TIP 82


       Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.


Your environment has a tremendous impact on your psyche. In fact, your environment is a reflection of your mental state. Take a look around you. What does your office environment say about you? How would a friend describe your home? Is it warm, cozy, and organized? Is it cool, aloof, upbeat, or modern? Most important, how do you feel in your own home? Relaxed, peaceful? Is it easy to unwind in your home? Do you feel special, surrounded by things that you thoroughly enjoy? I have a set of bright floral chintz pillows that I absolutely love; just looking at them makes me happy. Surround yourself with beautiful items. Make sure you love every single painting or piece of artwork that you have displayed. If any objects that you don’t love are too good to throw out, put them in a cardboard box in your closet, or better yet, give them to friends or charity. (Sometimes it is easier to get rid of stuff if you first store it and later realize that you didn’t miss it.)

The objective is to make your home and office not only clean and organized but also a reflection of who you are. There may be limits to what you can do at the office, but at a minimum, see if you can bring in a plant or fresh flowers and a beautiful print for the wall. At home, however, you have more control so take full advantage of it. You want your home to rejuvenate you so that you will have the energy to go to work again the next day. The first place to start is your bedroom. Make this room a haven, a place to retreat and relax. If you have a TV in the bedroom, move it to another room; you’ll sleep better.

A client, June, a human relations manager, has always had a TV in her bedroom and would often fall asleep watching the eleven o’clock news. She couldn’t understand why she was frequently depressed and unmotivated. I suggested that she stop watching the late-night news. The very last thing you should do before going to bed is fill your head with visions of murder and mayhem. Ideally, you want to fall asleep thinking positive, happy thoughts—yes, those sugarplum fairies. The week after she moved her TV, June was remarkably positive. She felt rested and had more energy than she’d had in years. These little things can make a big difference.

Bob, a 47-year-old systems engineer, was worried that he would never find the woman of his dreams. He desperately wanted to get married. I put him to work on fixing his house and he tackled the project with gusto. He had always admired his sister’s house because it felt good just hanging around there. I told him there was no reason why he couldn’t create the same peaceful feeling in his own home. He started by getting rid of all the furniture he had never liked—a wobbly table, a worn sofa, a set of bookshelves. Then he repainted the house in colors he loved—a deep blue in the living room and a soft pink in the bedroom. Bob installed a new bathroom cabinet, replaced the old radiators, and put in new blinds. About halfway through this project, Bob met a dynamic and successful woman who just couldn’t keep her hands off him. He was amazed. He kept working until he had the house just the way he wanted it. Now Bob’s complaint is that he has more women to date than he has time for.

It is well worth the investment to set up your home so that it gives you energy. Take the time to make your home a sanctuary, and it will restore and revitalize you in return.

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