Join the Customer’s Team

No, this doesn’t mean you should apply for employment at your customer’s company. Rather, it means that you need to just think of yourself as part of your customer’s team. Team members support one another as they strive to reach their shared goals for success. Sometimes team members perform tasks that enable other members to be better able to do their jobs. Other times, players “carry the ball” themselves with the support of their teammates. Ultimately, what is most important is how the team performs as a whole. Even the greatest individual performance is diminished if the team itself is not successful. It is the team that is most important in sports as well as in your relationship with your customers.

How can you become more a part of your customer’s team?

What role/position can you play on your customer’s team?

What contributions can you make to the customer’s team effort?

What results can you help your customer’s team achieve?

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