Intel Edison and Security System

In previous chapters, we learned how we can use the Intel Edison to develop applications related to IoT where we displayed live sensor data and also controlled the Edison itself. We also learned the development of an Android and a WPF app that was used to control the Intel Edison. Well, this chapter is more on the local front of the Intel Edison where we are going to use the built-in features of the device. This chapter is concentrated mainly on two key points:

  • Speech and voice processing with the Intel Edison
  • Image processing with the Intel Edison

All the codes are to be written in Python, so some parts of the chapter will concentrate on Python programming as well. In this chapter, we'll operate the Intel Edison using voice commands and then ultimately detect faces using the Intel Edison and a webcam. This chapter will thus explore the core capabilities of the Intel Edison. Since most of the code is in Python, it is advisable to download Python for your PC from the following website:

This chapter will be divided into two parts. The first part will concentrate on only speech or voice processing and we'll do a mini-project based on that while the second part, which will be a bit lengthy, will concentrate on the image processing aspect of it using OpenCV.

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