Review and Suggested Subject Matter

In Chapter 5, I showed you macroscale models—the extra large versions of real life objects. I indicated that when you were looking for ideas for macro models, you might want to pick things that are very small. That way, your jumbo version wouldn’t be impossibly large.

In microscale building, the opposite theory applies. Because your goal is to build a model that is much, much smaller than the real life version, you can pick things that are naturally very large. This could mean something as large as a car, or it could mean something enormous, such as a skyscraper or an aircraft carrier.

The following is a short list of things that might make good subjects for microscale building:

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Of course, these are just suggestions, and like everything else in the LEGO system, there are no limits to how you apply your own imagination and creativity. Microscale models are an excellent technique to explore when your collection of LEGO elements might be limited in size, though as you’ve seen, this restriction does not have to limit the scope of your microsized LEGO world.

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