vs. output power, 488, 491

electromagnetic force, 486

magnitude displacement frequency response, 488

transfer functions, poles and zeros locus, 487488

DTFC system, See Direct thrust and flux control (DTFC) system

Dynamic end-effect, LIM


optimum goodness factor, 89

PM wheel, 90

reduction of thrust for transportation, 8789

in row and connected in series, 8990

quasi-one-dimensional field theory

consequences in DLIM, 7983

continuity conditions, 76

decentralizing and centralizing forces, 72

entry and exit end waves, 7778

model, 7475

secondary current density lines in high-speed, 74

in SLIM, 8485

time constant, 73

Dynamic modeling, ALS

linearization, 544

single electromagnet-guideway system, 542543

structural diagrams, 545546


Electromagnetic design methodology, L-SRM

close-loop control, 277

copper losses, 276

efficiency, 276277

flux linkage, 274

force distribution factor system, 278279

four-phase control, 279280

generic control system, 277278

motion-sensorless control, 282

saturation factor, 275

specifications, 273

thrust control, 279

torque control, 281282

tubular three-phase, 274


Finite element field (FEM) analysis

double-sided flat PM-mover LOM, 488489, 491493

integrated microspeakers and receivers, 459, 462

LIM, 8688

linear dc homopolar-PM brushless motor, 442

PM twin-coil valve actuators, 420421

tubular multi-PM-mover multi-coil LOM, 473474

Flat linear permanent magnet synchronous motors (F-LPMSM)

cogging force and longitudinal end effects

drag force, 302

methods, 303

2-pole PM mover, 303304

slot/poles, 301302

two tooth-wound, 301

configurations, 287289

design methodology

circuit parameters and vector diagram, 322324

efficiency, power factor, and voltage at base thrust, 325

number of turns/coil, 324325

PM-secondary sizing, 320321

primary active weight, 326

primary sizing, 322

specifications, 320

three-phase generators, 326327

dq model, with sinusoidal emf

equivalent circuits, 307

Park transformation, 306

PM-hybrid secondary and active stator, 305

structural diagram for propulsion, 307

thrust pulsations, 304

DTFC, 316320

field oriented control, 313316


airgap secondary, 295

flux density, 296297

iron-core geometry, 294295

model of, 296

multilayer field model

air-core with Halbach PM array, 293294

airgap flux density, 291

inverse airgap function, 292

single-sided with iron-core primary, 289

slot flux ideal path, 292

structure, 290

multilayer field theory, air-core

active phase mmf angle shifts, 299300

double-sided air-core, 298

fringing coefficient, 301

steady-state characteristics

flux weakening control, 309313

maximum thrust/current control, 308309

Flat SLIM with ladder

additional experience-based data, 130133

number of turns and equivalent circuit parameters, 135138

primary sizing, 133135

specifications, 130

Flux regulated reluctance machine, See Multiphase linear reluctance machine MAGLEV

Flux-reversal configuration, linear PM reluctance motors

airgap flux density, 385

antifringing, 380

chopped current control, 383

dimensions, 373

3D magnetic equivalent circuit model, 388

geometrical data, 389390

interior permanent magnet structure, 373374

IPM primary, 382

main PM-ac coil primary, 379

multi-pole coils, 377, 381

performance, 374

primary E core, 371

resultant flux lines, 372

single-phase module, 389

slot leakage inductance, 382

three-phase modules, 389

thrust/phase vs. mover position, 379

topology, 371

vector diagram, 393

voltage equation, 385386

Four-coil-mover LOM

airgap PM flux density, 453455

core sizing and losses, 456

inductance, 455

number of turns/coil, 457458

phasor diagram, 456457


Generator control design, T-LPMSM, 335

active suspension damper, 365

12 coil/14 pole combination, 363

fixed and nonfixed dc link voltage, 365

high thrust density, 361

mechanical airgap, 361

12 teeth/14 PM poles, 362


Halbach configuration, 515516

Harmonic distortion, 458

Homopolar linear synchronous motors (H-LSM), 42, 44

armature reaction magnetic field

force vs. power angle, 216217

phasor diagram, 215

q axis reaction flux density, 213214

steady-state characteristics, 217

U-shape leg ac coils, 214

construction and principle issues

armature coils, 210

layout, 209210

two-and three-layer ac windings, 210211

dc excitation airgap flux density and ac EMF, 211213

H-LSM MAGLEV system See (Magnibus system)

longitudinal end effect

assumptions, 218219

drag and normal force vs. speed, 219220

ideal secondary induced currents, 218

preliminary design methodology

eight-shape ac coil winding, 220221

preliminary design expressions, 222224

primary core teeth saturation limit, 222

transverse leakage flux, dc excitation coils, 222

zero normal force, 221

transients and control

generic structural diagram, 225226

Park transformation, 224225

vector (space phasor) diagram, 225

vector thrust and flux control, 226227

Hooke–Jeeves optimization algorithm, 472473


Instantaneous thrust, L-SRM

flux linkage/current/position curves, 260

pulsations, 262

standstill test setup, 260

three-phase configuration, 261

Integrated microspeakers and receivers

acoustical analysis, 458459

calculation of, 459462

characteristics, 458

2D FEM analysis, 459, 462

harmonic distortion, 458

monopole source type diaphragm, 459

sound pressure for speakers, 462463

Interurban SLIM vehicles, 161162

Iron-mover stator PM LOM, 500501


Janeway curve, 550


LEM, See Linear electric machines (LEM)

LIM, See Linear induction motors (LIM)

Linear dc homopolar-PM brushless motor

air-core configuration design, 444445

close-loop position control

PID control, 447

sliding mode, 448449

digital video camera focuser, 445447

geometrical optimization design, FEM

definition of, variables, 442

initial and final variable vectors, 443

initial force vs. position, 443444

principle and analytical modeling

coil inductance, 441442

flux lines and flux densities, 439440

force per watt of copper losses, 441

geometry and flux paths, 438439

topologies, 437439

Linear electric machines (LEM)

electromagnetic field theory

boundary conditions, 67

energy relations, 7

Lorenz force equation, 1

material constitutive laws, 5

Maxwell’s equation, 4

Poisson, Laplace and Helmholtz quations, 56

positive circulation on closed path, 2

resistor, inductor and capacitor, 79

rotor of field, 3

energy conversion, 12

forces in electromagnetic fields

linear induction motor, 1517

Lorenz force density expression, 12

plunger capacitor, 910, 14

plunger solenoid, 910, 1214

voice-coil LEM, 9, 1112, 14


components, 38

double-and single-sided, 3536

flat and tubular, 35, 37

goodness factor, 37

JFK–New York Airtrain, 3940

Linimo MAGLEV, 3940

for machining table, 3839

with passive guideway, 24

three-phase windings, 35, 37

tubular with disk shape laminations and secondary copper rings, 39

linear synchronous motor with active guideway, 2425


active guideway with dc excitation on MAGLEV vehicle board, 4041

active guideway with dc superconducting excitation, 40, 42

classification, 39

homopolar linear synchronous motor, 42, 44

industrial usage, 4446

urban Korean MAGLEV with LIM propulsion, 4243

magnetic core losses, 2123

magnetostriction effect, 2930

methods of approach, 3031

multilayer conductor in slot, 2526

permanent magnets

characteristic in second quadrant, 19

linear demagnetization curve, 1920

local magnetic saturation, 21

piezoelectric and magnetostriction effect materials, 2729

resistivity, 23

skin effects, 2627

soft magnetic materials

characteristics, 1718

magnetization curve and hysteresis cycle, 18

permeabilities, 19

solenoids and linear oscillatory machines

compressor drive, 47, 50

with control coil, 4647

door lockers in hotels, 4647

microphone/speaker, linear vibrator and moving coil PM actuator, 46, 48

resonant oscillator with PM and iron mover, 47, 49

speaker with handheld and waterproof, 47, 49

springless resonant LOM, 5051

Linear electromagnetic machines (LEM), See Linear electric machines (LEM)

Linear induction motors (LIM), 1517

circuit models of high-speed SLIMS

airgap reactive and active secondary power balance, 108109

equivalent circuit with simplified end effect impedance, 108

GEC, thrust/speed curves, 108109

theory vs. experiments, CIGGT, 108109

variable parameters, 110

components, 38

double-and single-sided, 3536

dynamic end-effect compensation

optimum goodness factor, 89

PM wheel, 90

reduction of thrust for transportation, 8789

in row and connected in series, 8990

dynamic end-effect quasi-one-dimensional field theory

consequences in DLIM, 7983

continuity conditions, 76

decentralizing and centralizing forces, 72

entry and exit end waves, 7778

model, 7475

secondary current density lines in high-speed, 74

in SLIM, 8485

time constant, 73

edge effects

airgap flux density and secondary current density components, 6869

assumptions, 6566

electric conductivity reduction, 70

magnetic field of secondary current, 67

for SLIM, 7072

trajectory of induced secondary currents, 64, 66

finite element field analysis, 8688

flat and tubular, 35, 37

flat and tubular low-speed See (Low-speed LIM)

flat SLIM with Al on iron

characteristics, 103

equivalent circuit, 102103

results, 104

transverse cross section, 101

flat SLIM with ladder secondary, low speed, 104106

goodness factor, 37


block diagram, 123124

divider with dynamic end effect, 9596

urban SLIM thrust control response, 123125

JFK–New York Airtrain, 3940

large airgap fringing, 63

Linimo MAGLEV, 3940

low-speed flat DLIM

components, 99

divider with dynamic end effect, 9596

equivalent circuit, 98

longitudinal and transverse cross sections, 9798

motoring and regenerative braking operation modes, 100

repulsion and normal forces, 101

for machining table., 3839

MAGLEV system

characterization, 614

and dc controlled electromagnets, 617

efficiency, 617

field-oriented control, 614

integrated propulsion-levitation guideway, 617


potential control system, 618

propulsion performance, 615616

schematic representation, 614615

primary slot opening, equivalent magnetic airgap, 6465

scalar close-loop control, 113114

sensorless direct thrust and flux control

high-speed, 123125

low-speed, 118121

skin effect, 6163

three-phase windings, 35, 37


back-iron flux, 60

DLIM, 61

magnetic circuit, 58

magnetic vs. mechanical airgap, 57

pole winding, 60

short end-coil windings, 57, 59

short-primary-mover configuration, 5556

single-and two-layer three-phase windings, 5758

traveling wave, 59

transients and control

high-speed LIM, 121123

low-speed LIM, 110113

tubular SLIM with ladder secondary, 106107

tubular with disk shape laminations and secondary copper rings, 39

vector control

calculation of speed, thrust, efficiency and power factor, 116117

characteristics, 118

components, 114

field-oriented LIM control, 117

mechanical characteristics, 115116

Linear oscillatory generator (LOG); See also Linear oscillatory single-phase PM motors (LOM)

with bidirectional converter control, 503504

Bode plots stability analysis, 503

Stirling engine linear prime mover, 501503

Linear oscillatory single-phase PM motors (LOM)

classification, 451

coil mover

four-coil, 453458

integrated microspeakers and receivers, 458464

multiple-coil topology, 452

single coil topology, 451452

two-coil mover two-PM pole stator LOM, 453

control, 504507

iron-mover stator PM LOM, 500501


double-sided flat PM-mover LOM, 485499

topology, 464

tubular homopolar LOM, 464470

tubular multi-PM-mover multi-coil LOM, 470485

Linear reluctance synchronous motors (L-RSM)


active flux, 249250

direct thrust and normal force, 250251

DTFC, 251

dq model

propulsion force, 238

steady-state and secondary coordinates, 237

thrust and normal force, 239

low speed, design methodology

circuit parameter expressions, 244245

peak thrust verification, maximum speed, 247248

primary active weight, 248

primary geometry, 241243

primary slot design, 243244

turns per phase W1, 246247

magnetization inductances

continuous secondary, 231233

multiple flux barrier secondary L-RSM, 234235

segmented secondary, 233234

steady-state characteristics

dq axis model equivalent circuit, 240

vector control, 239

thrust pulsations reductions, 235237

topology, 232

Linear switched reluctance motors (L-SRM)

average thrust and energy conversion ratio, 262

converter rating, 263

density of, 253

electromagnetic design methodology

close-loop control, 277

copper losses, 276

efficiency, 276277

flux linkage, 274

force distribution factor system, 278279

four-phase control, 279280

generic control system, 277278

motion-sensorless control, 282

saturation factor, 275

specifications, 273

thrust control, 279

torque control, 281282

tubular three-phase, 274

instantaneous thrust

flux linkage/current/position curves, 260

pulsations, 262

standstill test setup, 260

three-phase configuration, 261

principle of operation, 257259

PWM converters

C-dump converter, 269, 271

hysteresis current control, 269270

variable dc link voltage buck-boost converter, 272273

small signal model

current, thrust and load force calculation, 267269

structural diagram, 266267

state space equations and equivalent circuit

linear approximations, 265266

multiphase equation of, 265

single-phase circuit with propulsion and suspension, 264

voltage equation, 263


ALA secondary generic control system, 256257

four-phase, double-sided, flat configuration, 253254

generic control system, 254255

phase current waveform, 256

pole pitches, 253

single-phase, saturated, half-secondary pole, flat, single-sided configuration, 253254

six-phase, bipolar, two-level current, 256

three-phase, flat, single-sided configuration, 253254

three-phase tubular configuration with disk-shaped laminations, 254255

Linear synchronous motors (LSM)

active guideway with dc excitation on MAGLEV vehicle board, 4041

active guideway with dc superconducting excitation, 40, 42

classification, 39

DCE See (DC-excited linear synchronous motors (DCE-LSM))

H-LSM See (Homopolar linear synchronous motors (H-LSM))

homopolar linear synchronous motors See (Homopolar linear synchronous motors (H-LSM))

industrial usage

advantages, 44

air-core, 45

ball-screw/timing belt rotary steppers vs. PM-LSM, 4445

brush-dc PM linear motor, 46

iron-core, 4546

superconducting magnet See (Superconducting magnet linear synchronous motors (SM-LSM))

urban Korean MAGLEV with LIM propulsion, 4243

LOM, See Linear oscillatory single-phase PM motors (LOM)

Low-speed LIM

flat SLIM with ladder

additional experience-based data, 130133

number of turns and equivalent circuit parameters, 135138

primary sizing, 133135

specifications, 130

tubular SLIM with cage

additional experience-based data, 140

equivalent circuit parameter expressions, 140141

generic configuration, 139

number of turns per phase and equivalent circuit parameters, 144146

optimization design, 147

pole pitch, 141142

power factor and efficiency, 146

primary phase mmf, 143144

rated slip frequency, 142143

specifications, 139140

LSM, See Linear synchronous motors (LSM)


Magnetic equivalent circuit (MEC)

airgap flux density calculation, 294

airgap secondary, 295

flux density, 296297

iron-core geometry, 294295

magnetic reluctances, 296

model of, 296

sinusoidal flux density-time variation, 297

structure of, 294

Magnibus system

airgap sensor coils

and acceleration sensors, 621622

flux derivative, 620621

complete levitation control system, 620621

experimental results, 624625

improvements on, 625626

levitation model, 620

levitation takeoff and landing, 622623

Magnibus-01 data, 620

position sensors, 622, 624625

responses to perturbations from H-LSM, 622, 624

schematic representation, 619

single quadrant fast-thyristor dc–dc converter, 621622

MATLAB–Simulink solver, 480481, 490

MEC, See Magnetic equivalent circuit (MEC)

MPC-LPMRM, See Multi-pole coil linear PM reluctance motors (MPC-LPMRM)

Multiaxis linear PM motor drives (M-LPMD)

ac coil arrays, 511, 514

ac power-fed primary mover, 511512

6 DOF planar MAGLEV, 514515

iron-core ac-fed primary mover, 511512

micron positioning control

circular motion, 523524

equations of motions, 522

forces on mover, 521

linear PM configuration, 517518, 520

Lyapunov stability method, 523

saturation function, 522

voice-coil PM motor, 518, 521

nanometer-positioning MAGLEV stage

circular 50 nm motion, 528

3D impeller-shape motion, 528, 530

load perturbation tests, 528

parabolic shape bowl controlled motion, 528, 530

six DOF MAGLEV, 525, 527

z-and x-axis (axial) forces, 52

PM arrays, 511, 513

rectangular ac coils

force and torque, 516

Halbach configuration, 515516

surface magnetic charge method, 515516

three coil group configuration, 517, 519520

six DOF control, MAGLEV stage

experimental results, 524, 526

levitation and lateral forces, 524

PID parameters, 524525

voice–coil linear motors, 523, 525

Multilayer analytical field theory, PM

Bessel functions, 344345

2D FEM, 348

Fourier series, 343

quasi-Halbach array, 342

radial flux density, 347348

Multilayer field model, F-LPMSM

active phase mmf angle shifts, 299300

air-core with Halbach PM array, 293294

airgap flux density, 291

double-sided air-core, 298

fringing coefficient, 301

inverse airgap function, 292

single-sided with iron-core primary, 289

slot flux ideal path, 292

structure, 290

Multiphase linear reluctance machine MAGLEV, 630632

Multiple flux barrier (MFB)

design, 235

qualitative airgap flux-density variation, 234

Multi-pole coil linear PM reluctance motors (MPC-LPMRM)

characteristics, 369

2D and 3D FEM analyses, 397

energy converter

antifringing effect, 395

hexagonal wave generator, 395

window height, 396

flux-reversal configuration

airgap flux density, 385

antifringing, 380

chopped current control, 383

dimensions, 373

3D magnetic equivalent circuit model, 388

geometrical data, 389390

interior permanent magnet structure, 373374

IPM primary, 382

main PM-ac coil primary, 379

multi-pole coils, 377, 381

performance, 374

primary E core, 371

resultant flux lines, 372

single-phase module, 389

slot leakage inductance, 382

three-phase modules, 389

thrust/phase vs. mover position, 379

topology, 371

vector diagram, 393

voltage equation, 385386


primary/secondary teeth combinations, 377

2 teeth/coil and 4 teeth/coil, 376

three-phase symmetric sinusoidal current control, 377


Nanometer-positioning MAGLEV stage

circular 50 nm motion, 528

3D impeller-shape motion, 528, 530

load perturbation tests, 528

parabolic shape bowl controlled motion, 528, 530

six DOF MAGLEV, 525, 527

z-and x-axis (axial) forces, 52

Normal-flux ladder secondary RFLS, 576577

drag power, 577

levitation and drag forces, 575

schematic representation, 574

Normal-flux SC RFLS

ladder secondary See (Normal-flux ladder secondary RFLS)

levitation goodness factor, 567

schematic diagram, 566

sheet secondary

current density lines, 571

current density vs. motion direction, 571572

image SC, 571, 573

levitation and drag force, 571573

normal-flux superconducting coil, 570

SC field distribution, 569

Null-flux RFLS

levitation and drag forces, 577

vertical, 577578


Passive electric dampers (PED), 579

Passive guideway MAGLEV

dc-polarized L-SRM, 629630

description, 613

H-LSM system, 619626


characterization, 614

and dc controlled electromagnets, 617

efficiency, 617

field-oriented control, 614

integrated propulsion-levitation guideway, 617


potential control system, 618

propulsion, 613614

propulsion performance, 615616

schematic representation, 614615

merits, 633

multiphase linear reluctance machine, 630632

transverse-flux PM-LSM

airgap flux, 628

generic levitation and propulsion control, 628

schematic representation, 627

thrust multiplier character, 629

vector diagram, 627

Passive secondary suspension system, 550551

Permanent magnets (PM)

brushless motor, linear dc homopolar See (Linear dc homopolar-PM brushless motor)


characteristic in second quadrant, 19

linear demagnetization curve, 1920

local magnetic saturation, 21

plunger solenoid

power breaker, 415417

shielding solenoids, 415

PM-less solenoid design

bouncing reduction, 411414

FEM direct geometric optimization design, 415

on–off valve actuator, 410411

twin-coil valve actuators

circuit model and open-loop dynamics, 424426

close-loop position sensor and sensorless control, 427433

FEM analysis, 420421

geometrical FEM optimization design, 421424

position estimator, 426427

topology and principle, 417420

Plunger solenoids

circuit equations and force, 1214

description, 399400

dynamic nonlinear magnetic and electric circuit model, 408409

eddy currents and magnetic saturation

conductivity and permeability, 404

field penetration, 406

iron plate, 405

transient response, 407

uses, 408

linear circuit model, 402404


bouncing reduction, 411414

FEM direct geometric optimization design, 415

on–off valve actuator, 410411

power breaker, 415417

shielding solenoids, 415

principles, 401402

twin-coil valve actuators, pM

close-loop position sensor and sensorless control, 427433

FEM analysis, 420421

FEM-assisted circuit model and open-loop dynamics, 424426

FEM-assisted position estimator, 426427

geometrical FEM optimization design, 421424

topology and principle, 417420

PM-mover LOM

double-sided flat mover

FEM analysis, 488489, 491493

nonlinear model, 490, 493498

parameters estimation, 497498

performance improvements, 498499

prototype configuration, 485

state-space model, 485491

topology options, 464

tubular homopolar LOM

cogging force, 468469

current vs. resonance frequency, 469470

efficiency, 470

emf calculation, 468

with interior single-coil stator, 464, 467

magnetic circuit model, 466, 467

tubular multi-PM-mover multi-coil LOM, 470485

Power levitation goodness factor, 567

PWM converters

C-dump converter, 269, 271

hysteresis current control, 269270

variable dc link voltage buck-boost converter, 272273


Repulsive force levitation system (RFLS)

coil-PM repulsive force levitation system, 587590

damping oscillations

active electric dampers, 579, 581584

passive electric dampers, 579

passive electric dampers and SSS, 580, 584586

SSS, 580

dynamics of, 578579

normal-flux superconducting coil

ladder secondary See (Normal-flux ladder secondary RFLS)

levitation goodness factor, 567

schematic diagram, 566

sheet secondary See (Sheet secondary normal-flux RFLS)

null-flux superconducting coil, 575578

PM-PM RFLS, 590591

Repulsive magnetic wheel, 586587

Robust control systems, ALS

fast current and force responses, 555

gain scheduling, 554

MAGLEV industrial transport platform, 556558

sliding mode control, 554

SM-PI-current control system, 556


Sawyer linear motor, 369371

Scalar close-loop control, LIM, 113114

Secondary suspension system (SSS)

and electric dampers, 584586

passive, 550551

schematic representation, 580

Sensorless direct thrust and flux control (DTFC) system

high-speed LIM

block diagram, 123124

urban SLIM thrust control response, 123125

low-speed LIM

block diagram, 120

observers for primary and secondary flux linkage, 119

parameters, 120121

slip frequency, 118

stator currents, primary flux and thrust, 120122

Sheet secondary normal-flux RFLS

current density lines, 571

current density vs. motion direction, 571572

image SC, 571, 573

levitation and drag force, 571573

normal-flux superconducting coil, 570

SC field distribution, 569


arrangements for transportation, 149150

high-speed SLIM design See (Interurban SLIM vehicles)

medium speed SLIM design See (Urban SLIM vehicles)

Soft magnetic materials, LEM

characteristics, 1718

magnetization curve and hysteresis cycle, 18

permeabilities, 19

Solenoids and linear oscillatory machines

compressor drive, 47, 50

with control coil, 4647

door lockers in hotels, 4647

microphone/speaker, linear vibrator and moving coil PM actuator, 46, 48

resonant oscillator with PM and iron mover, 47, 49

speaker with handheld and waterproof, 47, 49

springless resonant LOM, 5051

Space phasor model


coordinates, 110

for steady state, 110111

sudden ac symmetrical input, 113

types of controls, 112


propulsion force, 238

steady-state and secondary coordinates, 237

thrust and normal force, 239

SSS, See Secondary suspension system (SSS)

State feedback control, ALS

control law, 546547

dc-dc converter, 548

external forces, 548549

Superconducting MAGLEV

feeding system of propulsion, 602, 604

generic magnetic bogie, 602

integrated propulsion-levitation guidance, 602, 604

JR-MLX, 601

levitation-guidance coil, 603

propulsion and levitation coils, 601602

specification, 602, 605

Superconducting magnet linear synchronous motors (SM-LSM)

configuration, 183184

control of, 204205


configuration, 198

constraints, 200201

functions, 201202

integrated propulsion-levitation guidance system., 199, 201

specification, 202204

low temperature system, 185

normal and lateral forces

components, 198

coordinates, 197

Neumann inductance formula, 196

stator coil, and asymmetric stator placement, 195196

switches to decentralizing mode, 198200

symmetric and asymmetric placement, 194195

technical circuit theory

emf, inductance and resistance, 188190

magnetic field of rectangular coil in air, 186188

performance, 193194

phasor diagram, power factor, and efficiency, 190193


T-LPMSM, See Tubular linear permanent magnet synchronous motors (T-LPMSM)


aerodynamic safety, 601

commercialization in 2002, 596

generic supply system, 598599

long stator cable three-phase winding, 597598

practical inductor, 597598

propulsion efficiency and power factor, 598599

propulsion structure with supply substations, 600

pure operation of LSM, 600

schematic representation, 596597

Transverse-flux PM-LSM MAGLEV

airgap flux, 628

generic levitation and propulsion control, 628

schematic representation, 627

thrust multiplier character, 629

vector diagram, 627

Tubular linear permanent magnet synchronous motors (T-LPMSM)

air-core three-phase windings, 366

circuit dq model, 341342

configurations, 332333

core losses, 348

armature flux density, 349350

primary three-phase mmf, 349

speed variation with, 350

design methodology, 354

airgap flux density, 357

circuit parameters, 358359

copper losses and efficiency, 360

magnetic circuit, 355357

number of turns per coil, 359360

slot mmf for peak thrust, 357358

specifications, 355

direct thrust and flux control, 353354

field oriented control

generic generator, 353

linear position sensor, 351

maximum thrust/current conditions, 352

open loop PWM, 352

fractionary three-phase ac winding, 336337

generator control design, 335

active suspension damper, 365

12 coil/14 pole combination, 363

fixed and nonfixed dc link voltage, 365

high thrust density, 361

mechanical airgap, 361

12 teeth/14 PM poles, 362

interpole PM-secondary, 335336

PM field distribution

Bessel functions, 344345

2D FEM, 348

Fourier series, 343

quasi-Halbach array, 342

radial flux density, 347348

primary iron core, 366

semiclosed slots lead, 335

short primary with long PM-secondary, 334335

six-coil (slot)/4 PM pole combination, 333

technical theory

Carter coefficient, 337

double layer windings, 340

flux conservation, 337

three-phase emfs, 339

winding factors, 338

tubular configuration, 366

Tubular multi-PM-mover multi-coil LOM

configuration, 465

2D FEM analysis, 473474

general design aspects, 470472

Hooke–Jeeves optimization algorithm, 472473

MATLAB code, 472

nonlinear circuit model, 478

close-loop sinusoidal current control, 483485

open-loop voltage application, 481482

schematic representation, 480481

optimization design methodology, 472473

simplified linear circuit model, 474481

specifications, 470

stator topology, 464465

Tubular SLIM with cage

additional experience-based data, 140

equivalent circuit parameter expressions, 140141

generic configuration, 139

number of turns per phase and equivalent circuit parameters, 144146

optimization design, 147

pole pitch, 141142

power factor and efficiency, 146

primary phase mmf, 143144

rated slip frequency, 142143

specifications, 139140

Two-coil mover two-PM pole stator LOM, 453


Urban SLIM vehicles

additional data from experience, 150151

aluminum edge effect, 152

dimensions, 151152

dynamic end effect influence, 156158

leakage inductance effect, 154

optimization design, 162163

peak thrust capability, 154156

secondary back-iron permeability, 153

secondary thermal design, 158161

specifications, 149150


Vector control, LIM

calculation of speed, thrust, efficiency and power factor, 116117

characteristics, 118

components, 114

field-oriented LIM control, 117

mechanical characteristics, 115116

Vehicle lifting at standstill, 553554

Vertical null-flux RFLS, 577

Voice–coil LEM equations and force, 14

Voice–coil PM motor, 518, 521


Zero power sliding mode control, 558562

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