Help the Customer Accept Change

As the old saying goes: “The only constant in this world is change.” Perhaps the most important skill that someone can have is the ability to accept change. You may be able to help the customer adapt to changes that are occurring in their business. There may be changes that you need to initiate that also potentially can be very upsetting to your customers. Products, services, markets, pricing, and many other aspects of your business will constantly be changing or fluctuating as you do business together. Your customers will appreciate any efforts you make that will help them adjust to the new things to come.

You can help your customers accept these changes in the following ways:

•   Be sure to give the customer as much advanced notice of any changes that are going to occur

•   Share as much information about the change as you can with the customer

•   Explain to the customer why the change is necessary and why things could not remain as they were in the past

•   Let the customer know what the objectives and expected results are for these changes

•   Give the customer time to adjust to the change

What changes do you foresee coming that you may need to help your customers deal with and accept?

How can you help your customers deal with these changes?

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