Chapter 15. Joining, Compressing, and Encrypting Disks

Files and folders, as you’ve probably noticed, have a tendency to multiply. Creating new documents, installing new software, and downloading new files canfill up even the largest disk drives in no time—especially if, as Microsoft fervently hopes, you get heavily into music, pictures, and video. Fortunately, Windows XP Professional offers a number of ways to expand the amount of space on your drives: schemes called dynamic disks and disk compression.

For many people, security is another concern. Files on your drives may contain confidential financial data for your company, top-secret government research, or—worse—the holiday gift list for your family. Windows XP Professional has a solution for this problem too, called the Encrypting File System (EFS).

You can skip this entire chapter, if you wish, and get along quite well without using any of these features. They’re strictly optional. But if you aspire to wear the Power User T-shirt, read on.


Dynamic disks, disk compression, and EFS all require the NTFS file system on your computer’s disk drives; they’re absent if you’ve chosen the FAT 32 file system instead. To find out the benefits and drawbacks of NTFS, as well as how to convert FAT 32 drives to NTFS, see Appendix A.

Dynamic Disks

Suppose you’ve run out of space on your first hard drive, and have installed a second one to collect the overflow. Thanks to a Windows XP Pro feature called dynamic disks, you don’t have to move files to the new drive or reorganize your folder scheme.

Instead, you can make the new drive fold its space seamlessly with the first’s, so that you suddenly have more disk space on your “one” combo drive.

How Dynamic Disks Work

If this setup intrigues you, a bit more technical explanation is required.

When you (or your PC maker) first installed Windows XP, it configured each drive as a basic disk—a disk with its own drive letter. But before you can combine two actual drives into one volume, you must first convert them into a more flexible format that Microsoft calls a dynamic disk.

The good news is that you can convert a basic disk into a dynamic disk without losing any data on the drive. (The actual steps, as you’ll find out shortly, are easy indeed.) The bad news is that you can’t change a dynamic disk back to a basic disk, unless you erase all of the data stored there.

And why would you want to? Because dynamic disks, for all their flexibility, also have some limitations. Before you proceed with converting basic disks to dynamic disks, assume a reclining position and read the following fine print:

  • Once you’ve combined two physical disks into an über-disk (technically called a spanned volume), a fatal problem on one of the two hard drives will make you lose all of the data on both drives—an event that can ruin your whole morning. Keeping regular backups of your spanned volume is critically important (see Chapter 16).

  • Dynamic disks are a specialty of Windows XP Pro only. No other version of Windows can read them (not even Windows XP Home Edition).

  • A dynamic disk can contain only one operating system. You can’t dual boot (choose which of two operating systems to use each time you turn on the PC), as you can with basic disks.

  • To convert a hard drive to a dynamic disk, it must set aside an invisible storage area to hold a dynamic disk database. If you partitioned the drive using Windows 2000 or XP Professional, then Windows already reserved enough space for this purpose. But if the drive was partitioned with another operating system, you may have to erase it before converting it to a dynamic disk.

  • Dynamic disks don’t work on laptops, removable disks, disks connected by USB cables or IEEE 1394 (FireWire) cables, or disks connected to shared SCSI buses. If your disks fall into any of these categories, Windows XP won’t let you convert them to dynamic disks.

Converting a Basic Disk to a Dynamic Disk

If you haven’t yet been scared off by all of these cautions, and are ready to convert your basic disks to dynamic disks, the procedure is simple. First, back up the disk you plan to convert. You probably won’t need it, but it’s a good idea to back up a disk before performing any kind of traumatic surgery to it.

Next, log on to the computer as its Administrator (Section 17.3.1), and exit any programs that might be running on the disk you plan to convert.

You convert disks and manage the dynamic volumes on them using a special window called the Disk Management console. To open it, use any of these methods:

  • Choose StartControl PanelAdministrative ToolsComputer Management. In the resulting Computer Management window, double-click Disk Management in the list at the left side.

    The Disk Management console is the central toolbox for all of your dynamic disk related tasks. This is where you convert basic disks to dynamic disks, and create the dynamic volumes on your disks.

    Figure 15-1. The Disk Management console is the central toolbox for all of your dynamic disk related tasks. This is where you convert basic disks to dynamic disks, and create the dynamic volumes on your disks.

  • In the Start menu, right-click My Computer. From the shortcut menu, choose Manage. Once again, double-click Disk Management in the list at the left side.

  • Choose StartRun; type diskmgmt.msc and press Enter.

Once this window is before you, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Disk Management icon under Storage in the left pane of the Computer Management console.

    You see a display of your drives and the partitions on them, as shown in Figure 15-1.

    The top part of the window lists the partitions on your computer. The bottom part contains a horizontal box representing each drive on your computer, with smaller boxes inside indicating the partitions on each drive. Notice that the header box for each drive indicates the number of the drive in your system, its capacity, whether or not it’s online, and the word “Basic” (indicating that it’s currently a basic disk).

  2. Right-click the header box for the drive, as shown in Figure 15-2; from the shortcut menu, choose Convert to Dynamic Disk.

    A Convert to Dynamic Disk dialog box appears (Figure 15-2, bottom left), in which you select the disk(s) you want to convert.

    Top: To convert a basic disk to a dynamic disk, right-click the header box for the drive and choose Convert to Dynamic Disk from the shortcut menu. Don’t right-click one of the partitions—you must click the header box. Bottom left: The Convert to Dynamic Disk dialog box lists the drives that are eligible for conversion to dynamic disks. You can even select and convert several disks at once. Bottom right: The Disks to Convert dialog box lists the dynamic volumes that Windows XP will automatically create on your newly converted drives.

    Figure 15-2. Top: To convert a basic disk to a dynamic disk, right-click the header box for the drive and choose Convert to Dynamic Disk from the shortcut menu. Don’t right-click one of the partitions—you must click the header box. Bottom left: The Convert to Dynamic Disk dialog box lists the drives that are eligible for conversion to dynamic disks. You can even select and convert several disks at once. Bottom right: The Disks to Convert dialog box lists the dynamic volumes that Windows XP will automatically create on your newly converted drives.

  3. Click OK.

    If you’re converting a disk that contains basic partitions, a Disks to Convert dialog box appears (Figure 15-2, bottom right).

    If you click a disk and then click Details, a Convert Details dialog box appears, listing the dynamic volumes that you’re about to create. (All of the standard partitions on the drive are converted into simple dynamic volumes—that is, they aren’t yet combined into spanned volumes. That step comes later.)

  4. Click the Convert button.

    If Windows XP detects other operating systems on your disk, you’ll be warned that they won’t be able to start up the PC after the conversion. If you’re converting the disk that contains Windows XP Pro itself, you’ll have to restart the PC.

    Otherwise, though, the conversion process takes only a few seconds. After restarting (if necessary), log on and open the Disk Management console again. As shown in Figure 15-3, the conversion is complete.

    Now the header box for your disk says “Dynamic” rather than “Basic,” and what used to be partitions on the disk (with blue header bars) are now simple volumes (with red header bars).

    Figure 15-3. Now the header box for your disk says “Dynamic” rather than “Basic,” and what used to be partitions on the disk (with blue header bars) are now simple volumes (with red header bars).

Three Uses for Unallocated Space

If you’ve installed a new hard drive, you’ll see, in the Disk Management window, that it consists of unallocated space—disk space that doesn’t belong to any volume yet. It’s just sitting there, unaccounted for, unusable, waiting for you to make it part of one volume or another.

Whenever you find yourself with unallocated space, you get to discover the flexibility of dynamic disks. If you right-click an unallocated area in one of the disk boxes and choose New Volume from the shortcut menu, you’ll see that you can choose any of three options: Simple, Spanned, or Striped see (Figure 15-4). Here’s a rundown of each:

The Select Volume Type screen of the New Volume Wizard displays the dynamic volume types that you can create on your computer. Click one to read a description at the bottom of the dialog box.

Figure 15-4. The Select Volume Type screen of the New Volume Wizard displays the dynamic volume types that you can create on your computer. Click one to read a description at the bottom of the dialog box.

On the Select Disks screen, you specify where you want to get the unallocated space that the wizard will use to create the dynamic volume. When creating a simple volume, you can only select one disk, but for spanned or striped volumes, you can select up to 32.

Figure 15-5. On the Select Disks screen, you specify where you want to get the unallocated space that the wizard will use to create the dynamic volume. When creating a simple volume, you can only select one disk, but for spanned or striped volumes, you can select up to 32.

Creating a simple volume

A simple volume, on a dynamic disk, is a lot like a partition on a basic disk. It’s a subdivision of the hard drive that looks and acts exactly like a separate disk, complete with its own drive letter and icon in your My Computer window.

To make one, follow these steps, beginning with the New Volume Wizard screen shown in Figure 15-4:

  1. Click Simple (Figure 15-4) and then click Next.

    The Select Disks screen appears (Figure 15-5).

  2. Specify the size of the volume you want to create (in megabytes) in the “Select the amount of space in MB” box.

    Often, you’ll want to leave the maximum number here, so that you turn all of the unallocated space into a single new volume—but you don’t have to. You can chop up the space into a number of different volumes, if you like.

  3. Click Next.

    The Assign Drive Letter or Path screen appears (Figure 15-6, top).

  4. Specify the drive letter you want to assign to the volume.

    If you like, you can also turn the volume into a sub-folder of an existing NTFS folder (a technical trick described in Section 16.5.3).

  5. Click Next. On the Format Volume screen (Figure 15-6, bottom), specify the NTFS file system. Type a name for your new volume into the “Volume label” box. Click Next, and then Finish.

    Top: On the Assign Drive Letter or Path screen, you specify what drive letter you want to use for the new volume. Alternatively, you can mount it as a folder on an NTFS drive. Bottom: The Format Volume screen lets you format your new dynamic volume as soon as it’s created, as well as specify a volume name and turn on disk compression. Because this is a dynamic disk, NTFS is the only file system available for formatting.

    Figure 15-6. Top: On the Assign Drive Letter or Path screen, you specify what drive letter you want to use for the new volume. Alternatively, you can mount it as a folder on an NTFS drive. Bottom: The Format Volume screen lets you format your new dynamic volume as soon as it’s created, as well as specify a volume name and turn on disk compression. Because this is a dynamic disk, NTFS is the only file system available for formatting.

Presto: What used to be unallocated space (denoted by a black header bar in the Disk Management window) is now a simple volume (with a red header bar). The new volume now appears in your My Computer window—and everywhere else—with the drive letter you assigned to it. It’s ready to store data.


You can delete a dynamic volume as easily as you created it. Just right-click it in the Disk Management window and select Delete Volume from the shortcut menu. Doing so deletes the entire volume, erasing all the data on it and removing its space from any spanned or striped space on other disks.

Creating a spanned volume

Suppose you’ve managed to shoehorn every byte of data you possibly can onto your PC’s one hard drive. You decide to install a second hard drive, to give you more space.

But then what? You don’t want to spoil the carefully organized folder structure on your old hard drive by moving parts of it to the new drive; you just want to continue to build on your folders as they are.

The solution, as you know if you read the beginning of this chapter, is to create a spanned volume, a single disk icon (and drive letter) that’s actually composed of the space from both your old and new drives.

The first order of business (after restarting the computer) is to make sure that Windows XP has recognized the new drive. Messages inform you that the operating system has located a new hardware device and identified it as a hard drive. When you launch the Disk Management console, a new drive appears in the list, with a great big block of unallocated space for you to fill, as shown in Figure 15-7.

When you install a new hard drive in your computer, it appears in the Disk Management console as a large block of unallocated space. Of course, you quickly notice that the new drive is a basic drive; therefore, all you can do is create a basic partition on it.

Figure 15-7. When you install a new hard drive in your computer, it appears in the Disk Management console as a large block of unallocated space. Of course, you quickly notice that the new drive is a basic drive; therefore, all you can do is create a basic partition on it.

Before you can use the new drive to enlarge your existing volume, you must convert it to a dynamic disk, just as described in Section 15.1.2. At that point, you’re free to right-click your original volume (in the Disk Management window) and open the Extend Volume Wizard.

When the Select Disks screen appears (Figure 15-8, top), you’ll see that the only available unallocated space in your computer is on your new drive. Select it in the Available column and click Add to add it to the Selected column. Specify how much of the new drive you want to add to the volume (or, to add all of it to your original drive, do nothing). Finally, click Next and then Finish.

Top: When extending a volume to another disk, click its name in the Available column before adding it to the Selected column. Bottom: A dynamic volume extended to another disk appears in the Disk Management console with the same color header bar and the same drive letter. Note, too, that the volume list in the upper-right quadrant of this dialog box identifies this volume as “Spa” (which, if you could see the whole word, would say “Spanned”).

Figure 15-8. Top: When extending a volume to another disk, click its name in the Available column before adding it to the Selected column. Bottom: A dynamic volume extended to another disk appears in the Disk Management console with the same color header bar and the same drive letter. Note, too, that the volume list in the upper-right quadrant of this dialog box identifies this volume as “Spa” (which, if you could see the whole word, would say “Spanned”).

Notice now that your original volume and your new drive both have a purple header bar and use the same drive letter, as shown at bottom in Figure 15-8 You now have a spanned volume using space on both of your hard drives. Your hard drive is now effectively bigger, and you can continue to amass new files at your accustomed rate.

Creating a striped volume

As you now know, a spanned volume is like a virtual hard drive made up of storage space from two to 32 dynamic disks. When Windows XP saves data onto a spanned volume, it completely fills up the allotted space on one drive, then proceeds to the next drive in the volume, until the allotted space on all of the drives is full.

A striped volume is similar, in that it’s a single volume made up of space from several actual disks, but the way Windows XP saves data to the drives is different. Instead of filling up one drive and proceeding to the next one, Windows XP saves pieces of each file on more than one disk. Because more than one hard drive is saving and reading data in parallel, a speed benefit can theoretically result.

The truth is, though, that the differences are measured in milliseconds—thousandths of a second—so it’s generally not worth creating striped volumes on everyday PC workstations. (On corporate file servers that handle hundreds or thousands of file access requests per minute, it’s a different story. The cumulative savings in access times can be significant.)

If you’re still tempted to create a striped-volume set, the process is nearly identical to creating a new spanned volume(see the box below). The only difference is that you must use the same amount of space on each of the drives you select. For example, if you have one gigabyte of unallocated space on Disk 0 and five gigabytes of unallocated space on Disk 1, your striped volume can be no larger than two gigabytes, one from each drive.

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