Chapter 5. Improving Data Quality in Salesforce CRM

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Stopping non-system administrators from changing account names with a validation rule
  • Enforcing the use of two-letter account country codes using a validation rule
  • Validating if US zip codes are well formed using a validation rule with REGEX
  • Validating if UK postcodes are well formed using a validation rule with REGEX
  • Creating a mandatory Reason Lost field for lost opportunities using a validation rule


The CRM industry experts typically list poor data quality as one of the top reasons for CRM applications to fail to deliver. Poor data often leads to misleading, incomplete, and confusing information and can lead to user dissatisfaction and lack of user adoption. It is important that users understand that the data quality in a Salesforce CRM is not just the responsibility of their system administrator, but that they must also contribute to the accurate recording of information and understand how data quality directly affects their work.

It is also true that people make mistakes when entering data. This is where the power of the Salesforce CRM application and the platform becomes truly apparent. We can limit this source of error by building automatic validation and automatic workflow into the application to prevent users from making errors and cleaning up data where necessary.

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