1. The power generated by two plants are: P1 = 50 MW, P2 = 40 MW. If the loss coefficients are B11 = 0.001, B22 = 0.0095 and B12 = –0.0005, then the power loss will be                 (IES 1997)


    1. 5.5 MW
    2. 6.5 MW
    3. 4.5 MW
    4. 8.5 MW
  2. In terms of power generation and Bmm coefficients, the transmission loss for a two-plant system is (Notations have their usual meaning)                (IES 2000)


    1. P21B11 + 2P1P2B12 + P22B22
    2. P21B11 – 2P1P2B12 + P22B22
    3. P22B11 + 2P1P2B12 + P12B22
    4. P21Bn + P1P2B12 + P22B22
  3. Two power plants interconnected by a tie-line as shown in the below figure have loss formula coefficient B11 = 10–3MW–1. Power is being dispatched economically with plant ‘1’ as 100 MW and plant ‘2’ as 125 MW The penalty factors for plants 1 and 2 are respectively.                (IES 2001)


    1. 1 and 1.25
    2. 1.25 and 1
    3. 1 and zero
    4. Zero and 1
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