
Hopefully, in this chapter you made some decisions about whether or not using tablets to present Prezis is going to work in your business and if so, which tablet you'd be best off using. Sure the iPad is a great device; it wouldn't sell millions and millions each year if it weren't. Would the fact that Android devices don't have a Prezi application really stop you from buying one? We don't think so, but ultimately it's about you and how you work in your business that matters.

Whatever device you decide to buy (or already own), we only wish for one thing—that you try to be as creative as you can with your Prezi design. Also, it's equally important that you give lots of consideration as to how you present it. Don't just let people see the screen without touching it themselves to have a play.

In the next chapter, we'll look at how you can use Prezi to collaborate with colleagues and present remotely.

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