
This book will, at times, show Java source code and command lines. Java code is formatted with a fixed width font with standard Java formatting. Command-line utilities and parameters are also be printed with a fixed width font. Likewise, references to file names, code fragments, and Java packages in sentences will use a fixed width font.

Short and important information, or anecdotes, relevant to the current section of text is placed in information boxes.


The contents of an information box—this is important!

Technical terms and fundamental concepts are highlighted as keywords. Keywords also often appear in the glossary for quick reference.

Throughout the book, the capitalized tags JROCKIT_HOME and JAVA_HOME should be expanded to the full path of your JRockit JDK/JRE installation. For example, if you have installed JRockit so that your java executable is located in:


the JROCKIT_HOME and JAVA_HOME variables should be expanded to:


The JRockit JVM has its own version number. The latest major version of JRockit is R28. Minor revisions of JRockit are annotated with point release numbers after the major version number. For example R27.1 and R27.2. We will, throughout the book, assume R27.x to mean any R27-based version of the JRockit JVM, and R28.x to mean any R28-based version of the JRockit JVM.


This book assumes that R28 is the JRockit JVM being used, where no other context is supplied. Information relevant only to earlier versions of JRockit is specifically tagged.

JRockit Mission Control clients use more standard revision numbers, for example 4.0. Any reference to 3.x and 4.0 in the context of tools mean the corresponding versions of the JRockit Mission Control clients. At the time of this writing, 4.0 is the latest version of the Mission Control client, and is, unless explicitly stated otherwise, assumed to be the version in use in the examples in this book.

We will sometimes refer to third-party products. No deeper familiarity with them is required to get full benefits from this book. The products mentioned are:

Oracle WebLogic Server—the Oracle J2EE application server.

Oracle Coherence—the Oracle in-memory distributed cache technology.

Oracle Enterprise Manager—the Oracle application management suite.

Eclipse—the Integrated Development Environment for Java (and other languages).

HotSpot™—the HotSpot™ virtual machine.

See the link associated with each product for further information.

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