Bend the Rules for the Customer

There is an old saying, which is particularly popular among young people: “Rules are meant to be broken.” Although this would not be a very good philosophy of life to follow consistently, it may be prudent at times when dealing with your customers, particularly if it pertains to rules that customers have to follow to do business with you.

Are there rules that your organization may have that make it more difficult to serve your customers? Does following these rules to the letter of the law actually cause you problems in your relationships with the customers? Are there rules that you could either get an exception to or even ignore without negative consequences? If so, then this might be a good example of when “rules should be broken.”

You may need to explain the circumstances and reason that you are bending the rules just for them. Undoubtedly, your customers will appreciate this extra service you are providing. Everyone needs to get a break once in awhile!

What are some rules in your organization that you could or even should bend a little to provide better service to your customers?

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