Hardware components and detailed circuit diagram

For the project to be realized, we will deal with the following hardware components:

  • Grove temperature sensor
  • Grove sound sensor
  • MQ2 smoke sensor

All of the preceding three sensors have more or less a similar configuration of pins, so connections are pretty simple. As already explained, we're going to use the analog pins on the Intel Edison for the input from the sensors.

The MQ2 sensor returns raw values. Here, we'll use the raw values and calibrate the sensor based on the level of smoke.

The following is the circuit diagram for the system. Please note that we've only mentioned the pins that will be used:

Circuit diagram - weather station

We've made a common Vcc and Gnd connection where all the sensors are hooked up. Next, we need three analog pins. These pins are connected to the analog output pins of the sensors. It should be noted that some sensors may have two output pins, one of which one is analog out, while the other is digital out. Since we are interested in analog output, we will not be using the digital output pins. In this project, the MQ2 sensor (the smoke sensor) has such a configuration.

For calibrating the Smoke sensor, we need the presence of some smoke that the sensor is sensitive to. Although we'll be pushing raw values, for local alarms the thresholding technique may be used.

Connect your sensor and the Edison device based on the preceding circuit diagram. Once connected, you are good to go with the code.

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