Building a custom Web Tab to display an external web application

Having a custom Web Tab enables the display of web content or applications embedded within the Salesforce CRM application window.

You can create custom Web Tabs to allow Salesforce users to view the company intranet or a wiki that is used frequently so that they can find the information they need without leaving the Salesforce CRM application.

In this recipe we will display an example Web Tab where we pass information specified from within Salesforce, the purpose of which is to demonstrate the mechanism involved in setting up custom Web Tabs for your specific external web applications.

How to do it...

Carry out the following steps to create a Web Tab to display an external web application:

  1. Navigate to the custom web tab setup page by going to Your Name | Setup | Create | Tabs.
    How to do it...
  2. Scroll down to the Web Tabs section as shown in the preceding screenshot.
  3. Click on New.


    We will be presented with the Step 1. Choose Tab Layout page. Here you can either choose to have the web page content run across the Full page width, or as 2 columns with sidebar to help users navigate within Salesforce CRM (as shown in the screenshot further below).

  4. Select the 2 columns with sidebar option (as shown in the following screenshot).
    How to do it...
  5. Click on Next.


    We will be presented with the Step 2. Define Content and Display Properties page (as shown in the screenshot further below).

  6. Enter CRM Books in the Tab Label textbox.
  7. Accept the default CRM_Books, auto populated text in the Tab Name text box.
  8. In the Tab Style field, click on the lookup icon and select an icon for the new Web Tab. Here we are selecting the Books style (as shown in the following screenshot).
    How to do it...
  9. Leave the Content Frame Height (pixels) setting at 600.


    You can make Web Tabs available in the mobile application by selecting the Mobile Ready checkbox. However, for this recipe, we are not making this Web Tab mobile ready.

  10. Optionally select a splash page and add a description. Here we are leaving these sections blank (as shown in the following screenshot).
    How to do it...
  11. Click on Next.


    We will be presented with the Step 3. Enter the URL Details page (as shown in the screenshot further below).

  12. Paste the following web URL into the Button or Link URL textbox (as shown in the following screenshot).
    How to do it...
  13. Click on Next.


    We will be presented with the Step 4. Add to Profiles page (as shown in the screenshot further below).

  14. Select the profiles to which you want to grant visibility to this web tab. Here, we are setting tab visibility for all profiles (as shown in the following screenshot).
    How to do it...
  15. Click on Next.


    We will be presented with the Step 5. Add to Custom Apps page (as shown in the following screenshot).

    How to do it...


    Select only the Apps that you wish to be included on the Custom Web Tab.

  16. Finally, click on Save.

How it works...

The custom Web Tab CRM Books now appears in the list of tabs and upon clicking this tab, the URL that is specified is accessed, with the web page content retrieved into Salesforce CRM.

You can see how this looks in the following screenshot:

How it works...
..................Content has been hidden....................

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