Potential problems

Inserting and Prezifying your slide is great, but make sure to look out for the following items and don't let them catch you out and ruin your lovely Prezi.

Low-resolution imagery

Because PowerPoint and Keynote don't have the functionality to zoom like Prezi does, they don't have to rely on such high-resolution imagery. So long as the images on a slide look good enough when projected, that will usually work fine for the presentation.

Once these images are placed onto a Prezi canvas, you might decide that you want to zoom into them. If the quality isn't good enough, you could end up with pixilation problems, which we will be covering in more detail in the next chapter. You can see an example of this here:

Low-resolution imagery


If you are worried about the quality of images once they have been inserted into your Prezi, just use the zoom feature and check for pixilation. If you lose quality and you know things just don't look good, then delete the image and use Prezi's Insert from web function to find a new image of better quality.


You are bound to have lots of important text on your slides. Before you import slides into Prezi though, there is one thing you'd really benefit from. Can you spot the problems the our following slide?:


Hopefully, you've spotted that line two has a spelling mistake at the end (pint instead of point) and that the end of the third line is formatted differently to the rest. These things are easily done, but they could also be easily missed once inserted into Prezi.

Spell check

Always run the spell checker in PowerPoint before exporting your slides to the PDF format. It will save you lots of time and effort and only takes a minute to do:

Spell check


If you've used any slide-based presentation tool, you'll be familiar with animations. They are normally used to slowly reveal certain points as the presenter discusses them with his/her audience. They help to engage a little more, and if used well enough, they can really help tell your story.

In the PowerPoint slide shown in the following screenshot, you can see that each bullet point is animated so that the presenter can slowly reveal them:


Any animation you've added in your slides will not transfer into Prezi. You can see, in the following screenshot, that once the same slide is inserted into Prezi all of the points are revealed at once:


This may not be an issue for simple text animation but may be very important if your animation is a complex one that involves imagery. Due to popular demand by users, Prezi has added the ability to create animations, as discussed in Chapter 2, Hands-on with Prezi Mechanics.


You'll only be able to fade in point by point if you've imported the Prezi directly rather than as PDF files because the entire slide is treated as one element if it is imported as a PDF file.

An alternative solution

If your animation is a complex one, we'd suggest that you take it apart in PowerPoint. Lay the elements out on your slide in an order that makes sense. When you then bring the slide into Prezi, you can simply move from one part to the next and explain the connections.

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