Chapter 4. Automating Salesforce CRM

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Deriving year and month values from the opportunity close date using a formula
  • Calculating the week number for the opportunity close date using a formula
  • Creating an opportunity close date e-mail alert using workflow
  • Setting a default opportunity name using a field update workflow
  • Generating a default opportunity close date using a field update workflow


A CRM system must be as productive as possible to justify its investment, hence, if there are any aspects that can be configured and set up to be used more efficiently, they are usually worth exploring.

The Salesforce CRM application aims to be as efficient as possible out of the box, however, typically there are company-specific business rules and process flows that need to be implemented.

This is where the power of the Salesforce CRM application and the platform becomes truly apparent.

Within the Salesforce CRM application and the platform, you can easily create workflow to trigger your company's unique business rules and logic.

Salesforce CRM also enables you to create complex formulae to generate data records as well as extend the user interface to create custom buttons that prepopulate data fields.

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