TIP 83


       Perfection is a trifle dull. It is not the least of life’s ironies that this, which we all aim at, is better not quite achieved.


Now what about having a perfect body? If you are busy perfecting the present situation, it makes sense that you take a look at your body. A perfect body is not only healthy and fit, but it also reflects who you are. Our bodies are inextricably linked to our minds, so if there is something about your body that bothers you, some pesky imperfection, take care of it. Those imperfections prevent you from being your best and can drain your energy. If you feel great in your own skin, it will show. This does not mean that everybody needs to achieve some supermodel image of perfection. Supermodels aren’t perfect, and the photos in the magazines are airbrushed into impossible perfection. Even the supermodel, Cindy Crawford, who is as close to perfect as a body can be, had her belly airbrushed in a swimsuit spread. No one would have known except that they airbrushed her belly button out and forgot to put it back in. If Cindy had to get her stomach airbrushed, I can’t imagine what they’d do to mine!

Your body is a reflection of yourself. If you’re worried about some part of your body, that worry will prevent you from fully being with other people. One of my front teeth was knocked back in high school and turned brown. When giving presentations, I was always worried that people would be looking at my tooth and thinking, “Hmm. Her front tooth is brown.” Of course, no one noticed, but I thought that all people could see was this tooth. It was preventing me from being fully relaxed with other people. The tooth is a perfect example of an annoying imperfection—it was draining my energy and preventing me from being my best in front of an audience. I was even self-conscious about smiling and would try to smile without showing my teeth. I went to the best cosmetic dentist I could find, and she fixed it beauti fully. Now I don’t even think about it. All my energy is available to give to the people in my seminars.

If there is something that is bothering you about your body, get it fixed. Get a mole removed if it bugs you. It’s worth it because it is preventing you from relaxing and being your best. If you’re fine with the way things are, don’t fix them. If you are 50 pounds overweight and it doesn’t bother you, then it’s not a problem. As Marlon Brando said, “I don’t mind that I’m fat. You still get the same money.” We didn’t mind that he was fat because he didn’t mind. It’s only a problem if it’s getting in the way of your being with other people.

Now I am not suggesting that you go out and get breast implants or get your nose fixed to become more attractive. Notice that Barbra Streisand certainly has a nose, and she is clearly attractive. Don’t let a little weight problem stop you from doing what you want to do. Oprah Winfrey didn’t wait to lose the pounds before becoming a TV star; she did it on the show twice and entertained millions of people in the process. Oprah is attractive with or without the weight. Zap all the pesky imperfections you can, invest in attractive eyeglasses, get contacts, get that hair removed, fix your teeth. Anything you do that makes you feel better about yourself will make you that much more attractive to the world and to success.

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