Mind mapping is a technique that enables you to brainstorm, that is, to let your thoughts flow freely. It works by allowing spontaneous thoughts on a particular topic to flow unchecked, then recording them on paper. While writing each thought, you draw a circle or bubble around each one and connect it with a related idea. Remember, each bubble represents a thought, and each thought is connected to a related one.

When mind mapping, do not evaluate an idea until you’ve completed the entire diagram. If you judge too early, you will consciously and subconsciously filter ideas.

After completing mind mapping, you must bring order to your creation. Go through the diagram and eliminate, add, or modify ideas. Then create some sort of sketch, memo, or report by referring to the diagram.

Mind mapping is advantageous because it is easy and can be fun to do. It also enables the identification of relationships among ideas.

image for Mind Mapping

  • image Clear your mind of all preconceived notions.
  • image On a piece of paper or using computer software, draw a circle. Inside it, write your main thought.
  • image Start drawing circles, writing the applicable thought inside each one.
    • image Note: Related thoughts should be close to each other.
  • image As you draw circles, be sure to draw a line connecting all the related thoughts, which will show their relationships.


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