1. The combined frequency regulation of machines in area of capacity 1500 MW and operating at a nominal frequency of 60 KHz is 0.1 pu on its own base capacity. The regulation in Hz/MW will be        (IES 1997)
    1. 0.1/1500
    2. 60/1500
    3. 6/1500
    4. 60/150
  2. Load frequency control uses        (IES 1999)
    1. proportional controllers alone
    2. integral controllers alone
    3. both proportional and integral controllers
    4. either proportional or integral controllers
  3. The speed regulation parameter R of a control area is 0.025 Hz/MW and load frequency constant D is 2 MW/Hz. The area frequency response characteristic (AFRC) is        (IES 2000)
    1. 42.0 MW/Hz
    2. 40.0 MW/Hz
    3. 20.0 MW/Hz
    4. 2 MW/Hz
  4. The electrical stiffness of a synchronous generator connected to a very large rid can be increased by        (IES 2002)
    1. increasing the excitation or the power angle of the machine
    2. reducing the excitation or the synchronous reactance of the machine.
    3. increasing the synchronous reactance of the machine
    4. Operating the generator at a much lower MW level compared to the steady-state limit
  5. For 800 MJ stored energy in the rotor at synchronous speed, what is the inertia constant H for a 50 Hz, four pole turbo-generator rated 100 MVA, 11kv?        (IES 2005)
    1. 2.0 MJ/MVA
    2. 4.0 MJ/MVA
    3. 6.0 MJ/MVA
    4. 8.0 MJ/MVA
  6. For a synchronous generator connected to an infinite bus through a transmission line, how are the change of volatage (∆)V and the change of frequency (∆)V related to the active power (P) and the relative power (Q)?        (IES 2006)
    1. (∆)V is proportional to P and (∆)f to Q
    2. (∆)V is proportional to Q and (∆)f to P
    3. Both ∆V and ∆f are proportional to P
    4. Both ∆V and ∆f are proportional to Q
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