Code for weather station stage 1, acquiring data from all the sensors and displaying it in the console

Before moving on to the code, let's have a look at the algorithm first:

  1. Import libraries.
  2. Initialize input pins.
  3. Read raw values.
  4. Process the values.
  5. Display it to the console.

This is similar to the earlier example, the only difference being that we're going to use three sensors. In this case, the code will be written in Node.js, since at a later stage we'll be pushing it to the cloud, that is,



//Import mraa

var mraa= require('mraa'), var B=4275;
var R0=100000;

//Temperature pin

var tempPin=new mraa.Aio(0);

//Sound pin

varsoundPin= new mraa.Aio(1);

//Smoke pin

varpolPin= new mraa.Aio(2);

//Processing of temperature var;
var R=1023/a-1; R=100000*R;
var temperature=1/(Math.log(R/100000)/B+1/298.15)-273.15; temperature = +temperature.toFixed(2);
//Smoke read


//Sound read


console.log("Temperature= ",temperature);console.log("Soundlevel= ",sndRead);console.log("Smoke level= ", smokeValue); setTimeout(displayRes,500);


Before explaining the code, processing has only been performed on the temperature sensor. For the sound level, we'll send raw values because for conversion into decibels, which is a relative quantity, we need to access the sound pressure of two instances. So we will restrict ourselves to raw values. However, we can certainly find a threshold value of the raw readings and use the threshold to invoke an action, such as turning on an LED or sounding a buzzer.

Now, let's have a close look at the code. Most of the code is similar to that of the temperature module. We've added a few more lines for smoke and sound detection:

//Sound pin
varsoundPin= new mraa.Aio(1);
//Smoke pin
varpolPin= new mraa.Aio(2);

In the preceding lines, we declared which analog pins are used for sound sensor input and smoke sensor input. In the following lines we will read the values:

//Smoke read
//Sound read

Ultimately, we display the captured values using the console.

When dealing with sensors such as smoke and sound  sensors, we may not get the standard unit values directly. In these cases, we need to manually calibrate the sensors to simulate an environment of known values. Suppose in case of a smoke sensor, we set up an environment where we know what the value is, then by varying the potentiometer we change the value of the variable resistance, thus calibrating the sensor. That's one of the many standard procedures available. Calibration will be dealt with in detail when we cover the robotics module.

When you run the preceding code in the console, you will get the output from all the sensors. Try to increase smoke around the smoke sensor or speak loudly in front of the sound sensor to increase the value, or keep the temperature sensor near your laptop vent to get a higher reading. The following is the screenshot of the values obtained from the sensors:

Sensor reading output

Once you obtain the readings, we can push them to the cloud and display them on the dashboard.

Here, if you notice that you are not getting correct readings, then you need to adjust the potentiometer available on the sensor to calibrate it manually. For uploading it to the cloud, we need to impart some changes in the code. Refer to the following code for pushing all the three data obtained to

function dweetSend()
vardweetClient = require("node-dweetio"); vardweetio = new
//Import mraa
var mraa= require('mraa'), var B=4275;
var R0=100000;
//Temperature pin
var tempPin=new mraa.Aio(0);
//Sound pin
varsoundPin= new mraa.Aio(1);
//Smoke pin
varpolPin= new mraa.Aio(2);
//Processing of temperature var;
var R=1023/a-1; R=100000*R;
var temperature=1/(Math.log(R/100000)/B+1/298.15)-273.15;
temperature = +temperature.toFixed(2);
//Smoke read
//Sound read
{Temperature:temperature, SmokeLevel:smokeValue,
SoundLevel:sndRead}, function(err, dweet)
console.log(dweet.thing); // "my-thing"
console.log(dweet.content); // The content
of the dweet
console.log(dweet.created); // The create
date of the dweet

In the preceding code, again you will find lots of similarities with the code for temperature. Here, we have performed three read operations and we've sent all the three values respective to the parameter it represents. It's evident from the following line:

dweetio.dweet_for("WeatherStation", {Temperature:temperature, SmokeLevel:smokeValue, SoundLevel:sndRead}, function(err, dweet)

Transfer the code by following a similar process that was discussed before, using FileZilla, and execute it using the node command:

PuTTY Terminal

Having a look at the preceding screenshot, it's clear that values are being sent. Now, please note the sound and smoke values. Initially, music was being played, so we got sound values in the range of 20-70. For the smoke sensor, the standard value is around 250-300. In the last reading, I applied some smoke and it shot to 374. Now browse to your portal and you will notice the values being updated live: screenshot for live data

Once we have things set up on this side, we'll add two more gauges to for visualizations. Log on to and follow the method as explained before for addition of gauges. Be specific when matching the DATASOURCES where you need to specify the parameter: final layout

Once this is done, well, you will have your own weather station ready, and up and running. Once we understand the concepts, it's extremely easy to realize these mini projects.

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