Cover Page



Title Page




Part One: Understanding the World

Chapter 1: You, the Discoverer

1.1 Venturing into the Unknown

1.2 Embarking on a Ph.D.

1.3 The Art of Discovery

1.4 About this Book

1.5 How to Use this Book

Further Reading

Chapter 2: What is Science?

2.1 Characteristics of the Scientific Approach

2.2 The Inductive Method

2.3 The Hypothetico-Deductive Method

2.4 Consequences of Falsification

2.5 The Role of Confirmation

2.6 Perception is Personal

2.7 The Scientific Community

2.8 Summary

Further Reading

Chapter 3: Science's Childhood

3.1 Infancy

3.2 Ionian Dawn

3.3 Divine Mathematics

3.4 Adolescence – Revolution!

3.5 The Children of the Revolution

3.6 Summary

Further Reading

Chapter 4: Science Inclined to Experiment

4.1 Galileo's Important Experiment

4.2 Experiment or Hoax?

4.3 Reconstructing the Experiment

4.4 Getting the Swing of Things

4.5 The Message from the Plane

4.6 Summary

Chapter 5: Scientists, Engineers and Other Poets

5.1 Research and Development

5.2 Characteristics of Research

5.3 Building Theories

5.4 The Relationship between Theory and Reality

5.5 Creativity

5.6 Summary

Further Reading

Part Two: Interfering with theWorld

Chapter 6: Experiment!

6.1 What is an Experiment?

6.2 Questions, Answers and Experiments

6.3 A Gallery of Experiments

6.4 Reflections on the Exhibition

6.5 Summary

Further Reading

Chapter 7: Basic Statistics

7.1 The Role of Statistics in Data Analysis

7.2 Populations and Samples

7.3 Descriptive Statistics

7.4 Probability Distribution

7.5 The Central Limit Effect

7.6 Normal Probability Plots

7.7 Confidence Intervals

7.8 The t-Distribution

7.9 Summary

Further Reading

Chapter 8: Statistics for Experiments

8.1 A Teatime Experiment

8.2 The Importance of Randomization

8.3 One-Sided and Two-Sided Tests

8.4 The t-Test for One Sample

8.5 The Power of a Test

8.6 Comparing Two Samples

8.7 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

8.8 A Measurement System Analysis

8.9 Other Useful Hypothesis Tests

8.10 Interpreting p-Values

8.11 Correlation

8.12 Regression Modeling

8.13 Summary

Further Reading

Chapter 9: Experimental Design

9.1 Statistics and the Scientific Method

9.2 Designs with One Categorical Factor

9.3 Several Categorical Factors: the Full Factorial Design

9.4 Are Interactions Important?

9.5 Factor Screening: Fractional Factorial Designs

9.6 Determining the Confounding Pattern

9.7 Design Resolution

9.8 Working with Screening Designs

9.9 Continuous Factors: Regression and Response Surface Methods

9.10 Summary

Further Reading

Chapter 10: Phase I: Planning

10.1 The Three Phases of Research

10.2 Experiment 1: Visual Orientation in a Beetle

10.3 Experiment 2: Lift-Off Length in a Diesel Engine

10.4 Finding Out What is Not Known

10.5 Determining the Scope

10.6 Tools for Generating Hypotheses

10.7 Thought Experiments

10.8 Planning Checklist

10.9 Summary

Chapter 11: Phase II: Data Collection

11.1 Generating Understanding from Data

11.2 Measurement Uncertainty

11.3 Developing a Measurement System

11.4 Measurement System Analysis

11.5 The Data Collection Plan

11.6 Summary

Further Reading

Chapter 12: Phase III: Analysis and Synthesis

12.1 Turning Data into Information

12.2 Graphical Analysis

12.3 Mathematical Analysis

12.4 Writing a Scientific Paper

12.5 Writing a Ph.D. Thesis

12.6 Farewell

12.7 Summary

Further Reading


Standard Normal Probabilities

Probability Points for the t-Distribution


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