The Applications Tab

On this tab, you get a list of all the iPhone programs you've got on your computer, including programs you just bought in that two-hour shopping frenzy in the App Store. The list also shows all apps you bought on the iPhone that have since been transferred into iTunes as a backup. (See Chapter 11.)

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If you don't want to sync all those programs at the moment—maybe you want to leave off the Crash Bandicoot game until the weekend because you know you'll never get any work done if you add it on Tuesday—click Selected applications. Then turn on the checkboxes for the programs you want to load onto the iPhone right now.

Any programs you leave unchecked will be removed from the iPhone when you sync.

Oh—and as noted in Chapter 11, if you delete a program from the iPhone, but its checkbox is still turned on here, iTunes will put it right back on your iPhone next time you sync up.


If you want to remove an app for good, from both iTunes and the iPhone, you'll have to look elsewhere; this tab is concerned only with syncing. See Organizing Apps for details.

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