PART 3 3-D Vision and Motion

Part 3 covers the developments needed for an understanding of real scenes, which necessarily contain 3-D objects—a number of which may be in motion. 3-D vision is considerably more complex than 2-D vision, not least because the number of degrees of freedom of an object will typically have increased from three to six, with an accompanying combinatorial increase in the number of scene configurations to be considered.

This part of the book starts by gently airing the problems (Chapter 16), before concentrating on the complexities, of full perspective projection (Chapter 17). Motion is then considered (Chapter 18), but before this subject can be dealt with in depth (Chapter 20), it is useful to see what shortcuts can be achieved by taking invariants into account (Chapter 19). Finally, Chapter 21 deals with camera calibration but also shows how recent research has attempted to avoid the need for explicit calibration by making careful calculations that interrelate multiple scenes. Here the emphasis is on taking opportunities that permit some of the complexities to be bypassed.

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