The first hurdle

Before we look at some techniques for getting Prezi into your business, we'll look at some of the questions you are bound to be asked when you first introduce it. Be ready for some very frosty stares from your colleagues!

  • Why should I use Prezi?

    Because it will really help our presentations stand head and shoulders above competitors. Plus it has some really nifty features for helping us collaborate online and share ideas.

  • Can't I just import my PowerPoint slides?

    Yes you can, but we would then spend some time prezifying them to get the most out of the software. Tell me the key points of slide 2 and I'll show you how to zoom in and focus on them.

  • It's just a fancier version of PowerPoint, isn't it?

    Actually, no. It's a completely different way of presenting that allows you to spread out your ideas on one canvas and see everything, rather than just move from slide to slide in one direction. PowerPoint imposes a hierarchy on your information, but Prezi allows you put your information into the hierarchy that suits you.

  • I've seen a prezi before and it made me feel seasick!

    That's the fault of the presenter, not the software. We'll create your Prezi so that the audience feels engaged, not ill.

  • Can I use animations and have things fading in and out or flying all over the place?

    Prezi doesn't have many animation features because it simply doesn't need them. The way you can move around the canvas is enough to grab your audience's attention. You can use a fade in effect, however.

  • So I can only use Prezi online?

    Not at all. If we get you a Pro license, you'll be able to use a desktop application and keep all your Prezis on your computer.

  • What's the pricing model?

    To see the latest information on pricing, you can visit In general, Prezi offers a free account for individual users that places limits on the amount of storage available and the ability to edit offline, among other features. These can be upgraded for a monthly fee. Large organizations need to contact Prezi to request volume-based pricing.

  • What will have to change in our IT suite to incorporate it?

    Because Prezi is web based, there should not be any significant IT changes. If users decide to purchase and use the offline editing edition, IT will need to make sure that applications can be installed on the computers or include it in the set of preinstalled software.

  • Will this integrate with our clients' software?

    Because the Prezis can be shared via the Internet, they will work well with any computer system that is able to view web content.

  • Apart from being new and visually appealing, what's the use of it?

    Prezi is able to convey ideas in a more flexible manner that can better make connections between material, adding a third dimension to the presentation that helps make the bigger picture clearer.

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