
In this chapter, we showed how to use the JRockit Runtime Analyzer to analyze the behavior of the JRockit runtime and the application running in JRockit.

We showed various different ways to create recordings. We also discussed the information available in JRA recordings with examples.

Several use cases were demonstrated, such as:

  • How to find methods that would make good candidates for manual optimization, also known as hot spots
  • How to interpret memory-related information, such as the live set, garbage collection-related information, fragmentation, the object summary, and the heap histogram
  • How to hunt down latency-related problems

We also provided an example on how to use the Operative Set in the latency analyzer to quickly narrow down the amount of data being studied and to focus on the data of interest.

The next chapter covers JRockit Flight Recorder, which has superseded JRA as of JRockit R28 and JRockit Mission Control 4.0. Most of what has been covered in this chapter works in similar ways and is still applicable.

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