Cloud or IoT platform

This is perhaps one of the most important parts of the entire IoT ecosystem because of the fact that at the end we need to upload the data so that it can be accessed from anywhere, which is the Internet part of IoTs. Normally we prefer to go for IoTs platforms. These platforms have their own SDKs and we just use those SDKs to pair up our device with the IoT platform and upload the data. Top-level players in the IoT platform include Microsoft Windows Azure, IBM Bluemix, and Amazon Web Services. There are other platforms that provide those services, such as Datonis, Dweet, Thingspeak, Thingworx, and many more. The choice of the IoT platform is very specific to the use case depending on certain factors, such as:

  • Protocols it supports: These are mainly REST, web sockets, and MQTT
  • Dashboard capability: The platforms, own dashboards for visualization and the flexibility of development of custom dashboards
  • Rule engines: These include the rules that are needed to be defined based on the incoming data
  • Event-based services: These are the necessity of triggering of events based on the output of the rule engines

In this chapter, we will be discussing the use of for our project, a mini weather station.

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