

access points, see also WiFi, Wireless networks (WiFi or 802.11)
accessibility tools, Accessibility Wizard
Accessibility Wizard, Accessibility Wizard
accounts (see also NTFS permissions; profiles)
[your name] folder, Your Account Folder
accounts, see also NTFS permissions; profiles, How to turn on Fast User Switching
disk quotas, Data files
editing (workstation accounts), Editing an Account
logging in, Domains vs. Workgroups
making your files private, Editing an Account
switching from administrator to limited, Editing an Account
activation, Setup Wizard
and Service Pack 1, Program Access and Defaults
Active Desktop, Web tab, Choosing a screen saver
Active Directory, Joining a Domain
ActiveX controls, The Information Bar, The Add-ons Manager
Add Hardware wizard, Add Hardware Wizard searches for non—Plug and Play devices
Add or Remove Programs
hot fixes, Uninstalling Software
uninstalling software, Uninstalling Software
Add to Favorites command, Organize Favorites
Add-ins Manager, The Add-ons Manager
Address bar, Searching your address book, The Address Bar
in Internet Explorer, The Address bar
revealing folder path, The “Folder Options” Options
address book, Searching phone books on the Internet
administrative shares, Specify whose freedom you’re about to limit
Administrators group, Built-in groups
Align to Grid, Manipulating the Details view
All Programs menu
adding folders to, Add folders to hold submenus
folders that contribute, Method 3: Use the Start Menu folders
All Users folder, Method 3: Use the Start Menu folders
All Users profile, Whose software is it, anyway?
Alt key
for menu underlines, Effects
Alt+Tab, Switching Programs
archive folders, Creating zipped folders
area codes, Area Code Rules tab, Calling Card tab
Auto Arrange, Changing the sorting order
auto complete, The Address bar
for CDs, Fun with Media Player


Back button, The Standard Buttons Toolbar
Backgammon, Windows XP Games
backing up, see also Microsoft Backup
Archive indicator, Data files
choices of backup disk, Backup Hardware, Create a backup job
in corporations, Backup Hardware
backing up, see also Microsoft Backup Archive indicator
normal, incremental, differential, Select the backup medium
Bluetooth, External Attachments
for exchanging files, Bluetooth Devices
functions of, Bluetooth Devices
pairing, Bluetooth Devices
bookmarks, Favorites: “Bookmarking” favorite Web sites, Viewing Web pages offline
broadband connections, Cable Modems and DSL
moving, adding, removing, The Standard Buttons Toolbar


C: Local Disk window, Windows or WINNT
cable modems, Cable Modems and DSL
cache files, Set options to check for changes
call waiting, Area Code Rules tab
calling cards, Calling Card tab
backing up onto, Create a backup job
playing in Windows Media Player, Playing Music CDs
chatting, Whiteboard
Checkers, Windows XP Games
Classic Start menu
customizing, The Advanced tab
clean install, Performing a Clean Install (or Dual-Boot Install), Setup Wizard
Clipboard, Drag-and-Drop
ClipBook Viewer, Drag-and-Drop
Close box, Windows in Windows
closing windows, Closing a window
color depth for monitors, Multiple monitors
for standard Windows elements (schemes), Effects
Command Prompt, see also Run command, About word wrap
compatibility mode, Program files, Programs Written for Windows 95, 2000, Etc.
compressed files
NTFS, Creating zipped folders
Computer Name, Disks
Control icon
closing a window, Closing a window
control panel
Classic view, The Printer Icon
Fonts control panel, Internet Options
game controllers, Internet Options
Internet Options, Internet Options
listed as Start menu menu, The General tab, The Advanced tab
Mail, Double-click speed
Mouse, Double-click speed
Sounds and Audio Devices, Volume Tab
turning off Category view, Restoring the Old Control Panel
two views, The Printer Icon
cookies, Your Account Folder
copy and paste
between documents, Drag-and-Drop
crashed programs, When Programs Die, Saving Documents
as logon sequence, How Fast User Switching works
to exit crashed programs, When Programs Die, Saving Documents
cursor shape and speed, Select individual pointers
customizing pointer shape, Select individual pointers
desktop, Applying wallpaper, General tab
folders, Organize Favorites
overall Windows look (themes), Applying wallpaper
screensavers, Choosing a screen saver
Start menu, Add folders to hold submenus
toolbars, The Standard Buttons Toolbar
window and menu design (schemes), Effects
cut and paste
between documents, Drag-and-Drop


deanmgr (Disk Cleanup), Launch a Program
email messages, Deleting messages
icons from Start menu, Method 3: Use the Start Menu folders
Active Desktop, Web tab, Choosing a screen saver
changing standard icons’ icons, Web tab
completely empty, A Really, Really Clean Desktop
Desktop folder, Your Account Folder
drag and drop, Drag-and-Drop, Drag-and-drop to the desktop
icons, General tab
desktop cleanup Wizard, Web tab
changing reminder interval, The Desktop Cleanup Wizard Interval
details view, Manipulating the Details view
customizing columns, Manipulating the Details view
Device Manager
red X’ss, Duplicate devices
yellow !’s, Duplicate devices
dial-up connections
area codes, Area Code Rules tab, Calling Card tab
call waiting, Area Code Rules tab
calling cards, Calling Card tab
disconnecting, Disconnecting manually
long-distance/international calls, Area Code Rules tab
New Connection Wizard, Setting Up the Host PC
switching automatically, Disconnecting manually
dialing rules
for faxes, Getting Ready to Fax
dialog boxes
basics of, Navigating in the Save As Dialog Box
choosing new looks (schemes), Effects
digital photos
as screensaver, View them bigger
downloading from camera, Look them over
filmstrip and thumbnails views, Look them over
Picture and Fax Viewer, View them bigger
Disconnect command
, Start→Shut Down (Turn Off Computer)
Discuss panel, The Explorer Bar
Disk Defragmenter
building an automated schedule, Backup Hardware
Disk Management console, Creating a spanned volume
mounted volumes/junction points, Turn a Drive into a Folder
partitioning drives, Partition a New Drive
disk quotas, Data files
diskmgmt.msc, Converting a Basic Disk to a Dynamic Disk
properties of, Disks
Display control panel
color depth setting, Multiple monitors
multiple monitors, Multiple monitors
resolution, Multiple monitors
Documents and Settings, Method 3: Use the Start Menu folders, Program Files
documents see also My Documents
saving, Navigating in the Save As Dialog Box
searching for, All files and folders
domain networks
Active Directory, Joining a Domain
advantages of, The Domain Concept
browsing and searching, Custom Searches
defined, Domains vs. Workgroups
joining, Joining a Domain
logging off, shutting down, Start→Log Off
logging on, Domains vs. Workgroups
security, Joining a Domain
vs. workgroups, Domains vs. Workgroups
Windows Security dialog box, When Programs Die, Saving Documents
Command Prompt, About word wrap
double-click speed, Double-click speed
between documents, Drag-and-Drop, Drag-and-drop to the desktop
to copy icons, The right-mouse-button trick
to the desktop, Drag-and-Drop, Drag-and-drop to the desktop
window outlines, Effects
drive letters
changing, Partition a New Drive
mapping shared folders, Mapping Shares to Drive Letters
more than, Start→Log Off, Turn a Drive into a Folder
drive paths, Turn a Drive into a Folder
which to use, Add Hardware Wizard searches for non—Plug and Play devices
properties, Disks
DSL, Cable Modems and DSL
dual booting
installation process, Performing a Clean Install (or Dual-Boot Install), Setup Wizard
backing up onto, Create a backup job
dynamic disks
creating simple volumes, Creating a spanned volume
spanned volumes, Creating a spanned volume


eFax, Receiving a Fax
elements of, Windows in Windows
email see also Outlook express
finding addresses, Searching your address book, Searching phone books on the Internet
encrypting files and folders
via shortcut menu, A Really, Really Clean Desktop
error reporting, Saving Documents
turning off, Disks
Ethernet, Ethernet, Wireless networks (WiFi or 802.11)
cards, hubs, and routers, Ethernet
different speeds Onassis, Network Hookups
exceptions (firewall), The exceptions list
Explorer bar, The Explorer Bar


fast user switching
and Log Off command, Start→Log Off
Switch User command, Start→Log Off
turning on and off, How to turn on Fast User Switching
FAT32 formatting
vs. NTFS, Preparing for the Installation
Add to Favorites command, Organize Favorites
Favorites folder, Your Account Folder
in Explorer bar, The Explorer Bar
in Internet Explorer, Favorites: “Bookmarking” favorite Web sites, Viewing Web pages offline
menu, Organize Favorites
organizing, Organize Favorites
faxes, Receiving a Fax
eFax, Receiving a Fax
Fax Console, Receiving a Fax
preparing to send, Getting Ready to Fax
receiving on the PC,, Receiving a Fax
sending from the PC, Sending a Fax
sent to your email, Receiving a Fax
FDISK, Choosing a File System
file attachments, Setting up message rules
attachment blocking, Setting up message rules
File menu, File Menu
filename extensions
hiding or showing, The “Folder Options” Options
Files and Settings Transfer wizard, Phase 1: Backing up the Files, Phase 2: Restoring the Files
files see also filename extensions; icons; NTFS permissions; shortcuts (icons)
properties of, Data files
selecting (highlighting), To highlight only specific icons
filmstrip view
for downloaded photos, Look them over
Filter Keys, FilterKeys
floppy disks, Backup Hardware
Folder Options
File Type tabs, Displaying Filename Extensions
offline files, Phase 1: Turn on Offline Files
folder paths
in address bar, The “Folder Options” Options, The Address Bar
in title bar, The “Folder Options” Options
folder templates, Changing the sorting order
folder tips, The “Folder Options” Options
folders see also shared folders; windows
hiding, Notes on Simple File Sharing, Step 1: Turn on Sharing
reasons to share, Sharing Network Files, “View workgroup computers”
folders see also shared folders; windows automatically find network folders and printers, The “Folder Options” Options
Customize command, Organize Favorites
Sharing option, Program files
zipping and unzipping, Creating zipped folders
enlarging in Internet Explorer, Enlarge or shrink online photos
Fonts control panel, Internet Options
for standard desktop elements (schemes), Effects
smoothing on screen, Effects
Found New Hardware wizard, Add Hardware Wizard searches for non—Plug and Play devices
Free Cell, Windows XP Games
frozen programs, Saving Documents
FTP servers, Shared Folders Online
Full Screen mode, The Standard Buttons Toolbar
in address bar, The Address Bar
in Internet Explorer, Enlarge or shrink online photos


game controllers, Internet Options
and Windows firewall, The exceptions list
Go To command, Organize Favorites
Google toolbar, Enlarge or shrink online photos
editing with Paint, Paint
grid (for icons), Manipulating the Details view
groups (accounts), Groups
Administrators, Power Users, Users, etc., Built-in groups
and NTFS permissions, NTFS permissions travel downstream, from outer folders to inner ones
built-in, Built-in groups
creating, Built-in groups
permission levels, NTFS permissions travel downstream, from outer folders to inner ones
guest accounts, Local Accounts on a Domain Computer


hard drives see also dynamic disks; FAT32; NTFS; volumes
changing drive letters, Partition a New Drive
compressing, Compressing files, folders, or disks, Creating zipped folders
partitioning, Partition a New Drive, Choosing a File System
Hardware tab, Disks
hardware, see also disks; drivers; networking; PCs
Found New Hardware wizard, Add Hardware Wizard searches for non—Plug and Play devices
profiles, Performance
Hearts, Windows XP Games
Microsoft technical support, Getting Help from Microsoft
troubleshooters, Remote Assistance: Rest Assured
Hibernate mode, Start→Shut Down (Turn Off Computer), Waking up your PC
settings, Standby doesn’t save data
hidden files and folders, Program Files, Windows or WINNT, Data files, Notes on Simple File Sharing
making visible, The “Folder Options” Options
History list, Configure and view the History folder
in Explorer bar, The Explorer Bar
hives, The Big Five Hives
homepage, Designate your home page
HomePlug networks, Wireless networks (WiFi or 802.11)
hotfixes, Uninstalling Software
HTML mail, Composing and sending messages
hubs, Ethernet


icons, see also desktop cleanup Wizard; files; shortcuts (icons)
Align to Grid, Manipulating the Details view
changing standard icons’ icons, Web tab
details of, The Explorer Bar
Details view, Manipulating the Details view
enlarging standard desktop icons, Effects
renaming, Disks
selecting (highlighting), To highlight only specific icons
Indexing Service
on/off switch, Data files
information bar, The Information Bar, The Add-ons Manager, The Address bar
installing software, The Pre-Installation Checklist
from a CD, Installing software using “Add or Remove Programs”
from a download, Installing Windows Components
using Add or Remove Programs, Installing Downloaded Software
installing Windows XP Pro
choosing a filesystem, Preparing for the Installation
clean installation, Performing a Clean Install (or Dual-Boot Install), Setup Wizard
Files and Settings Transfer wizard, Phase 1: Backing up the Files, Phase 2: Restoring the Files
preparing for installation, Preparing for the Installation, Performing an Update Installation
Setup Wizard, Setup Wizard
upgrade installation, Performing an Update Installation
User State migration tool, Phase 2: Restoring the Files
Internet Connection Sharing, Sharing Network Files
Internet Explorer, Advanced tab
Add-ins Manager, The Add-ons Manager
auto complete, The Address bar
browsing without graphics, Faster browsing without graphics, Favorites: “Bookmarking” favorite Web sites
changing default browser, Program Access and Defaults, Uninstalling Software
cookies, Ratings tab
designating a homepage, Designate your home page
History list, Configure and view the History folder
icon on desktop, General tab
image toolbar, Enlarge or shrink online photos, Faster browsing without graphics
information bar, The Information Bar, The Add-ons Manager
pop-up blocker, The Information Bar, Designate your home page
temporary files, Set options to check for changes
ways to open, Browsing Basics and Toolbars
Internet games, Windows XP Games
Internet Options, Internet Options
Internet see also security; Service Pack 2
automatic dialing, Disconnecting manually
broadband connections, Cable Modems and DSL
disconnecting, Disconnecting manually
getting connected, Five Degrees of Online Readiness
Internet Explorer, Advanced tab
phone books, Searching your address book, Searching phone books on the Internet
via broadband, Cable Modems and DSL
Windows messenger, Whiteboard
Windows Security Alert, The exceptions list
fonline folders, Shared Folders Online
IP addresses
getting a fixed address, Virtual Private Networking
in Remote Assistance, Instructions for the novice


Keyboard control panel, Keyboard
keyboard shortcuts
closing a window, Closing a window
closing only document window, Closing a window
dialog box navigation, Navigating in the Save As Dialog Box
for playing DVDs, Ditching the remote control
for Remote Desktop, Fine-tuning Remote Desktop Connections
for switching programs, Switching Programs
in Internet Explorer, The Address bar
operating the Run command, Launch a Program
Search command, Starting a search


Language toolbar
disappearing, The long way
closing the lid, Standby doesn’t save data
offline files, A Full and Quick synchronization
left-handed mouse buttons, Double-click speed
Local Disk window, Windows or WINNT
log files, Paint
Log Off command, Start→Log Off
logging in
controlling the logon process, How Fast User Switching works
to a domain network, Domains vs. Workgroups
to a workgroup, Domains vs. Workgroups
typing your account name, You get the Windows XP Welcome screen
Welcome screen, You get the Windows XP Welcome screen
your account picture, Editing an Account


Magnifier, On-Screen Keyboard
Maximize button, Windows in Windows, Closing a window
choosing new looks (schemes), Effects
eliminating fade in fact, Disks
fade effects, Performance
menu bar, Windows in Windows
menu by menu, File Menu
opening faster, The Desktop Cleanup Wizard Interval
shadow effect, Effects
turning off fade-in effect, Effects
message rules, Setting up message rules
technical support, Getting Help from Microsoft
Microsoft Backup, Backup Hardware
choices of backup disk, Backup Hardware, Create a backup job
creating a backup job, Create a backup job
Microsoft Office
custom properties, summary, Data files, Program files
Minesweeper, Windows XP Games
minimizing windows
minimize button, Windows in Windows, Closing a window
monitors see also Display control panel
color depth setting, Multiple monitors
multiple monitors, Multiple monitors
screen resolution, Multiple monitors
mounted volumes, Turn a Drive into a Folder
cursor shape and speed, Snap To
for lefties, Double-click speed
settings, Double-click speed
Mouse control panel, Double-click speed
ClickLock, Select individual pointers
cursor shape and speed, Select individual pointers, Snap To
double-click speed, Double-click speed
for lefties, Double-click speed
SnapTo, Select individual pointers, Snap To
Movie Maker 2
capturing footage, Capturing footage
editing video, Phase 2: Drag them into the storyboard
importing pictures and movies, Phase 2: Drag them into the storyboard
transitions, effects, titles, Phase 7: Add background music
moving a window, Closing a window
msconfig, Uninstalling Software
Multiple Document Interface (MDI), Closing a window, Switching Programs
multiple monitors, Multiple monitors
searching for, All files and folders
My Computer
Hardware tab, Disks
icon on desktop, General tab
listed as Start submenu, The Advanced tab
windowsfree space, Changing the sorting order
My Documents, Your Account Folder
icon on desktop, General tab
My Music
listed as Start submenu, The Advanced tab
My Network Places
icon on desktop, General tab
shared folders, “View workgroup computers”
View Workgroup Computers, “View workgroup computers”
My Pictures
listed as Start submenu, The Advanced tab
My Recent Documents
in Explorer bar, The Explorer Bar


Go To command, Organize Favorites
the Save dialog box, Saving Documents
network adapters, Ethernet
Network Connections
listed as Start submenu, The Advanced tab
Network Neighborhood, “View workgroup computers”
networking see also shared folders
automatically find network folders and printers, The “Folder Options” Options
finding computers or printers, Searching your address book
kinds of networks, Ethernet
logging in, Domains vs. Workgroups
networked printers, Parallel, Serial, and Infrared Printers
networking, Joining a Domain
offline files, A Full and Quick synchronization
resources to share, Sharing Network Files
searching address books, Searching your address book, Searching phone books on the Internet
shared folders, Sharing Network Files, A Full and Quick synchronization
sharing a printer, Sharing a Printer, Printing a printer file
Simple File Sharing, Sharing Your Own Folders, Step 1: Turn on Sharing
Standard File Sharing, Step 1: Turn on Sharing
testing the workgroup, Testing the Network
working with shared files, Shared Folders Online
New Connection Wizard, Setting Up the Host PC
finding and reading, Reading Messages
NICs (network interface cards), Ethernet
Notepad, About word wrap, Paint
log files, Paint
notification area
online connections, Automatic Dialing
NTFS file system
converting from FAT32, Preparing for the Installation
dynamic disks, Dynamic Disks
file compression, Creating zipped folders
vs. FAT, Choosing a File System, Preparing for the Installation
NTFS permissions, Permissions accumulate as you burrow downward through folders inside folders
Allow vs. Deny, NTFS permissions travel downstream, from outer folders to inner ones
assigning to a file or folder, NTFS permissions travel downstream, from outer folders to inner ones
conflicting, NTFS permissions travel downstream, from outer folders to inner ones , Permissions accumulate as you burrow downward through folders inside folders
inheritance, NTFS permissions travel downstream, from outer folders to inner ones , Permissions accumulate as you burrow downward through folders inside folders
summary screen, NTFS permissions that have been explicitly applied to a file or folder always override inherited permissions, Permissions accumulate as you burrow downward through folders inside folders


Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), Export/Import
offline files, A Full and Quick synchronization
defined, Phase 1: Turn on Offline Files
standardization, A Full and Quick synchronization
turning on, Phase 1: Turn on Offline Files
Web pages, Viewing Web pages offline
working offline, Phase 3: Log Off, Phase 4: Working Offline
On-Screen Keyboard, On-Screen Keyboard
Open With
dialog box, Hooking up a File Extension to a Different Program, Fun with File Associations
orange highlighting, The Advanced tab
Organize Favorites command, Organize Favorites
Outlook, Double-click speed
Outlook express
setting up accounts, Setting Up Outlook Express
Outlook Express
attachment blocking, Setting up message rules
Carbon copy, blind carbon copy, Composing and sending messages
deleting messages, Deleting messages
HTML formatting vs. plain text, Composing and sending messages
message rules, Setting up message rules
opening attachments, Opening Attachments, Setting up message rules
receipts feature, Send tab


Paint, Paint
partitioning hard drives, Partition a New Drive, Choosing a File System
passwords, Editing an Account
auto complete, The Address bar
for workstation accounts, Editing an Account
hints, Editing an Account
Local Users and Groups console, Creating a New User Account
not required for logging on, You get the Windows XP Welcome screen
protected screensaver, Choosing a screen saver
back panel of, External Attachments
changing drive letters, Change a Drive Letter, Partition a New Drive
hardware, Hardware
speed options, Disks
waking up the PC, Waking up your PC, Computer fails to enter hibernate or standby mode
Peerless disks, Backup Hardware, Create a backup job
Performance options, Disks, Performance
permissions see also NTFS permissions; share permissions
assigning on domain networks, Assigning Permissions to Domain Members
Phone and Modem Options, Dialing Rules Tab
phoneline networks, Wireless networks (WiFi or 802.11)
finding numbers, Searching your address book, Searching phone books on the Internet
Picture and Fax Viewer, View them bigger
enlarging or shrinking online, Enlarge or shrink online photos
for your account, Editing an Account
searching for, All files and folders
surfing without (speed trick), Faster browsing without graphics, Favorites: “Bookmarking” favorite Web sites
Pinball, Windows XP Games
PKZip, Working with zipped folders
plain text mail, Composing and sending messages
Plug-And-Play, Installing Cards in Expansion Slots
plug-ins, The Information Bar, The Add-ons Manager
pop-up blocker, The Information Bar
ports (in firewalls), All about ports, The exceptions list
power schemes, Waking up your PC
Power Users group, Built-in groups
Powerline networks, Wireless networks (WiFi or 802.11)
Add Printer Wizard, Parallel, Serial, and Infrared Printers
automatically find network folders and printers, The “Folder Options” Options
installing, Existing Printers, Parallel, Serial, and Infrared Printers
network sharing, Sharing Network Files
networked, Parallel, Serial, and Infrared Printers
printer icons, The Printer Icon
Printers and Faxes window, The Printer Icon
USB, parallel, serial, infrared, Parallel, Serial, and Infrared Printers
delayed printing, Sharing a Printer
email messages, Flagging Messages
from applications, Printing from Applications
managing print jobs, Controlling Printouts
sharing a printer, Sharing a Printer, Printing a printer file
to a final, Printing a printer file
All Users profile, Whose software is it, anyway?
Program Access and Defaults, Program Access and Defaults
Program Files folder, Program Files, Windows or WINNT
programs see also shortcuts (icons)
accessory programs, Accessibility Wizard, Using WordPad
compatibility mode, Program files
crashed, When Programs Die
exiting, When Programs Die
identifying secret name, Method 1: Drag an icon directly
installing, The Pre-Installation Checklist
installing to the proper profiles, Whose software is it, anyway?, The Default User Profile
making compatible with XP, Programs Written for Windows 95, 2000, Etc.
new programs highlighted in orange, The Advanced tab
opening from the command line, Launch a Program
Program Files folder, Program Files, Windows or WINNT
Save dialog box, Saving Documents
sharing online, Sharing a Program
switching, Switching Programs
taskbar, The long way
true application names, Launch a Program
uninstalling, Uninstalling Software
version information, Program files
programs see also shortcuts (icons) accessory programs
switching, Switching Programs
ways to open, Launching Programs, Switching Programs
disks, Disks
files, Data files
programs, Programs Written for Windows 95, 2000, Etc.


Recycle Bin
eliminating confirmation message, The Recycle Bin
red X’s, Duplicate devices
Refresh command, Organize Favorites
regedit, Meet RegEdit, Faster Shutdowns
opening from command line, Launch a Program
Registry, Faster Shutdowns
completely empty desktop, A Really, Really Clean Desktop
defined, Fun with the Registry, Meet RegEdit
Desktop Cleanup Wizard, The Desktop Cleanup Wizard Interval
faster shutdowns, Faster Shutdowns
for faster menus, The Desktop Cleanup Wizard Interval
keys and values, The Big Five Hives
shortcut menus, A Really, Really Clean Desktop
structure of, The Big Five Hives
remote access
by direct dial, Remote Access Basics
Remote Assistance, Getting Help from Microsoft
using Windows Messenger, Instructions for the novice
via email invitation, Getting Help from Microsoft
remote desktop
disconnecting, Fine-tuning Remote Desktop Connections
fine tune, Fine-tuning Remote Desktop Connections
in XP Home Edition, Setting Up the Host Machine
keyboard shortcuts, Fine-tuning Remote Desktop Connections
file and folder icons, Disks
long filenames, Renaming Your Icons
Replicator group, Setting Up the Logon Process
resolution, Multiple monitors
Restore button, Closing a window
Reversi, Windows XP Games
properties, You could spend a lifetime changing properties
to copy or move icons, The right-mouse-button trick
routers, Sharing an Internet Connection
Run command
opening folder windows, Open a Drive Window
opening programs, Launch a Program


Save dialog box, Saving Documents
File Format drop-down, Closing Documents
keyboard shortcuts, Navigating in the Save As Dialog Box
Scheduled Tasks
adding tasks, Adding a Task to the Scheduler
Disk Defragmenter example, Backup Hardware
Scrap files, Drag-and-drop to the desktop
screen resolution, Multiple monitors
screensavers, Choosing a screen saver
from digital photos, View them bigger
Search command
domain networks, Custom Searches
finding computers, Searching your address book
finding music, pictures, video, or documents, All files and folders
finding words inside files, All files and folders
in Explorer bar, The Explorer Bar
keyboard shortcuts for, Starting a search
searching address books, Searching your address book, Searching phone books on the Internet
searching by size or date, All files and folders
using the results, All files and folders, Searching for Printers
working with shared files, Shared Folders Online
security see also NTFS permissions; Service Pack 2
attachment blocking, Setting up message rules
cache files, Set options to check for changes
cookies, Ratings tab
Ctrl+Alt+Delete as logon sequence, How Fast User Switching works
domain networks, Joining a Domain
making your files private, Editing an Account
email messages, Deleting messages
icons, To highlight only specific icons
Service Pack 1, Program Access and Defaults
Service Pack 2
hides hotfixes, Uninstalling Software
Service Pack 2, see also Bluetooth
Add-ins Manager, The Add-ons Manager
attachment blocking, Setting up message rules
information bar, The Information Bar, The Add-ons Manager
pop-up blocker, The Information Bar
Shared Documents, Built-in groups
shared folders, Sharing Network Files, A Full and Quick synchronization
accessing from My Network Places, “View workgroup computers”
mapping to drive letters, Mapping Shares to Drive Letters
Simple File Sharing, Sharing Your Own Folders, Step 1: Turn on Sharing
simple vs. standard, Two Roads to File Sharing, Turning Simple File Sharing On and Off
Standard File Sharing, Step 1: Turn on Sharing
turning on sharing, Step 1: Turn on Sharing
working with shared files, Shared Folders Online
SharePoint Portal Server, The Explorer Bar
shortcut menus
adding Encrypt command to, A Really, Really Clean Desktop
Show in Groups, Changing the sorting order
Shut Down command, Start→Shut Down (Turn Off Computer)
shutting down
faster, Faster Shutdowns
on domain networks, Logging Off and Shutting Down
signatures (Outlook express), Attaching files to messages
Simple File Sharing, Sharing Your Own Folders, Step 1: Turn on Sharing
skins, Fun with Media Player
Snap To option, Snap To
Solitaire, Windows XP Games
file icons, Changing the sorting order
in Details view, Manipulating the Details view
Start menu, Method 1: Drag an icon directly
Sounds and Audio Devices control panel, Volume Tab
Sound Recorder, Ditching the remote control
recording your own, Ditching the remote control
Sounds and Audio Devices, Volume Tab
Spades, Windows XP Games
spanned volumes, Creating a spanned volume
spooler (printing), Controlling Printouts
Standard Buttons toolbar, The Standard Buttons Toolbar, The Address Bar
in Internet Explorer, The Address bar
Standard File Sharing, Step 1: Turn on Sharing, Offline Files
Start menu see also All Programs menu; individual commands (i.e. Log Off)
adding folders to, Add folders to hold submenus
Control Panel submenu, The General tab
customizing, Add folders to hold submenus
customizing Classic Start menu, The Advanced tab
drag-and-drop, The Advanced tab, The “free” sections of the Start menu, Method 1: Drag an icon directly
My Recent Documents, Start→My Recent Documents
new programs highlighted in orange, The Advanced tab
orphaned program listings, Uninstalling Software
sorting alphabetically, Method 1: Drag an icon directly
submenus open automatically, The Advanced tab
starting up
trimming startup items for greater speed, Uninstalling Software
Sticky Keys, FilterKeys
opening automatically, The Advanced tab
of offline files, Synchronization Options, A Full and Quick synchronization
System Configuration Utility, Uninstalling Software
system folders hidden, The “Folder Options” Options
System Restore, Installing software using “Add or Remove Programs”


tape cartridges, Create a backup job
Task Manager, When Programs Die, Saving Documents
task pane, The Explorer Bar
taskbar, The long way
disappearing Language toolbar, The long way
hiding, Hiding the taskbar
lost taskbar, Taskbar Toolbars
moving and resizing, Hiding the taskbar
window buttons, Window Buttons
window buttons, Window Buttons
Notepad, About word wrap, Paint
themes, Applying wallpaper
thumbnails view
for downloaded photos, Look them over
making it faster, The “Folder Options” Options
time zones, Display
tip of the day, The Explorer Bar
title bar
revealing folder path, The “Folder Options” Options
Toggle Keys, FilterKeys
toolbars, The long way
, Windows in Windows, The long way
Address bar, The Address Bar
browser toolbars, The Information Bar, The Add-ons Manager
creating new ones, The short way, The long way
customizing, The Standard Buttons Toolbar
image toolbar, Enlarge or shrink online photos, Faster browsing without graphics
moving, The short way
Quick Launch toolbar, Moving the taskbar
Standard Buttons (Back, Up, Views), The Standard Buttons Toolbar, The Address Bar
taskbar, The long way
folder tips, The “Folder Options” Options
troubleshooting see also clean install; Device Manager; spyware; viruses
crashed programs, When Programs Die, Saving Documents
device conflicts, Resolving resource conflicts
device conflicts,, Duplicate devices
forgotten password, The Forgotten Password Disk
hardware, Hardware Profiles
hibernation and standby, Standby doesn’t save data
installing software, The Pre-Installation Checklist
lost formatting when pasting, Drag-and-Drop
My Recent Documents, Start→My Documents
NTFS permissions, Groups and Permissions
printing, Printer Troubleshooting
startup takes a long time, Uninstalling Software
System Restore, System Restore, Disk Cleanup
troubleshooters, Remote Assistance: Rest Assured
uninstalling software, Uninstalling Software
troubleshooting see also clean install;Device Manager; spyware; viruses
ScanDisk, Hard Drive Checkups
turning off the PC, The Startup folder
TweakUI, Status Bar, Meet RegEdit


underlines in menus
displaying on command, Effects
software, Uninstalling Software, 16-Bit Programs
universal access, Accessibility Wizard
help with motor control, General Tab
help with visual impairments, Mouse Tab
Universal Naming Convention (UNC)
online folders, Bringing an FTP or Web Server Online
universal power supplies (UPS), Computer fails to enter hibernate or standby mode
upgrade installation, Performing an Update Installation
USB, Program Access and Defaults, External Attachments
User State migration tool, Phase 2: Restoring the Files
Users group, Built-in groups


searching for, All files and folders
View menu, Organize Favorites
View Workgroup Computers, “View workgroup computers”
virtual memory, Disks
virtual private networking (VPN), Virtual Private Networking, Remote Desktop
and system restore, About Restore Points
antivirus software, Automatic Updates
attachment blocking, Attachment Blocking
visual effects, Disks, Performance
visualizations, Fun with Media Player
volume control, Volume Tab
simple, Creating a spanned volume
spanned, Creating a spanned volume
straight, Compressing Files and Folders


waking up the PC, Waking up your PC
wallpaper, Applying wallpaper, General tab
Active Desktop, Web tab, Choosing a screen saver
WAV files, Ditching the remote control
Web browser
switching, Program Access and Defaults, Uninstalling Software
Web pages
Active Desktop, Web tab, Choosing a screen saver
auto-complete for forms, The Address bar
bookmarks, Favorites: “Bookmarking” favorite Web sites, Viewing Web pages offline
cookies, Ratings tab
designating a homepage, Designate your home page
enlarging the type, Enlarge or shrink online photos
Internet Explorer, Advanced tab
online folders, Shared Folders Online
searching, The Indexing Service
viewing offline, Viewing Web pages offline, Ditching Pop-Ups and Pop-Unders
Web-based accounts, Setting Up Outlook Express
Welcome screen, You get the Windows XP Welcome screen
what’s new in Windows XP
Remote Assistance, Getting Help from Microsoft
WiFi (802.11 wireless), ISP vs. Online Service
access points and equipment, Wireless networks (WiFi or 802.11)
“a,” “b,” and “g” formats, Wireless networks (WiFi or 802.11)
window elements, Windows in Windows
Align to Grid, Manipulating the Details view
Auto Arrange, Changing the sorting order
choosing new looks (schemes), Effects
closing, Closing a window
details view, Manipulating the Details view
elements of, The Explorer Bar
minimizing, maximizing, restoring, Closing a window
moving by dragging, Closing a window
Multiple Document Interface (MDI), Switching Programs
resizing by dragging, The Task Pane
Show in Groups, Changing the sorting order
task pane, The Explorer Bar
thumbnails view, Changing the sorting order
toolbars see also toolbars, The long way
Views button, The Standard Buttons Toolbar
windows, Changing the sorting order
Windows 2000
software compatibility, Programs Written for Windows 95, 2000, Etc.
Windows 95
software compatibility, Programs Written for Windows 95, 2000, Etc.
Windows Explorer
dragging icons to copy, Copying by Using Copy and Paste
finding program folders, Uninstalling Software
finding shared folders, Method 2: Windows Explorer, Method 3: Universal Naming Convention (UNC)
in Explorer bar, The Explorer Bar
Simple Folder view, The “Folder Options” Options
Windows Firewall, A Hardware Firewall (Router)
exceptions list, The exceptions list
in games, The exceptions list
ports, All about ports, The exceptions list
Windows Security Alert, The exceptions list
Windows folder, Windows or WINNT, Your Account Folder
Windows logo key for System control panel
return to desktop, Switching Programs
Windows media player
DVDs, Making WAVs with Sound Recorder
in Explorer bar, The Explorer Bar
skins, Fun with Media Player
visualizations, Fun with Media Player
Windows Messenger, Whiteboard
phone calls, PC as Telephone
Remote Assistance, Instructions for the novice
software collaboration, Sharing a Program, Whiteboard
video calls, PC as Videophone
Whiteboard feature, Whiteboard
Windows NT
WINNT folder, Windows or WINNT, Your Account Folder
Windows Security Alert, The exceptions list
Windows Security dialog box, When Programs Die, Saving Documents
Windows Update, Add New Programs
Windows XP, The right mouse button is king
Windows XP Pro, Sharing Network Files, A Full and Quick synchronization
accessory programs, Accessibility Wizard, Using WordPad
accounts, How to turn on Fast User Switching
All Programs menu, The Startup folder
clean install, Dual Booting, Performing a Clean Install (or Dual-Boot Install), Setup Wizard
compatibility mode, Program files
evolution of, Service Packs
folder structure of, Your Account Folder
installing new components, Installing Windows Components, Program Access and Defaults
Internet Explorer, Advanced tab
menu by menu, File Menu
new looks for windows and menus (schemes), Effects
Remote Assistance, Remote Assistance, Getting Help from Microsoft
Search command, Finding Files and Folders
Service Pack 2, Security, Firewalls, and Service Pack 2
Startup menu, Safe Mode and the Startup Menu
switching programs, Switching Programs
system requirements, About the Upgrade Installation
taskbar, The long way
themes, Applying wallpaper
toolbars, The long way
turning off visual effects, Disks, Performance
ways to open programs, Launching Programs, Switching Programs
what’s new in, It’s not meant to be overwhelming
window elements, The Explorer Bar
Windows messenger, Whiteboard
WINNT folder, Windows or WINNT, Your Account Folder
Accessibility Wizard, Accessibility Wizard
Add Hardware wizard, Add Hardware Wizard searches for non—Plug and Play devices
Add Listing to Start menu, Method 1: Drag an icon directly
Add Printer Wizard, Parallel, Serial, and Infrared Printers
Camera Wizard, Look them over
CD Writing Wizard, Burning CDs from the Desktop
Compatibility Wizard, Programs Written for Windows 95, 2000, Etc.
desktop cleanup Wizard, A Cosmetic Overhaul, Web tab
Files and Settings Transfer wizard, Phase 1: Backing up the Files, Phase 2: Restoring the Files
Found New Hardware wizard, Add Hardware Wizard searches for non—Plug and Play devices
Network Setup Wizard, Power Options
New Connection Wizard, Setting Up the Host PC
Setup Wizard, Setup Wizard, Network Identification Wizard
WMA files, Copying CDs to Your Hard Drive
WordPad, Windows XP Games
workgroup networks
defined, Domains vs. Workgroups
logging in, Domains vs. Workgroups
logging off, Start→Log Off
My Computer, Start→My Computer
vs. domains, Domains vs. Workgroups
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