Other Useful Items

Though not specifically used for building models, you may find a couple of other things handy to have on or around your building area. I’ve listed them below and then included a picture of them in Figure 13-19.

Pencil and paper

Nothing beats good old-fashioned pencil and paper when it comes to sketching out an idea for a model or maybe writing down a list of parts you need to make it. If you’re sketching out plans for a model, you might want to use some of the Design Grids discussed in Appendix B of this book, or you may just want to draw freehand on some plain paper.


You may find times when your brain just needs some help. This could be when you have to figure out a particular scale (as we discussed in Chapters Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, and Chapter 6), or it might just be when you want to make some rough calculations about how many bricks you’ll need for a particular project.


If you’re going to use a paintbrush, preferably use one that’s never seen paint before. Look for one that is an inch or perhaps an inch and half wide. These are great for dusting models on display or partly built models after they have been sitting on your build table for a few days.

Small zip-closure bags

These are useful for storing small parts either during a build or after you’ve taken a model apart.

Some items you might find useful to have in or around your work area

Figure 13-19. Some items you might find useful to have in or around your work area

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