Review: Mosaics of All Sizes and Shapes

As I noted earlier in the chapter, there is no one right size or shape for a mosaic. Instead, the technique can be applied to complete pictures (like the one of Izzy shown in Figure 8-17) or can be a much smaller arrangement of pieces that you use to embellish a model (like the dollar sign example just discussed).

If you add a mosaic section to a larger model, the work will display itself. If you decide to try your hand at an image, be sure to show it off once you’re done, like in Figure 8-25. Let people know what interests you, and show them how you’ve captured that in LEGO pieces.

Of course, if you haven’t noticed already, it’s worth pointing out that the LEGO name itself makes for a great mosaic subject.

Figure 8-25. Of course, if you haven’t noticed already, it’s worth pointing out that the LEGO name itself makes for a great mosaic subject.

There is no one rule to guide you in determining how large a mosaic should be or which of the two basic techniques you should use. Let the requirements guide your decisions. If you need to spell out a company name on the side of a building, then build your mosaic letters to an appropriate size. If, on the other hand, you’re creating a portrait of a favorite relative, be sure to make it large enough to capture their entire personality.

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