Hypothesis Testing

Most of the procedures described in this text are inferential procedures that allow you to test specific hypotheses about the characteristics of populations. As an illustration, consider the simple experiment described earlier in which 50 agents were assigned to a difficult-goal condition and 50 other agents to an easy-goal condition. After one year, the agents with difficult goals had sold an average of $156,000 worth of insurance while the agents with easy goals had sold $121,000 worth. On the surface, this would seem to support your hypothesis that difficult goals cause agents to sell more insurance. But can you be sure of this? Even if goal setting had no effect at all, you would not really expect the two groups of 50 agents to sell exactly the same amount of insurance; one group would sell somewhat more than the other due to chance alone. The difficult-goal group did sell more insurance, but did it sell a sufficiently greater amount of insurance to suggest that the difference was due to your manipulation (i.e., random assignment to the experimental group)?

What’s more, it could easily be argued that you don’t even care about the amount of insurance sold by these two relatively small samples. What really matters is the amount of insurance sold by the larger populations that they represent. The first population could be defined as “the population of agents who are assigned difficult goals” and the second would be “the population of agents who are assigned easy goals.” Your real research question involves the issue of whether the first population sells more than the second. This is where hypothesis testing comes in.

Types of Inferential Tests

Generally speaking, there are two types of tests conducted when using inferential procedures: tests of group differences and tests of association. With a test of group differences, you typically want to know whether populations differ with respect to their scores on some criterion variable. The present experiment would lead to a test of group differences because you want to know whether the average amount of insurance sold in the population of difficult-goal agents is different from the average amount sold in the population of easy-goal agents. A different example of a test of group differences might involve a study in which the researcher wants to know whether Caucasian-Americans, African-Americans, and Asian-Americans differ with respect to their scores on an academic achievement scale. Notice that in both cases, two or more distinct populations are being compared with respect to their scores on a single criterion variable.

With a test of association on the other hand, you are working with a single group of individuals and want to know whether or not there is a relationship between two or more variables. Perhaps the best-known test of association involves testing the significance of a correlation coefficient. Assume that you have conducted a simple correlational study in which you asked 100 agents to complete the 20-item goal-difficulty questionnaire. Remember that with this questionnaire, participants could receive a score ranging from a low of 0 to a high of 100 (interval measurement). You could then correlate these goal-difficulty scores with the amount of insurance sold by agents that year. Here, the goal-difficulty scores constitute the predictor variable while the amount of insurance sold serves as the criterion. Obtaining a strong positive correlation between these two variables would mean that the more difficult the agents’ goals, the more insurance they tended to sell. Why would this be called a test of association? That is because you are determining whether there is an association, or relationship, between the predictor and criterion variables. Notice also that only one group is studied (i.e., there is no random assignment or experimental manipulation that creates a difficult-goal sample versus an easy-goal sample).

To be thorough, it is worth mentioning that there are some relatively sophisticated procedures that also allow you to perform a third type of test: whether the association between variables is the same across multiple groups. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) is one procedure that enables such a test. For example, you might hypothesize that the association between self-reported Goal Difficulty and insurance sales is stronger in the population of agents assigned difficult goals than it is in the population assigned easy goals. To test this assertion, you might randomly assign a group of insurance agents to either an easy-goal condition or a difficult-goal condition (as described earlier). Each agent could complete the 20-item self-report goal difficulty scale and then be exposed to the appropriate treatment. Subsequently, you would record each agent’s sales. Analysis of covariance would allow you to determine whether the relationship between questionnaire scores and sales is stronger in the difficult-goal population than it is in the easy-goal population. (ANCOVA would also allow you to test a number of additional hypotheses.)

Types of Hypotheses

Two different types of hypotheses are relevant to most statistical tests. The first is called the null hypothesis, which is generally abbreviated as H0. The null hypothesis is a statement that, in the population(s) being studied, there are either (a) no difference between the groups or; (b) no relationship between the measured variables. For a given statistical test, either (a) or (b) will apply, depending on whether one is conducting a test of group differences or a test of association, respectively.

With a test of group differences, the null hypothesis states that, in the population, there are no differences between groups studied with respect to their mean scores on the criterion variable. In the experiment in which a difficult-goal condition is being compared to an easy-goal condition, the following null hypothesis might be used:

H0:In the population, individuals assigned difficult goals do not differ from individuals assigned easy goals with respect to the mean amount of insurance sold.

This null hypothesis can also be expressed mathematically with symbols in the following way:

H0:M1 = M2


H0represents null hypothesis
M1represents mean sales for the difficult-goal population
M2represents mean sales for the easy-goal population

In contrast to the null hypothesis, you will also form an alternative hypothesis (H1) that states the opposite of the null. The alternative hypothesis is a statement that there is a difference between groups, or that there is a relationship between the variables in the population(s) studied.

Perhaps the most common alternative hypothesis is a nondirectional alternative hypothesis (often referred to as a 2-sided hypothesis). With a test of group differences, a no-direction alternative hypothesis predicts that the various populations will differ, but makes no specific prediction as to how they will differ (e.g., one outperforming the other). In the preceding experiment, the following nondirectional null hypothesis might be used:

H1:In the population, individuals assigned difficult goals differ from individuals assigned easy goals with respect to the amount of insurance sold.

This alternative hypothesis can also be expressed with symbols in the following way:

H1:M1 ≠ M2

In contrast, a directional or 1-sided alternative hypothesis makes a more specific statement regarding the expected outcome of the analysis. With a test of group differences, a directional alternative hypothesis not only predicts that the populations differ, but also contends which will be relatively high and which will be relatively low. Here is a directional alternative hypothesis for the preceding experiment:

H1:The amount of insurance sold is higher in the population of individuals assigned difficult goals than in the population of individuals assigned easy goals.

This hypothesis can be symbolically represented in the following way:

H1:M1 > M2

Had you believed that the easy-goal population would sell more insurance, you would have replaced the “greater than” symbol ( > ) with the “less than” symbol ( < ), as follows:

H1:M1 < M2

Null and alternative hypotheses are also used with tests of association. For the study in which you correlated goal-difficulty questionnaire scores with the amount of insurance sold, you might have used the following null hypothesis:

H0:In the population, the correlation between goal-difficulty scores and the amount of insurance sold is zero.

You could state a nondirectional alternative hypothesis that corresponds to this null hypothesis in this way:

H1:In the population, the correlation between goal-difficulty scores and the amount of insurance sold is not equal to zero.

Notice that the preceding is an example of a nondirectional alternative hypothesis because it does not specifically predict whether the correlation is positive or negative, only that it is not zero. On the other hand, a directional alternative hypothesis might predict a positive correlation between the two variables. You could state such a prediction as follows:

H1:In the population, the correlation between goal-difficulty scores and the amount of insurance sold is greater than zero.

There is an important advantage associated with the use of directional alternative hypotheses compared to nondirectional hypotheses. Directional hypotheses allow researchers to perform 1-sided statistical tests (also called 1-tail tests), which are relatively powerful. Here, “powerful” means that one-sided tests are more likely to find statistically significant differences between groups when differences really do exist. In contrast, nondirectional hypotheses allow only 2-sided statistical tests (also called 2-tail tests) that are less powerful.

Because they lead to more powerful tests, directional hypotheses are generally preferred over nondirectional hypotheses. However, directional hypotheses should be stated only when they can be justified on the basis of theory, prior research, or some other acceptable reason. For example, you should state the directional hypothesis that “the amount of insurance sold is higher in the population of individuals assigned difficult goals than in the population of individuals assigned easy goals” only if there are theoretical or empirical reasons to believe that the difficult-goal group will indeed score higher on insurance sales. The same should be true when you specifically predict a positive correlation rather than a negative correlation (or vice versa).

The p or Significance Value

Hypothesis testing, in essence, is a process of determining whether you can reject your null hypothesis with an acceptable level of confidence. When analyzing data with SAS, you will review the output for two pieces of information that are critical for this purpose: the obtained statistic and the probability (p) or significance value associated with that statistic. For example, consider the experiment in which you compared the difficult-goal group to the easy-goal group. One way to test the null hypothesis associated with this study would be to perform an independent samples t test (described in detail in Chapter 8, “t Tests: Independent Samples and Paired Samples”). When the data analysis for this study has been completed, you would review a t statistic and its corresponding p value. If the p value is very small (e.g., p < .05), you will reject the null hypothesis.

For example, assume that you obtain a t statistic of 0.14 and a corresponding p value of .90. This p value indicates that there are 90 chances in 100 that you would obtain a t statistic of 0.14 (or larger) if the null hypothesis were true. Because this probability is high, you would report that there is very little evidence to refute the null hypothesis. In other words, you would fail to reject your null hypothesis and would, instead, conclude that there is not sufficient evidence to find a statistically significant difference between groups (i.e., between group differences might well be due only to chance).

On the other hand, assume that the research project instead produces a t value of 3.45 and a corresponding p value of . 01. The p value of . 01 indicates that there is only one chance in 100 that you would obtain a t statistic of 3.45 (or larger) if the null hypothesis were true. This is so unlikely that you can be fairly confident that the null hypothesis is not true. You would therefore reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the two populations do, in fact, appear to differ. In rejecting the null hypothesis, you have tentatively accepted the alternative hypothesis.

Technically, the p value does not really provide the probability that the null hypothesis is true. Instead, it provides the probability that you would obtain the present results (the present t statistic, in this case) if the null hypothesis were true. This might seem like a trivial difference, but it is important that you not be confused by the meaning of the p value.

Notice that you were able to reject the null hypothesis only when the p value was a fairly small number (.01, in the above example). But how small must a p value be before you can reject the null hypothesis? A p value of .05 seems to be the most commonly accepted cutoff. Typically, when researchers obtain a p value larger than .05 (such as .13 or .37), they will fail to reject the null hypothesis and will instead conclude that the differences or relationships being studied were not statistically significant (i.e., differences can occur as a matter of chance alone). When they obtain a p value smaller than .05 (such as .04 or .02 or . 01), they will reject the null hypothesis and conclude that differences or relationships being studied are statistically significant. The .05 level of significance is not an absolute rule that must be followed in all cases, but it should be serviceable for most types of investigations likely to be conducted in the social sciences.

Fixed Effects versus Random Effects

Experimental designs can be represented as mathematical models and these models can be described as fixed-effects models, random-effects models, or mixed-effects models. The use of these terms refers to the way that the levels of the independent (or predictor) variable were selected.

When the researcher arbitrarily selects the levels of the independent variable, the independent variable is called a fixed-effects factor and the resulting model is a fixed-effects model. For example, assume that, in the current study, you arbitrarily decide that participants in your easy-goal condition would be told to make just 5 cold calls per week and that participants in the difficult-goal condition would be told to make 25 cold calls per week. In this case, you have fixed (i.e., arbitrarily selected) the levels of the independent variable. Your experiment therefore represents a fixed-effects model.

In contrast, when the researcher randomly selects levels of the independent variable from a population of possible levels, the independent variable is called a random-effects factor, and the model is a random-effects model. For example, assume that you have determined that the number of cold calls that an insurance agent could possibly place in one week ranges from 0 to 45. This range represents the population of cold calls that you could possibly research. Assume that you use some random procedure to select two values from this population (perhaps by drawing numbers from a hat). Following this procedure, the values 12 and 32 are drawn. When conducting your study, one group of participants is assigned to make at least 12 cold calls per week, while the second is assigned to make 32 calls. In this instance, your study represents a random-effects model because the levels of the independent variable were randomly selected.

Most research in the social sciences involves fixed-effects models. As an illustration, assume that you are conducting research on the effectiveness of hypnosis in reducing anxiety among participants who suffer from test anxiety. Specifically, you could perform an experiment that compares the effectiveness of 10 sessions of relaxation training versus 10 sessions of relaxation training plus hypnosis. In this study, the independent variable might be labeled something like Type of Therapy. Notice that you did not randomly select these two treatment conditions from the population of all possible treatment conditions; you knew which treatments you wished to compare and designed the study accordingly. Therefore, your study represents a fixed-effects model.

To provide a nonexperimental example, assume that you were to conduct a study to determine whether Hispanic-Americans score significantly higher than Korean-Americans on academic achievement. The predictor variable in your study would be Ethnicity while the criterion variable would be scores on some index of academic achievement. In all likelihood, you would not have arbitrarily chosen “Hispanic American” versus “Korean American” because you are particularly interested in these two ethnic groups; you did not randomly select these groups from all possible ethnic groups. Therefore, the study is again an example of a fixed-effects model.

Of course, random-effects factors do sometimes appear in social science research. For example, in a repeated-measures investigation (in which repeated measures on the criterion variable are taken from each participant), participant group is viewed as a random-effects factor (assuming that they have been randomly selected). Some studies include both fixed-effects factors and random-effects factors. The resulting models are called mixed-effects models.

This distinction between fixed versus random effects has important implications for the types of inferences that can be drawn from statistical tests. When analyzing a fixed-effects model, you can generalize the results of the analysis only to the specific levels of the independent variable that were manipulated in that study. This means that if you arbitrarily selected 5 cold calls versus 25 cold calls for your two treatment conditions, once the data are analyzed you can draw conclusions only about the population of agents assigned 5 cold calls versus the population assigned 25 cold calls.

If, on the other hand, you randomly selected two values for your treatment conditions (say 12 versus 32 cold calls) from the population of possible values, your model is a random-effects model. This means that you can draw conclusions about the entire population of possible values that your independent variable could assume; these inferences would not be restricted to just the two treatment conditions investigated in the study. In other words, you could draw inferences about the relationship between the population of the possible number of cold calls to which agents might be assigned and the criterion variable (insurance sales).

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