Setting up a user to be associated with an approval process

When building approval processes for records in Salesforce CRM, it is necessary to specify the users who have to approve the record at each step of the approval process. We can also restrict the approval process for specific users by setting an appropriate value on their user record.

To notify these users that an approval request has been assigned to them, an e-mail is sent by the system. Here, you can specify that a record owner's manager is to be set as the approver for the record. To restrict the approval process for specific users, you can specify that, say, only the sales team is to submit opportunity reviews.

In this recipe, we will edit a user record to set the value of the Manager field to a user record to which approval notifications will be sent. We will also set the value of the Department field to Sales which is used as one of the criterion for the triggering of the approval process.

The sales user setting is entered in the standard Department field and the manager is set using the standard Manager lookup field and these are set using this recipe.

How to do it...

Carry out the following steps to set up a user that is to be associated with approval processes:

  1. Navigate to the user's record page, by going to Your Name | Setup | Manage Users | Users.
  2. Edit the user's record. In this recipe, we are setting the Department field for the user SVP Sales to Sales as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  3. Scroll down the user's edit page to the Approver Settings section and select a manager for the user. In this recipe we are setting the Manager field for the user SVP Sales to System Administrator as shown in the following screenshot:
How to do it...
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