Unmanaged memory – using malloc( )/free( )

The basic way to allocate memory for your computer program in C (and C++) is by using malloc(). malloc() designates a block of the computer system's memory for your program's use. Once your program is using a segment of memory, no other program can use or access that segment of memory. An attempt to access a segment of memory not allocated to your program will generate a "segmentation fault", and represents an illegal operation on most systems.

How to do it...

Let's look at an example code that allocates a pointer variable i, then assigns memory to it using malloc(). We allocate a single integer behind an int* pointer. After allocation, we store a value inside int, using the dereferencing operator *:

int* i; // Declare a pointer variable i
i = ( int* )malloc( sizeof( int ) ); // Allocates system memory
*i = 0; // Assign the value 0 into variable i
printf( "i contains %d", *i ); // Use the variable i, ensuring to 
// use dereferencing operator * during use
free( i ); // When we're done using i, we free the memory 
// allocated for it back to the system.
i = 0;// Set the pointer's reference to address 0

How it works…

The preceding code does what is shown in the diagram that follows:

  1. The first line creates an int* pointer variable i, which starts as a dangling pointer referring to a segment of memory that probably won't be valid for your program to reference.
  2. In the second diagram, we use a malloc() call to initialize the variable i to point to a segment of memory precisely the size of an int variable, which will be valid for your program to refer to.
  3. We then initialize the contents of that memory segment to the value 0 using the command *i = 0;.
    How it works…


    Note the difference between assignment to a pointer variable (i =), which tells the pointer what memory address to refer to, and assignment to what is inside the memory address that the pointer variable refers to (*i =).

When the memory in the variable i needs to be released back to the system, we do so using a free() deallocation call, as shown in the following diagram. i is then assigned to point to memory address 0, (diagrammed by the electrical grounding symbol reference How it works…).

How it works…

The reason we set the variable i to point to the NULL reference is to make it clear that the variable i does not refer to a valid segment of memory.

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