1. Derive the model of a speed governing system and represent it by a block diagram.


  2. Draw the schematic diagram showing the speed changer setting, governor and steam admission valve and indicate how steam input is regulated with the change in load. Derive the Transfer Function of the above system.


  3. Making suitable assumptions, derive the T.F. of a sync generator and the steam turbine set.


  4. Derive the generator load model and represent it by a block diagram.


  5. With a neat diagram, explain briefly the different parts of a turbine speed governing system.


  6. What is an exciter? Why it is necessary for a synchronous generator?


  7. Explain the functional blocks of an automatic voltage regulator.


  8. Expalin the functions of an excitation system and develop the block diagram for voltage regulator. Develop the transfer function model of each block.


  9. Describe the various blocks of IEEE Type-1 excitation system and develop the mathematical model of the system.
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