Don’t Have Hidden Agendas

Having a hidden agenda is when someone isn’t completely honest about their motives or objectives. Do not play this game with your customers. It can be very deceptive and can cause the customer to lose trust in you. Be up front about what you are trying to achieve. Never use or manipulate the customer to serve your own agenda instead of the customer’s. If you are caught by the customer doing so, and it is likely that you will be, it would most likely result in much more damage to your relationship with the customer than any possible gains you would receive from having a hidden agenda.

Think about when someone you have dealt with had a hidden agenda that you initially were not aware of. How did this make you feel about that person when the agenda finally became known to you?

What did it do to the trust you had in that person or persons?

How can you make sure that your customers don’t think you have a hidden agenda with them?

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