2.6 Discrete-Time Estimator of the Cyclic Cross-Correlation Function

In this section, the discrete-time cyclic cross-correlogram of the discrete-time process obtained by uniformly sampling a continuous-time GACS process is shown to be a mean-square consistent and asymptotically complex Normal estimator of the continuous-time cyclic cross-correlation function as the data-record length approaches infinity and the sampling period approaches zero (Napolitano 2009).

Note that the results of Section 2.6 for discrete-time processes cannot be obtained straightforwardly by substituting integrals with sums into the results of Sections 2.4.1 –2.4.3 which have been obtained for continuous-time processes as is made, in the stationary case, in (Brillinger and Rosenblatt 1967).

2.6.1 Discrete-Time Cyclic Cross-Correlogram

In this section, the discrete-time cyclic cross-correlogram is defined and its mean and covariance are evaluated for finite number of samples and sampling period.

Definition 2.6.1 Let yd(n) and xd(n) be the discrete-time processes defined in (2.172). Their discrete-time cyclic cross-correlogram (DT-CCC) at cycle frequency img is defined as

(2.181) equation


(2.182) equation

is a data-tapering window nonzero in { − N, ..., N}, with a(t) as in Assumption 2.4.5. img

Note that since a(t) has finite width, the infinite sum in (2.181) is in fact a finite sum from n0N to n0 + N.

By taking the expected value of the DT-CCC (2.181) and using (2.174c), the following result is obtained, where the assumptions allow to interchange the order of sum and expectation operations and the order of double-index sums.

Theorem 2.6.2 Expected Value of the Discrete-Time Cyclic Cross-Correlogram (Napolitano 2009, Theorem 5.1). Let xd(n) and yd(n) be the discrete-time processes defined in (2.172). Under Assumptions 2.4,2a (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3a (Fourier series regularity), and 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity) on the continuous-time processes x(t) and y(t), the expected value of the DT-CCC (2.181) is given by

(2.183) equation


(2.184) equation

with A(f) Fourier transform of a(t).

Proof: See Section 3.9. img

The function V1/N(ν) is periodic with period 1 and has bandwidth of the order of 1/N. Consequently, the cycle-frequency resolution is of the order of 1/N and aliasing in the cycle-frequency img domain occurs. Specifically, from (2.183) it follows that in the img-domain the expected value of the DT-CCC can be significantly different from zero within intervals of width 1/N parallel to the img axis and centered in the points img with img, img. Such points correspond to scaled and aliased samples of the lag-dependent cycle frequency curves α = αk(τ), that is, the support curves of the continuous-time cyclic cross-correlation function (see Figure 2.4a, where the magnitude of the cyclic autocorrelation function of the continuous-time chirp modulated PAM signal of Section 2.2.6 is represented). Moreover, the expected value at img is due essentially to all lag-dependent cycle frequencies αk(τ), such that

(2.185) equation

for some integer p and some img. That is, a leakage phenomenon among lag-dependent cycle-frequency curves which are sufficiently close (modulo fs) to each other occurs (Figure 2.4c) (see also the discussion following Theorem 2.4.6 for the continuous-time estimator). Therefore, both aliasing and cyclic leakage effects are present. The effect of cyclic leakage becomes negligible as N→ ∞ and the effect of aliasing becomes negligible as Ts → 0. In contrast, in the expected value of the continuous-time cyclic cross-correlogram, only cyclic leakage, without aliasing in the cycle frequency domain, is present (Figure 2.4b).

Figure 2.4 Chirp-modulated PAM signal: (a) Magnitude of the cyclic autocorrelation function as function of α and τ (see (2.104)(2.106)); (b) magnitude of the expected value of the continuous-time cyclic correlogram as function of α and τ (cyclic leakage, see (2.128)); (c) magnitude of the expected value of the discrete-time cyclic correlogram as function of img and m = τ/Ts (aliasing and cyclic leakage, see (2.183)).

Source: (Napolitano 2009) © IEEE


By expressing the covariance of the lag-product img in terms of second-order moments and a fourth-order cumulant, the following result can be proved, where the assumptions allow to interchange the order of sum and expectation operators and the order of multiple-index sum operations.

Theorem 2.6.3 Covariance of the Discrete-Time Cyclic Cross-Correlogram (Napolitano 2009, Theorem 5.2). Let xd(n) and yd(n) be discrete-time zero-mean processes defined in (2.172). Under Assumptions 2.4.2 (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3 (Fourier series regularity), and 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity) on the continuous-time processes x(t) and y(t), the covariance of the DT-CCC (2.181) is given by

(2.186) equation


(2.187) equation

(2.188) equation

(2.189) equation


(2.190) equation

(2.191) equation

(2.192) equation

(2.193) equation

Proof: See Section 3.9. img

2.6.2 Asymptotic Results as N→ ∞

In this section, the asymptotic (N→ ∞) expected value and covariance of the DT-CCC are determined and its asymptotic complex Normality is proved.

Theorem 2.6.4 Asymptotic Expected Value of the Discrete-Time Cyclic Cross-Correlogram (Napolitano 2009, Theorem 6.1). Let xd(n) and yd(n) be the discrete-time processes defined in (2.172). Under Assumptions 2.4.2a (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3a (Fourier series regularity), and 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity) on the continuous-time processes x(t) and y(t), the asymptotic (N→ ∞) expected value of the DT-CCC (2.181) is given by

(2.194) equation

Proof: See Section 3.10. img

Theorem 2.6.5 Asymptotic Covariance of the Discrete-Time Cyclic Cross-Correlogram (Napolitano 2009, Theorem 6.2). Let xd(n) and yd(n) be discrete-time zero-mean processes defined in (2.172). Under Assumptions 2.4.2 (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3 (Fourier series regularity), 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), and 2.4.8 (mixing conditions (I)) on the continuous-time processes x(t) and y(t), the asymptotic (N→ ∞) covariance of the DT-CCC (2.181) is given by

(2.195) equation


(2.196) equation

(2.197) equation

(2.198) equation

with img if img and img otherwise, and

(2.199) equation

In (2.196)(2.198), for notation simplicity, img, img, img, and img.

Proof: See Section 3.10. img

From Theorem 2.6.4 it follows that the DT-CCC (2.181) is an asymptotically (N→ ∞), unbiased estimator of the discrete-time cyclic cross-correlation function (2.173). Moreover, from Theorem 2.6.5 it follows that the variance of the DT-CCC asymptotically vanishes. Consequently, the DT-CCC is a mean-square consistent estimator of the discrete-time cyclic cross-correlation function, that is, of an aliased version of the continuous-time cyclic cross-correlation function (see (2.179a)).

In order to establish the rate of convergence to zero of the bias of the DT-CCC and its asymptotic Normality, the following assumption of lack of clusters (accumulation points) of cycle frequencies is needed.

Assumption 2.6.6 Lack of Support Curve Clusters (II). For every m, the set img defined in (2.180) does not contain any cluster of cycle frequencies. That is, let

(2.200) equation

then, for every img, no curve αk(τ) is such that the value [αk(mTs)Ts] mod 1 can be arbitrarily close to the cycle frequency img. Thus, for every img and m it results that

(2.201) equation


The set img is finite or at most countable and is the set of indices k such that, for the fixed img, m, and Ts we have img for some img. Assumption 2.6.6 means that the greatest lower bound (G.L.B.) or infimum of the distances img is nonzero for every img and img. That is, the point img is not a cluster of cycle frequencies. A sufficient condition assuring this is that the number of lag-dependent cycle frequencies is finite, that is, img is finite (see, e.g., the chirp-modulated PAM signal with raised cosine pulse in Section 2.2.6).

In the following, where necessary, the very mild assumption that for every fixed k the lag-dependent cycle frequency αk(τ) is bounded for finite τ will be made.

Let γ be the rate of decay to zero of A(f) as specified in Assumption 2.4.5. We have the following result.

Theorem 2.6.7 Rate of Convergence of the Bias of the Discrete-Time Cyclic Cross-Correlogram (Napolitano 2009, Theorem 6.3). Let xd(n) and yd(n) be the discrete-time processes defined in (2.172). Under Assumptions 2.4.2a (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3a (Fourier series regularity), 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), and 2.6.6 (lack of support curve clusters (II)), on the continuous-time processes x(t) and y(t), and provided that γ > 1 (or γ = 1 in the special case of a(t) = rect(t)), one obtains

(2.202) equation

Proof: See Section 3.10. img

In the following, the asymptotic (N→ ∞) complex Normality of the DT-CCC will be proved.


(2.203) equation

be second-order discrete-time lag-product waveforms, with optional complex conjugations [*]i, i = 1, ..., k, having kth-order cumulant img where the cumulant of complex processes is defined according to (Spooner and Gardner 1994, App. A) (see also Section 1.4.2).

Assumption 2.6.8 Mixing Conditions (IV). For every integer k ≥ 2, img, i = 1, ..., k and every conjugation configuration [*]1, ..., [*]k, there exists a positive bounded Riemann integrable (and hence also Lebesgue summable) function ϕ(s1, ..., sk−1), img, (depending on mi, i = 1, ..., k and the conjugation configuration) such that, for Ts fixed,

(2.204) equation

uniformly with respect to n. img

The function ϕ can be assumed Lebesgue integrable if it is defined in a compact. In fact, there exists a continuous function on the compact (hence Riemann integrable) close as desired to ϕ (Rudin 1987, p. 55) (Lusin Theorem).

Assumption 2.6.8 is the discrete-time counterpart of Assumption 2.4.15. Analogously to the continuous-time case, the cumulant img can be expressed as in (2.160). Therefore, Assumption 2.6.8 is satisfied provided that the cumulants up to order 2k of the elements taken from table (2.159) are summable. In addition, as already observed in the continuous-time case, Assumption 2.6.8 is fulfilled if the processes x(t) and y(t) have finite-memory or memory decaying sufficiently fast. Processes of this kind include communications signals with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) symbols or block coded symbols, processes with exponentially decaying joint probability density function, and finite-memory (time-variant) transformations of such processes. Moreover, Assumption 2.6.8 turns out to be verified if the stochastic processes zi(t), i = 1, ..., k are jointly kth-order GACS satisfying condition (2.165).

Analogously to the continuous-time case, the proof of the zero-mean joint complex asymptotic Normality of the random variables

(2.205) equation

is made in Theorem 2.6.22 showing that asymptotically (N → ∞)

1. img
2a. the covariance img is finite;
2b. the conjugate covariance img is finite;
3. img for k ≥ 3;

with superscript [*]h denoting optional complex conjugation. In fact, in Section 1.4.2 it is shown that these are necessary and sufficient conditions for the joint asymptotic Normality of complex random variables, where cumulants of complex random variables are defined according to (Spooner and Gardner 1994, App. A) (see also (1.209) and Section 1.4.2 for a discussion on the usefulness of this definition). Condition 1 follows from Theorem 2.6.7 on the rate of decay to zero of the bias of the DT-CCC. Condition 2a is a consequence of Theorem 2.6.5 on the asymptotic covariance of the DT-CCC. Condition 2b follows from Theorem 3.13.2. Finally, Condition 3 follows from Lemma 2.6.9 on the rate of decay to zero of the joint cumulant of DT-CCCs.

The main assumptions used to prove these theorems and lemmas are regularity of the (generalized) Fourier series of the almost-periodic second-and fourth-order cumulants of the underlying continuous-time GACS processes (Assumptions 2.4.2–2.4.3), short-range statistical dependence of the continuous-time GACS processes expressed in terms of summability of joint cumulants (Assumptions 2.4.8 and 2.6.8), and regularity of the data-tapering window (Assumption 2.4.5). A critical assumption used in the proof of Theorem 2.6.7 is lack of clusters of cycle frequencies of the discrete-time ACS processes (Assumptions 2.6.6). This can be obtained, for example, if the number of lag-dependent cycle frequencies αk(τ) is finite, that is, if the set img is finite.

Several differences exist between the assumptions used to prove the asymptotic properties of the continuous-time estimator (2.118) and those used for the discrete-time estimator (2.181). Specifically, Assumption 2.6.6 is stronger than the analogous Assumption 2.4.10 used to establish the rate of decay to zero of the bias of the continuous-time cyclic cross-correlogram and its asymptotic Normality. In fact, in (2.200) and (2.201) cycle frequencies have to be considered modulo fs and (2.201) could not be verified if the set img defined in (2.180) contains cluster points. In addition, the needed rate of decay to zero of A(f) as |f|→ ∞ is O(|f|γ) with γ > 1 (or γ = 1 in the special case of a(t) = rect(t)). In contrast, in the continuous-time case, γ > 1/2 is sufficient (see Theorem 2.4.18). Finally, unlike the continuous-time case, Assumptions 2.4.4 and 2.4.16 on boundedness of moments (used for application of the Fubini and Tonelli theorem) are not needed in the discrete-time case.

Lemma 2.6.9 Rate of Convergence to Zero of Cumulants of Discrete-Time Cyclic Cross-Correlograms (Napolitano 2009, Lemma 6.1). Under Assumptions 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity) and 2.6.8 (mixing conditions (IV)) for every k ≥ 2 and img > 0 one obtains

(2.206) equation

Proof: See Section 3.10. img

Theorem 2.6.10 Asymptotic Joint Normality of the Discrete-Time Cyclic Cross-Correlograms (Napolitano 2009, Theorem 6.4). Let xd(n) and yd(n) be discrete-time zero-mean processes defined in (2.172). Under Assumptions 2.4.2 (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3 (Fourier series regularity), 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), and 2.4.8 (mixing conditions (I)) on the continuous-time processes x(t) and y(t), under Assumptions 2.6.6 (lack of support curve clusters (II)) and 2.6.8 (mixing conditions (IV)) and provided that γ > 1 (or γ = 1 in the special case of a(t) = rect(t)), the random variables img defined in (2.205)


are asymptotically (as N→ ∞) zero-mean jointly complex Normal with asymptotic covariance matrix Σ with entries

(2.207) equation

given by (2.195) and asymptotic conjugate covariance matrix Σ(c) with entries

(2.208) equation

given by (3.256).

Proof: See Section 3.10. img

2.6.3 Asymptotic Results as N→ ∞ and Ts → 0

In order to obtain a reliable discrete-time estimate of samples of the continuous-time cyclic autocorrelation function, a further assumption is needed in order to control the amount of aliasing in (2.179a) and (2.179b) when the sampling period Ts approaches zero.

Assumption 2.6.11 Aliasing Series Summability. For every img and m there exists a sequence img of positive numbers independent of Ts such that

1. img
2. img

A sufficient condition such that Assumption 2.13 is verified is that

(2.209) equation

with r > 1 uniformly w.r.t. τ. Every GACS process x(t) with a finite number of lag-dependent cycle frequencies and bounded (conjugate) generalized cyclic autocorrelation functions satisfies (2.209) and consequently Assumption 2.6.11 with y ≡ x since only a finite number of nonzero terms is present in the sum over p (see, e.g., the chirp-modulated PAM signal with raised cosine pulse of Section 2.2.6). The case r = 1 in (2.209) (which occurs for example for a PAM signal with rectangular pulse) needs to be treated separately.

Lemma 2.6.12 (Napolitano 2009, Lemma 7.1). Under assumption (2.209) (from which Assumption 2.13 follows) one obtains

(2.210) equation


Proof: See Section 3.11. img

From Lemma 2.6.12 it follows that the aliasing terms (p ≠ 0) in (2.179a) and (2.179b) can be made arbitrarily small by making the sampling period Ts sufficiently small. Furthermore, from Theorems 2.6.4 and 2.6.5 it follows that, for any fixed Ts, the DT-CCC approaches in the mean-square sense the aliased cyclic cross-correlation function (2.179a)(2.179b) as the data-record length T = (2N + 1)Ts approaches infinity. Consequently, for Ts sufficiently small and N sufficiently large such that T = (2N + 1)Ts > 1, the DT-CCC img, at normalized cycle frequency img and normalized lag m = τ/Ts, can be made arbitrarily close to samples of the continuous-time cyclic cross-correlation function img in the mean-square sense, provided that τ and α are multiples of Ts and 1/Ts, respectively. Specifically, we have the following result.

Theorem 2.6.13 Mean-Square Consistency of the Discrete-Time Cyclic Cross-Correlogram (Napolitano 2009, Theorem 7.1). Under Assumptions 2.4.2 (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3 (Fourier series regularity), 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), 2.4.8 (mixing conditions (I)), and 2.6.11 (aliasing series summability) (i.e., the assumptions for Theorems 2.6.4, and 2.6.5, and Lemma 2.6.12) one obtains

(2.211) equation

where the order of the two limits cannot be interchanged and the limit is not necessarily uniform with respect to img.

Proof: See Section 3.11. img

From Theorem 2.6.13 it follows that the mean-square error between the DT-CCC and samples of the continuous-time cyclic cross-correlation function can be made arbitrarily small, provided that the data-record length is sufficiently large and the sampling period is sufficiently small. However, the asymptotic result of Theorem 2.6.13 has the drawback that, for fixed img and m, when Ts → 0 it follows img and τ = mTs → 0. Thus, this analysis turns out to be unhelpful if the asymptotic (as N→ ∞ and Ts → 0) bias and covariance are needed and asymptotic Normality needs to be proved. An asymptotic analysis not suffering from such a drawback can be made starting from the hybrid cyclic cross-correlogram (Napolitano 2009).

Definition 2.6.14 Let y(t) and x(t) be continuous-time processes. The hybrid cyclic cross-correlogram (H-CCC) at cycle frequency img and lag img of xd(n) defined as in (2.172) and

(2.212) equation

is defined as

(2.213) equation

where img is the data-tapering window nonzero in { − N, ..., N} defined in (2.182) (with a(t) as in Assumption 2.4.5). img

Note that, unlike the DT-CCC of Definition 2.6.1, the lag parameter τ is not necessarily an integer multiple of Ts, is not assumed to be proportional to Ts, and α is a cycle frequency not normalized to fs. Consequently, τ can be retained constant as Ts → 0 avoiding the drawback τ → 0 as Ts → 0 as in Theorem 2.6.13. Analogously, the cycle frequency of the continuous-time process does not need to be proportional to the sampling frequency fs and can be kept constant as fs→ ∞. It is worthwhile emphasizing that the hybrid cyclic cross-correlogram turns out to be useful just to analytically carry out the asymptotic analysis. In practice, the DT-CCC should be implemented since the available discrete-time samples are y((n + m)Ts). Thus, for a fixed value of τ, when Ts → 0, m should accordingly increase in order to keep constant the product mTs. Analogously, img should accordingly decrease in order to keep constant img. Note that, however, the H-CCC can actually be computed by using Definition 3.11.1 of time-shifted discrete-time signal with noninteger time shift and its implementation described in Fact 3.11.2.

The expected value and covariance of the H-CCC can be obtained with minor changes from those of the DT-CCC.

For finite N and Ts, from Theorem 2.6.2 with the replacements img and img we immediately get the expected value of the H-CCC:

(2.214) equation

where img is defined in (2.184). The function V1/N(ν) is periodic with period 1 and has a bandwidth of the order of 1/N. Consequently, the cycle-frequency resolution is of the order of 1/(NTs) and aliasing in the cycle-frequency α domain occurs. Specifically, from (2.214) it follows that the expected value of the H-CCC can be significantly different from zero within strips of width 1/(NTs) around the curves in the (α, τ)-plane defined by α = αk(τ) mod fs, img. Moreover, the expected value at (α, τ) is due essentially to all the lag-dependent cycle frequencies αk(τ) such that

(2.215) equation

for some integer p and some img. That is, a leakage phenomenon among lag-dependent cycle-frequency curves which are sufficiently close (modulo fs) to each other occurs (see also the discussion following Theorem 2.4.6 for the continuous-time estimator and Theorem 2.6.2 for the DT-CCC).

For finite N and Ts, from Theorem 2.6.3 we obtain the covariance of the H-CCC

(2.216) equation

where img, img, and img are defined in (2.187), (2.188), and (2.189), respectively, with the replacements τ1curvearrowrightm1Ts, img, τ2m2Ts, img, and img (defined in (2.190)) substituted by img.

The asymptotic results as N→ ∞ for the H-CCC are obtained, with minor changes, as those for the DT-CCC. In particular, result (3.175) of Lemma 3.10.2 should be used.

By reasoning as in Theorem 2.6.4, we have that the asymptotic (N→ ∞) expected value of the H-CCC(2.213) is given by

(2.217a) equation

(2.217b) equation

Furthermore, by reasoning as in Theorem 2.6.5, we have that the asymptotic (N→ ∞) covariance of the H-CCC (2.213) is given by

(2.218) equation

where img, img, and img are defined in (2.196), (2.197), and (2.198), respectively, with the replacements τ1curvearrowrightm1Ts, img, τ2m2Ts, img. Finally, the rate of convergence of the bias of the H-CCC as N→ ∞ is obtained by following the guidelines of Theorem 2.6.7:

(2.219) equation

where γ is the rate of decay to zero of A(f), the Fourier transform of the data-tapering window a(t).

In order to establish the rate of convergence to zero of the bias of the H-CCC and its asymptotic Normality as N→ ∞ and Ts → 0, an assumption on the lack of clusters of cycle frequencies different from Assumption 2.11 is needed. For this purpose, let us define the sets

(2.220) equation

(2.221a) equation

(2.221b) equation

(2.221c) equation

(strictly speaking, the second equality should be substituted by ⊆).

Assumption 2.6.15 Lack of Support Curve Clusters (III). For every τ, the cycle-frequency set img in (2.221c) does not contain any cluster of cycle frequencies. That is, let

(2.222) equation

then, for every img, no curve αk(τ) is such that the value αk(τ) mod fs can be arbitrarily close to the cycle frequency α. Thus, for every α and τ it results that

(2.223) equation


Assumption 2.6.15 means that there is no cluster of lag-dependent cycle-frequency curves, where cycle frequencies are considered modulo fs. Thus, it is stronger than Assumption 2.4.10. A sufficient condition assuring that Assumption 2.6.15 is satisfied is that the number of lag-dependent cycle-frequency curves is finite. That is, the set img is finite. Note that, Assumption 2.6.15 differs from Assumption 2.6.6 since the definitions of the sets img and img are different. Specifically, in the former the argument of the functions αk(·) does not depend on Ts whereas in the latter it does. Such a difference is fundamental in the study of the asymptotic properties as Ts → 0.

In the following, asymptotic results as N→ ∞ and Ts → 0 are provided. Condition N→ ∞ needs to find consistency for the discrete-time estimator, whereas condition Ts → 0 assures lack of aliasing. Note that, in order to have asymptotically an infinitely long data-record length, condition T = (2N+ 1)Ts → ∞ needs to be verified. Consequently, in the following asymptotic results, we have that first N→ ∞ and then Ts → 0, that is, the order of the two limits as N→ ∞ and Ts → 0 cannot be interchanged.

In the sequel, when necessary, the very mild assumption that the lag-dependent cycle frequencies αk(τ) are bounded for finite τ will be made.

Theorem 2.6.16. Asymptotic Expected Value of the Hybrid Cyclic Cross-Correlogram (Napolitano 2009, Theorem 7.2). Let y(t) and x(t) be wide-sense jointly GACS stochastic processes with cross-correlation function (2.31c). Under Assumptions 2.4.2a (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3a (Fourier series regularity), 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), and 2.6.11 (aliasing series summability), one obtains

(2.224) equation

where the order of the two limits cannot be interchanged.

Proof: See Section 3.11. img

Let A(f) be the Fourier transform of a(t). Under Assumption 2.4.5, there exists γ > 0 such that A(f) = O(|f|γ) as |f|→ ∞.

For the bias of the H-CCC

(2.225) equation

the following result holds.

Theorem 2.6.17. Rate of Convergence of the Bias of the Hybrid Cyclic Cross-Correlogram (Napolitano 2009, Theorem 7.3). Let y(t) and x(t) be wide-sense jointly GACS stochastic processes with cross-correlation function (2.31c). Under Assumptions 2.4.2a (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3a (Fourier series regularity), and 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity) assuming that the number of lag-dependent cycle frequencies is finite (so that also Assumptions 2.6.11 (aliasing series summability) and 2.6.15 (lack of support curve clusters (III)) are verified), and provided that γ > 1 (or γ = 1 in the special case of a(t) = rect(t)), one obtains

(2.226) equation

where the order of the two limits cannot be interchanged.

Proof: See Section 3.11. img

Theorem 2.6.28 Asymptotic Covariance of the Hybrid Cyclic Cross-Correlogram (Napolitano 2009, Theorem 7.4). Let y(t) and x(t) be zero-mean wide-sense jointly GACS stochastic processes with cross-correlation function (2.31c). Under Assumptions 2.4.2 (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3 (Fourier series regularity), 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), and 2.4.8 (mixing conditions (I)) (with the sets img and img finite), the asymptotic (N→ ∞ and Ts → 0 with NTs→ ∞) covariance of the H-CCC (2.213) is given by

(2.227) equation

with img, and img given by (2.147), (2.148), and (2.149) (in Theorem 2.4.13), respectively, where the order of the two limits cannot be interchanged.

Proof: See Section 3.11. img

By comparing the results of Theorems 2.4.13 and 2.6.18 it follows that the asymptotic (T→ ∞) covariance of the continuous-time cyclic cross-correlogram img and the asymptotic (N→ ∞ and Ts → 0 with NTs→ ∞) covariance of the H-CCC img are coincident. That is,

(2.228) equation

From Theorem 2.6.16 it follows that the H-CCC is an asymptotically (N→ ∞ and Ts → 0 with NTs→ ∞) unbiased estimator of the continuous-time cyclic cross-correlation function. Moreover, from Theorem 2.6.18 it follows that the H-CCC has asymptotically vanishing variance. Therefore, the H-CCC is a mean-square consistent estimator of the continuous-time cyclic cross-correlation function.

The proof of the zero-mean joint complex asymptotic Normality of the random variables

(2.229) equation

is given in Theorem 2.6.20 showing that asymptotically (N→ ∞ and Ts → 0 with NTs→ ∞)

1. img
2a. the covariance img is finite;
2b. the conjugate covariance img is finite;
3. img for k ≥ 3

with superscript [*]h denoting optional complex conjugation. Condition 1 follows from Theorem 2.6.17 on the rate of decay to zero of the bias of the H-CCC. Condition 2a is a consequence of Theorem 2.6.18 on the asymptotic covariance of the H-CCC. Condition 2b follows from Theorem 3.13.3. Finally, Condition 3 follows from Lemma 2.6.19 on the rate of decay to zero of the joint cumulant of H-CCCs.

Lemma 2.6.19 Rate of Convergence to Zero of Cumulants of Hybrid Cyclic Cross-Correlograms (Napolitano 2009, Lemma 7.2). Under Assumptions 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity) and 2.6.8 (mixing conditions (IV)), for every k ≥ 2 and img > 0 one obtains

(2.230) equation

where the order of the two limits cannot be interchanged.

Proof: See Section 3.11. img

Theorem 2.6.20 Asymptotic Joint Normality of the Hybrid Cyclic Cross-Correlograms (Napolitano 2009, Theorem 7.5). Let y(t) and x(t) be zero-mean wide-sense jointly GACS stochastic processes with cross-correlation function (2.31c). Under Assumptions 2.4.2 (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3 (Fourier series regularity), 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), and 2.4.8 (mixing conditions (I)) (with the sets img and img finite) and under Assumptions 2.6.8 (mixing conditions (IV)), 2.6.11 (aliasing series summability), and 2.6.15 (lack of support curve clusters (III)), and provided that γ > 1 (or γ = 1 in the special case of a(t) = rect(t)), the random variables img defined in (2.229)


are asymptotically (as N→ ∞ and Ts → 0 with NTs→ ∞) zero-mean jointly complex Normal with asymptotic covariance matrix Σ with entries

(2.231) equation

given by (2.227) and asymptotic conjugate covariance matrix Σ(c) with entries

(2.232) equation

given by (3.260).

Proof: See Section 3.11. img

Theorems 2.6.17, 2.6.18, and 2.6.20 show that the H-CCC has the same asymptotic bias, covariance and distribution of the continuous-time cyclic cross-correlogram, provided that the aliasing in the cycle-frequency domain is controlled so that there is no cluster of cycle frequencies for the ACS discrete-time process. Thus, there is no loss in asymptotic performance by carrying out discrete-time estimation instead of continuous-time estimation of the cyclic cross-correlation function.

2.6.4 Concluding Remarks

Let us assume, without loss of generality, that T img (2N + 1)Ts and t0 img n0Ts, with img and img. The DT-CCC approaches in the mean-square sense the continuous-time cyclic cross-correlogram as the sampling period approaches zero. Specifically, we have the following result.

Theorem 2.6.21 Asymptotic Discrete-Time Cyclic Cross-Correlogram. Let xd(n) and yd(n) be the discrete-time processes given by (2.172). Under Assumptions 2.4.2 (uniformly almost-periodic statistics), 2.4.3 (Fourier series regularity), 2.4.4 (fourth-order moment boundedness), and 2.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity) (assumptions of Theorem 2.4.7) on the continuous-time processes x(t) and y(t), one obtains

(2.233) equation

Proof: See Section 3.12. img

Remark 2.6.22 In Theorems 2.6.4–2.6.21 the cycle frequencies img, img, and img of the discrete-time ACS process are assumed to be fixed and the cycle-frequency resolution is 1/N. If a bidimensional analysis with variable cycle frequency img and discrete-lag m is carried out, then img should vary continuously in [− 1/2, 1/2). However, in practical implementations of bidimensional analysis, img assumes values img uniformly distributed in a finite set img of points of [− 1/2, 1/2). Then, in order to prove mean-square consistency and asymptotic Normality, the assumption

(2.234) equation

should be made, where o denotes “small oh” Landau symbol, that is, img as N→ ∞ means img as N→ ∞.

For example, we can assume

(2.235) equation

with γ > 1 and img denoting the floor operation. Analogously, mean-square consistency and asymptotic Normality can be proved in the case of nonuniformly sampled cycle frequencies img such that

(2.236) equation Subsampling-Based Estimates

In the previous sections, under mild assumptions, it is shown that the continuous-time cyclic cross-correlogram of a GACS process is asymptotically complex Normal as T→ ∞. Analogous results are found for the DT-CCC as N→ ∞ and for the H-CCC as N→ ∞ and Ts → 0 with NTs→ ∞.

In order to perform a statistical test for presence of generalized almost cyclostationarity, covariance and conjugate covariance need to be known or estimated. If a complete knowledge of lag-dependent cycle frequencies and generalized cyclic second-and fourth-order statistics is available, then covariance and conjugate covariance can be computed, even if their expression generally involves infinite sums, and hence their value can only be approximated. If such a priori knowledge is only partial or not available, then subsampling techniques can be used in order to obtain estimates starting from a single realization of the process. For example, the subsampling technique (Politis 1998) provides the estimate

(2.237) equation

for the variance

(2.238) equation

where img denotes a subsampling-based estimate of the expectation operator, b is the block size, and T = kb for some k. Convergence is obtained when b→ ∞, T→ ∞, and b/T → 0 assuming finite or practically finite memory for the processes (see (Lenart et al. 2008) for the cyclostationary case). Estimation of Cyclic Higher-Order Statistics

In (Napolitano and Tesauro 2011), stochastic processes with higher-order statistical functions decomposable into an almost-periodic function plus a residual term not containing finite-strength additive sinewave components are considered (see (2.80a), (2.80b), (2.90a), and (2.90b)). These processes arise in mobile communications when ACS processes pass through time-varying channels. They include as special case the GACS processes.

For this class of processes, in (Napolitano and Tesauro 2011), the problem of estimating the Fourier coefficients of the (generalized) Fourier series expansion of the almost-periodic component of higher-order statistical functions of K possible distinct processes is addressed. The Kth-order cyclic cross-correlogram is proposed as an estimator of the Kth-order cyclic temporal cross-moment function. Expected value, cross-cumulants, and covariance of the cyclic cross-correlogram are derived for finite data-record length T, under mild regularity assumptions on the data-tapering window and the Fourier series convergence and under boundedness assumptions of moments and residual terms. Asymptotic (T→ ∞) expressions for expected value, cross-cumulants, and covariance, and the rate of convergence of bias of the cyclic cross-correlogram are derived under mixing conditions, residual term integrability assumption, and lack of clusters of lag-dependent cycle frequencies. Furthermore, the asymptotic (T→ ∞) joint complex Normality of cyclic correlograms at different lag vectors and cycle frequencies is proved. Thus, the Kth-order cyclic cross-correlogram is shown to be a mean-square consistent, asymptotically complex Normal estimator of the Kth-order cyclic temporal cross-moment function.

A Kth-order cyclic temporal cross-cumulant estimator is proposed as a combination of a finite number Q of products of Kth-and lower-order cyclic cross-correlograms. Asymptotic expected value and cross-cumulants of the cyclic cumulant estimator are derived and the asymptotic covariance is obtained as a special case. Moreover, the rate of convergence of bias is derived and the asymptotic joint complex Normality of estimators at different lag vectors and cycle frequencies is proved. In the limit as Q and the data-record length T approach infinity, the cyclic cross-cumulant estimator is proved to be mean-square consistent. Interestingly, it is found that the rate of decay to zero with the data-record length of the bias of the Kth-order cyclic cross-correlogram is img, where |f|γ is the rate of decay to zero as |f|→ ∞ of the Fourier transform of the data-tapering window. In contrast, the rate of decay to zero of the bias of the cyclic cross-cumulant estimator is always img. In addition, as in the almost-cyclostationary case, the cyclic cross-cumulant estimator requires the knowledge of the lower-order (moment) cycle-frequencies. Such a priori knowledge, however, is not necessary when K is the lowest-order of cyclostationarity exhibited by the process.

The proposed estimators have the same computational complexity of previously proposed estimators for ACS processes.

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