
One of the most straightforward ways to think about including Prezi in your business is using it to generate sales leads. A Prezi can serve as another avenue to reach out to new customers.

The pitch

This style of Prezi will tell viewers about you, your business, and what you do, in the process of trying to get new business. The Prezi master will be able to leverage the unique features of Prezi to keep viewers engaged and hopefully lead to them contacting your business after viewing the Prezi. These types of presentations can be hosted on Prezi but also incorporated into your own sites and shared via social media.

In the field

I first started using this method when I worked for a nonprofit organization that had me traveling to many different school districts, but it can also translate very well into business uses.

Because I was constantly meeting new teachers and administrators who wanted to know exactly what my organization did and how it could help them, I created a Prezi that gave an overview of the organization and examples of the impact that it made in several different areas, both economically and geographically. I could then hand them my iPad with a copy of this Prezi loaded, and they could make their way through it with me there to answer any questions as they went along.

This addition of the Prezi on the iPad created a strong and compelling vision of the organization that a simple verbal explanation could not do entirely on its own. It also saved me from having to repeat the same information over and over again!

Think about the ways that you could use a similar Prezi on your iPad if you're making sales in the field. You can pitch your services, show examples of your work and its impact, and show products or statistics that pop in ways you could never achieve just through talking with a potential customer. Allowing a customer to hold a demonstration such as that in their own hands can be powerful sales tool!

In the field
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