
% (percentage), 164


ABAP, custom ABAP reports, 195-196

ABAP List option (reporting selection screens), 64

ABAP List option (SAP Query tool), 32

ABAP programming, 4

ABAP Query tool, 3

ABAP/4 Query tool, 3

ABC Analysis option

reporting selection screens, 64-65

SAP Query tool, 32

ABC Analysis: Strategy dialog box, 64

Access (Microsoft), 286

advantages of, 286

creating reports from

combined reports, 294-297

SAP data reports, 290-291

importing reports into

SAP reports, 287-289

third-party computer solution reports, 292-293

security, 286

timeliness, 287

ACTVT objects, assigning authorizations, 227

Ad Hoc Query tool, 193, 232

adding infotypes to InfoSets, 207-208

administrative decisions, 6-8

advanced calculations, 134

finance, 134

HR/payroll, 134

logistics, 134

using multiple conditions to create advanced calculated fields, 135-137

using multiple fields to perform calculations in advanced calculated fields, 138-141

advanced screens, SAP Query tool, 86-87

Basic List Header, 103-104

Control Level Texts, 93-95

Control Levels, 87-93

Field Output Options, 98-101

Field Templates, 101-102

Graphics, 104-105

List Line Output Options, 95-98

advanced statistic lists, creating with SAP Query tool, 172-177

Application toolbar, InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query Tool screen, 235

Ascending Sort button (QuickViewer), 250


authorizations to specific ACTVT object, 227

InfoSets to query groups, 302

statuses, 221

users to query groups, 301

authorizations, providing security for SAP Query tool, 227

creating or changing queries, 227

language comparison, 228

for maintaining

configuration of SAP Query, 227

Av (average), 164

axes, Excel columnar charts, 259

Axes tab (Chart Wizard), 259


basic calculated fields, creating

with input values, 129-131

with simple conditions, 126-128

Basic List Header, 86, 103-104

Basic List Line Structure screen (SAP Query tool), 24, 28-29, 36-37, 34

basic list queries, creating with SAP Query tool, 304-306

basic list report, creating, 110-112

with SAP Query tool, 170-172

Basic List with Box check box (SAP Query Basic List Line screen), 36

basic queries, creating with InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query tool, 232-235, 314-315

basic SAP Query, creating, 120-121, 134-135

Basis mode (QuickViewer), 245

BW, 2


calculations, 120

advanced calculations, 134

finance, 134

HR/payroll, 134

logistics, 134

using multiple conditions to create advanced calculated fields, 135-137

using multiple fields to perform calculations in advanced calculated fields, 138-141

conditions, 128

creating basic calculated fields with simple mathematical formulas, 121-124

finance, 120

HR/payroll, 120

input values, creating basic calculated fields, 129-131

logistics, 120

operators and operands, 128

processing sequences, 125

using calculated fields to update variants in scheduled SAP queries, 141-142

using simple conditions to create basic calculated fields, 126-128

Change InfoSet screen, 15-16, 18, 203

changing. See also editing

InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query, 238

names of fields or column headers, 303

Chart Wizard

columnar charts, creating from SAP data, 258-259, 261-262

pie charts, creating from SAP data, 264

charts, creating from SAP data

columnar charts, 257-262

pie charts, 263-264

pivot tables, 265-267

Check, Multiple Selection dialog box toolbar, 75

colors, SAP Query tool, 98

column headers

changing names of, 303

removing, 112-113

reverting names to original names, 304

columnar charts, creating from SAP data, 257-262

axes, 259

chart types, 258

data ranges, 259

data series, 259

embedded charts, 263

gridlines, 260

legends, 261

titles, 259

Columns Separated by | check box (SAP Query Basic List Line screen), 36

combined reports, creating in Access, 294-297

company load placement decisions, understanding in standard SAP-delivered reports, 190-191


Query tools, 8-9

reporting options in SAP R/3, 196

Compressed Display check box (SAP Query Basic List Line screen), 36


defining for local fields, 128

inserting black-and-white symbols in SAP queries, 148-150

inserting color icons in SAP queries, 150-153

multiple conditions with two operators, 153-155

using multiple conditions to create advanced calculated fields, 135-137

using simple conditions to create basic calculated fields, 126-128


of data, understanding in standard SAP-delivered reports, 190


assigning to query groups, 18

creating, 14-18

data sources for, 15

query groups

assigning InfoSets to, 18

assigning users to, 13

creating, 12-13

Query tools, 12

InfoSets, 14-18

query groups, 12-13


HR actions/events, 220-222

InfoSets for HCM module, 200-206

SAP Query tools, 300-302

Control Level Texts, 86, 93-95

Control Levels, 86-89

modifying output format, 90-93

Convert QuickView dialog box, 252

Copy a Query dialog box, 47


existing SAP queries, 307

SAP Query reports, 47-48

Counter column (SAP Query Basic List Line screen), 37

Create Query Title Format screen, 25

Create QuickView: Choose Data Source dialog box, 246

currency conversions, 167, 176

Current Month option, period fields on Selection Screens, 218

Current Year option, period fields on Selection Screens, 219

custom ABAP reports, 195-196

Customer Specific Status, 221

customizing selection screens, 61


data, reporting on data from two modules in same query, 208-209

data parameters, 214

Data Range tab (Chart Wizard), 259

Data Source tab (QuickViewer), 248


F1S, 15

logical databases, 6

using InfoSets based on PcH logical databases, 209

using InfoSets based on PnP logical databases, 208-209

logical databases for HCM reporting, 201

date parameters, 213

default settings, module fields, 17

Delete, Multiple Selection dialog box toolbar, 76

Delete Line button (QuickViewer), 250

Delete Lines, Multiple Selection dialog box toolbar, 76

Delete Query dialog box, 49


InfoSet fields, 19-20

SAP queries, 308

SAP Query reports, 49

SAP report fields, 51-52

Descending Sort button (QuickViewer), 250

Deselect All button (QuickViewer), 250

dialog boxes

ABC Analysis: Strategy, 64

Convert QuickView, 252

Copy a Query, 47

Create QuickView: Choose Data Source, 246

Delete Query, 49

Insert Merge Field, 273, 278, 282

Merge to E-mail, 282

New Query, 294

New Report, 290

disabling Graphical Query Painter, 25

Display as Table option

reporting selection screens, 66

SAP Query tool, 32

distribution, report distribution strategies, 316

downloading extract files, 117

duplicate-line reporting, eliminating in HCM module, 213-215



InfoSets, 19-21

query execution, HCM module, 219-220

QuickViews, 250-251

SAP queries, 37

SAP Query reports, 51-52

text fields, 115

variants for SAP queries, 81, 310

EIS (Executive Info System option), 32, 66

eliminating duplicate-line reporting in HCM module, 213-215

email, creating from SAP data, 280-282

envelopes, creating from SAP data, 279

error messages, Field used in existing query, 20

evaluation paths, 210

event reason codes, maximizing use of, 222-223

Excel (Microsoft), 256-257

columnar charts, creating from SAP data, 257-262

displaying report data in, 67

pie charts, creating from SAP data, 263-264

pivot tables, creating from SAP data, 265-267

Project Mendocino, 256

security levels, 67

Excel spreadsheets, creating from SAP Query data, 66-67


executing reports with variants, 309

Multiple Selection dialog box toolbar, 75

Execute with Variant, 309

executing reports with variants, 80

Execute, 309

Execute with Variants, 309

Executive Information System (EIS) option

reporting selection screens, 66

SAP Query tool, 32

extract files, 108-109

creating fixed positional extract files with SAP Query tool, 109-110

performing configurations to meet specs, 112-117

downloading, 117


F1S, 201

F1S logical database, 15

Field Attribute options, 82

field attributes for mathematical formulas, 123

field groups, 204-206

Field Groups Section toolbar, InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query Tool screen, 235-236

Field Output Options, 86, 98-101

field separators, removing, 112-113

Field Templates, 86, 101-102

Field used in existing query (error message), 20


changing names of, 303


creating, 19

default settings, 17

deleting, 19-20

renaming, 20

reverting to original names, 21

viewing, 20

local fields, defining conditions, 128

period fields. See period fields

reverting names to orginal names, 304

SAP report fields, 51-52

SAP reports, field groups, 33

using multiple fields to perform calculations in advanced calculated fields, 138-141

field[HOUR], field[MINUTE], field[SECOND], 125

field[n1:n2], 125

field[YEAR], field[MONTH], field[DAY], 125

File Store option

reporting selection screens, 68

SAP Query tool, 32

files, extract files. See extract files

filler data, inserting fixed positional extract files, 116-117

finance, 121, 134

finance calculations, 120

Find button (QuickViewer), 250

Find Next button (QuickViewer), 250

fixed positional extract files, creating

performing configurations to meet specs, 112-117

with SAP Query tool, 109-110

form letters, creating from SAP data, 66, 270-275

formatting lines, removing, 112-113

formulas, 125

From Today option, period fields on Selection Screens, 219


generating InfoSets, 206

global query areas, 6

goals, reporting goals related to actions, 222

Graphic option (SAP Query tool), 32

Graphical Query Painter, 25

graphical reports, creating, 64

Graphics option (reporting selection screens), 64

Graphics screen, 86, 104-105

Gridlines, Excel columnar charts, 260

Gridlines tab (Chart Wizard), 260

groups, query groups

assigning InfoSets to, 18

assigning users to, 13

creating, 12-13


HCM (Human Capital Management), 86, 121

HCM module

configuring InfoSets, 200-206

configuring HR actions/events to improve reporting capabilities, 220-223

eliminating duplicate-line reporting, 213-215

query execution, auditing, 219-220

special HCM configuration maintenance considerations, 206-209

using at your organization, 197-198

HCM reporting, logical databases, 201

HCM reports, period fields on Selection Screens, 217-219

header lines, removing, 112-113

Help, Multiple Selection dialog box toolbar, 76

HIS (HR Information System), standard SAP-delivered reports, 191-193

HR actions/events, configuring to improve reporting capabilities, 220

assigning statuses, 221

maximizing use of event reason codes, 222-223

reporting goals related to actions, 222

what to collect, 220-221

HR Information System (HIS), 191-193

HR reporting, standard SAP-delivered reports, 188-191

HR/payroll, 134

HR/payroll calculations, 120

Human Capital Management (HCM), 86, 121


icons, 144

inserting color icons into SAP queries, 150-155

Import from Text File, Multiple Selection dialog box toolbar, 76

Import Spreadsheet Wizard, 288-289

importing reports into Microsoft Access

SAP reports, 287-289

third-party computer solution reports, 292-293

InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query, 238-239

InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query tool, 193-194, 232

creating basic queries, 232-235, 314-315

restrictions with, 239-240

security, 228-229, 240-241

InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query Tool screen

Application toolbar, 235

Field Groups Section tool-bar, 235-236

Output Sample Section toolbar, 236-237

Selections Section toolbar, 236

InfoSet Query tool, 4

InfoSets, 6

adding to infotypes, 207-208

assigning to query groups, 18, 302

configuring for HCM module, 200-206

creating, 14-18, 301-302

data sources for, 15

fields, 19-21

generating, 206

returning to InfoSets to add fields, 302-303

returning to InfoSets to delete fields, 303

using on PcH logical databases, 209

using on PnP logical databases, 208-209

InfoSet: Assign to User Groups screen, 18

InfoSet: Initial screen, 14-15

InfoSet: Title and Database screen, 14

Infotype 0002: Personal Data, 213

Infotype 0006: Addresses, 216

Infotype 0041: Date Specifications, 215

Infotype Selection dialog box, 202

infotypes, 203-204

adding to InfoSets, 207-208

payroll results, 212

Infotypes, single-line reporting, 215-217

Infotypes 0041, 217

Init (Unit of Measurement), 165

input values, creating basic calculated fields, 129-131

Insert Line button (QuickViewer), 250

Insert Lines, Multiple Selection dialog box toolbar, 76

Insert Merge Field dialog box, 273, 278, 282


black-and-white symbols into SAP queries, 146-148

color icons into SAP queries, 150-155

filler data, fixed positional extract files, 116-117

interfaces, 108-109

inventory control, 185


labels, mailing labels (creating from SAP data), 275-279

language comparison, authorizations, 228

Layout mode (QuickViewer), 245, 251

Legend tab (Chart Wizard), 261

legends, Excel columnar charts, 261

Len (length), 164


creating from SAP data, 66

form letters, creating from SAP data, 270-275

Line column (SAP Query Basic List Line screen), 36

List Fld. Select tab (QuickViewer), 246

List Format section (SAP Query Title, Format screen), 31

List Line Output Options, 86, 95-98

list queries

creating, 24-29

maintaining, 38

modifying, 37

saving, 38

list SAP reports. See SAP reports


statistics lists. See statistics lists

subtotaled statistics lists, creating with SAP Query tool, 165-166


queries, 239

SAP Query reports, 46-47

logical databases, 6

for HCM reporting, 201

using InfoSets based on PcH, 209

using InfoSets based on PnP, 208-209

logistics, 121, 134

logistics calculations, 120


mail merge (creating from SAP data)

envelopes, 279

form letters, 271-275

mailing labels, 275-279

Outlook emails, 280-282

mailing labels, creating from SAP data, 275-279

maintaining SAP queries, 38

maintenance, HCM configuration maintenance considerations, 206-209

mathematical formulas, 123-124

maximizing use of event reason codes, 222-223

measurement designation, removing, 113-114

Merge to E-mail dialog box, 282

Microsoft Access, 286

advantages of, 286

creating reports from

combined reports, 294-297

SAP data reports, 290-291

importing reports into

SAP reports, 287-289

third-party computer solution reports, 292-293

security, 286

timeliness, 287

Microsoft Excel, 256-257

columnar charts, creating from SAP data, 257-259, 261-262

pie charts, creating from SAP data, 263-264

pivot tables, creating from SAP data, 265-267

Project Mendocino, 256

Microsoft Word, 270

envelopes, creating from SAP data, 279

form letters, creating from SAP data, 270-275

mail merge Outlook emails, creating from SAP data, 280-282

mailing labels, creating from SAP data, 275-279

modifying. See also editing

InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query, 238

output format, Control Levels screen, 90-93

modules, fields (default settings), 17


existing SAP queries, 307

SAP Query reports, 48

Multiple Selection, Multiple Selection dialog box toolbar, 76

multiple selection buttons, 72-75

Multiple Selection dialog box toolbar, 75-76


naming conventions, SAP reports, 43-45

navigating SAP Query reports, 50

New Query dialog box, 294

New Report dialog box, 290

Next Value button (QuickViewer), 250

No (display), 164

Notepad, viewing file data, 111

NS (page break), 164


objects, ACTVT (assigning authorizations), 227

operands, 124-125, 128

operators, 124-125, 128

options, Statistics Structure screen, 162-165

Other Period option, period fields on Selection Screens, 219

Outlook emails, creating from SAP data, 280-282

Output Fields options (QuickViewer), 249-250

output format

modifying in Control Levels, 90-93

selection screen options, 63-68

Output Format section (SAP Query Title, Format screen), 32-33

Output Sample Section toolbar, InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query Tool screen, 236-237


page breaks, 164

PaP, 201

pasting in third-part values, 77

paths, evaluation paths, 210

payroll reporting, tools in HCM module, 188

payroll result reporting with SAP Query tool, 212

payroll results, infotypes, 212

PcH, using InfoSets based on PcH logical databases, 209

Performance Assistant dialog box, 214

period fields, on Selections Screens (HCM reports), 217-219

Person Selection Period option, period fields on Selection Screens, 219

personnel events, 220

pie charts, creating from SAP data, 263-264

pivot tables, creating from SAP data, 265-267

PivotTable view, displaying report data in, 67

placeholders, 103

plant maintenance information system, 185

PnP, using InfoSets based on PnP logical databases, 208-209

positional designations, fixed positional extract files, 114-116

Previous Value button (QuickViewer), 250

Print List box (SAP Query Title, Format screen), 31

Private File option (reporting selection screens), 67

Private File option (SAP Query tool), 33

processing sequences of calculations, 125

Project Mendocino, 256

purchasing information system, 184


quality management information system, 185


converting QuickViews to, 251-253

locking, 239

SAP queries

creating, 24-26, 28-29

maintaining, 38

modifying, 37

saving, 38

SAP. See SAP reports

query areas, 5-6

query configuration maintenance functions, 302-304

query execution, auditing in HCM module, 219-220

query groups, 6

assigning InfoSets to, 18, 302

assigning users to, 13, 301

creating, 12-13, 300

providing security for SAP Query tool, 226-227

security for InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query and QuickViewer tools, 228

query maintenance functions

copying existing SAP queries, 307

creating variants for SAP queries, 308

deleting SAP queries, 308

editing variants for SAP queries, 310

executing reports with variants, 309

moving existing SAP queries, 307

SAP Query reporting output options, 306-307

saving SAP queries with variants, 309

Query tools


assigning to query groups, 18

creating, 14-18

data sources for, 15

query groups

assigning InfoSets to, 18

assigning users to, 13

creating, 12-13

QuickViewer, 244

Basis mode, 245

compared to SAP Query tool, 244-245

converting QuickViews to SAP queries, 251-253

creating QuickViews, 245-248

Layout mode, 245, 251

modifying QuickViews, 250-251

Output Fields options, 249-250

security, 253-254

SAP Query tool. See SAP Query tool

QuickViewer, 244

Basis mode, 245

compared to SAP Query tool, 244-245

converting QuickViews to SAP queries, 251-253

creating QuickViews, 245-248, 315-316

Data Source tab, 248

Layout mode, 245, 251

List Fld. Select tab, 246

modifying QuickViews, 250-251

QuickViews, Output Fields options, 249-250

security, 253-254

Selection Fields tab, 248

Sort Sequence tab, 246

QuickViewer tool, 4, 194

security, 228-229


converting to SAP queries, 251-253

creating, 245-246, 248

with QuickViewer, 315-316

modifying, 250-251


range exclusions, multiple selection buttons, 75

range inclusions, multiple selection buttons, 73

ranges, Excel columnar charts, 259

Ranked List screen, 184

Ranked List Structure screen, 182-183

ranked lists, 180-181

creating with SAP Query tool, 181-184, 313-314

sample in SAP R/3, 184-185

removing. See also deleting

column headers, 112-113

field separators, 112-113

formatting lines, 112-113

header lines, 112-113

measurement designation, 113-114

renaming InfoSet fields, 20

report distribution strategies, 316

Report Wizard, 290-291, 296-297


goals related to actions, 222

on data from two modules in same query, 208-209

payroll reporting, 188

single-line reporting based on Infotypes, 215-217

reporting options, comparing SAP R/3, 196


basic list report, creating, 110-112

columnar Excel charts, creating from SAP data, 257-262

creating in Access

combined reports, 294-297

SAP data reports, 290-291

executing with variants, 80

graphical reports, creating, 64

importing into Access

SAP reports, 287-289

third-party computer solution reports, 292-293

pie Excel charts, creating from SAP data, 263-264

pivot tables, creating from SAP data, 265-267

reporting selection screens

contents of, 56

customizing, 61

example of, 57-61

output format options, 63-68

SAP reports. See SAP reports

searching SAP R/3 databases for, 191

standard SAP-delivered reports. See standard SAP-delivered reports

restricting values in reports based on existing list values, 76-77

restrictions with InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query tool, 239-240


to InfoSets to add fields, 302-303

to InfoSets to delete fields, 303

Rnd (Rounding Factor), 164

roles, security for InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query and QuickViewer tools, 229


sales information system, 185

SAP enterprise solution, 2

SAP Excel List Viewer, 66

SAP List Viewer, 31-32, 63

SAP List Viewer view, 235

SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence, 188

SAP queries. See also SAP reports

copying existing SAP queries, 307

creating variants for, 308

deleting, 308

editing variants for, 310

inserting black-and-white symbols into, 146-148

inserting color icons, 150-155

moving existing SAP queries, 307

saving with variants, 309

SAP Query

basic SAP Query, creating for examples, 144-146

creating variants for, 78-80

editing variants, 81

saving with variants, 80-81

SAP Query reporting, output options, 306-307

SAP Query reports, reporting selection screens

contents of, 56

customizing, 61

example of, 57-61

output format options, 63-68

SAP Query tool, 3, 24, 194

advanced screens, 86-87

Basic List Header, 103-104

Control Level Texts, 93-95

Control Levels, 87-93

Field Output Options, 98-101

Field Templates, 101-102

Graphics, 104-105

List Line Output Options, 95-98

Basic List Line Structure screen, 24, 34

Basic List with Box check box, 36

Columns Separated by | check box, 36

Compressed Display check box, 36

Counter column, 37

Line column, 36

Sequence column, 37

Sort column, 37

Total column, 37

basic list report, creating, 110-112

colors, 98

compared to QuickViewer, 244-245

copying queries, 47-48


advanced statistic lists, 172-177

basic list for reference, 170-172

basic list queries, 304-306

fixed positional extract files, 109-110

statistics lists, 310-311

subtotaled statistics lists, 312

deleting queries, 49

list queries, 37-38

creating, 24-29

locking queries, 46-47

modifying queries, 51-52

moving queries, 48

navigating queries, 50

payroll result reporting, 212

ranked lists, creating, 181-184, 313-314


authorizations, 227-228

query groups, 226-227

Select Field Group screen, 24, 33

Select Field screen, 24, 33

Selections screen, 24, 34

statistics lists, 158-159

creating, 159-162

subtotaled statistics lists, creating, 165-166

Title, Format screen, 24, 30-33

SAP Query tools

comparing, 8-9

configuring, 300-302


comparing reporting options, 196

ranked lists, samples, 184-185

SAP R/3 query reporting tools, 2-4

SAP R/3 Query tools, 4-5. See also Query tools

administrative decisions, 6-8

InfoSets, 6

query areas, 5-6

query groups, 6

SAP R/3 reporting, 2

SAP reports, 42. See also SAP Query tool

Basic List Line screen, 36-37

copying, 47-48

creating, 24-29

deleting, 49

field groups, 33

fields, 33, 51-52

list format, 31

locking, 46-47

maintaining, 38

modifying, 37, 51-52

moving, 48

naming conventions, 43-45

navigating, 50

output format, 32-33, 68

print setup, 31

real-world example, 42

reporting standards, 45-46

saving, 38

Select Field screen, 33

sequence and sorting specifications, 34-37

sequencing, 51

sorting, 51-52

table format, 31

variants, 31

varying input for, 34-35

SAP_QUERY_AD_HOC module, 241




Save As, InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query, 239

Save with ID option (reporting selection screens), 68


InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query, 238-239

SAP queries, 38

with variants, 80-81, 309

screens, Statistics Structure screen (options), 162-165

searching SAP R/3 databases for reports, 191

security, 226

Access, 286

Excel security levels, 67

InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query tool, 228, 240-241

query groups, 228

roles, 229

QuickViewer, 228, 253-254

query groups, 228

roles, 229

for SAP Query tool

authorizations, 227-228

query groups, 226-227

Select All button (QuickViewer), 250

Select Field Group screen (SAP Query tool), 24, 33

Select Field screen (SAP Query tool), 24, 33

Selection Fields tab (QuickViewer), 248

Selection Options, Multiple Selection dialog box toolbar, 76

selection screens

contents of, 56

customizing, 61

example of, 57-61

multiple selection buttons, 72-75

Multiple Selection dialog box toolbar, 75-76

output format options, 63-68

period fields (HCM reports), 217-219

restricting values in reports based on existing list of values, 76-77

variants. See variants

Selections screen (SAP Query tool), 24, 34

Selections Section toolbar, InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query Tool screen, 236

Sequence column (SAP Query Basic List Line screen), 37

series, Excel columnar charts, 259

Series tab (Chart Wizard), 259

shop floor information system, 185

single-line reporting based on Infotypes, 215-217

single-value exclusions, multiple selection buttons, 73

single-value inclusions, multiple selection buttons, 73

Sort column (SAP Query Basic List Line screen), 37

Sort Sequence tab (QuickViewer), 246

sorting SAP reports, 34-37, 51-52

Special Attributes section (SAP Query Title, Format screen), 31

specs, 108

Spreadsheet option

reporting selection screens, 66-67

SAP Query tool, 33

spreadsheets, creating from SAP Query data, 66-67

standard query areas, 5

standard SAP-delivered reports, 188-189

custom ABAP reports, 195-196

HIS, 191-193

InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query tool, 193-194

QuickViewer tool), 194

receiving training before reporting, 190

SAP Query tool, 194

understanding company load placement decisions, 190-191

understanding configuration of data, 190

Standard Types tab (Chart Wizard), 258

standards, SAP Query reporting, 45-46

Statistics Line Structure screen, 160

statistics lists

advanced statistic lists, creating with SAP Query tool, 172-177

creating with SAP Query tool, 310-311

SAP Query tool, 158-159

creating, 159-162

Statistics Structure screen, options, 162-165

statuses, assigning, 221

Su (subtotal), 163

subtotaled statistics lists, creating with SAP Query tool, 165-166, 312

symbols, 144

inserting black-and-white symbols into SAP queries, 146-150


Table Format section (SAP Query Title, Format screen), 31


displaying report output in, 66

pivot tables, creating from SAP data, 265-267

SAP reports, 31

Technical Information dialog box, 214

text fields, editing, 115

text files, transferring text from, 77

third-part values, pasting in, 77

third-party computer solution reports, importing into Access, 292-293

Title, Format screen (SAP Query tool), 24, 30-33

titles, Excel columnar charts, 259

Titles tab (Chart Wizard), 259

Today option, period fields on Selection Screens, 218

toolbars, Multiple Selection dialog box toolbar, 75-76


ABAP Query tool, 3

ABAP/4 Query tool, 3

Ad Hoc Query tool, 193, 232

comparing, 8-9

InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query tool, 193-194

Query. See Query tools

QuickViewer tool, 194

SAP R/3 query reporting tools, 2-4

SAP R/3 Query tools. See SAP R/3 Query tools

Total column (SAP Query Basic List Line screen), 37

training, receiving before reporting (standard SAP-delivered reports), 190

transferring text from text files, 77


error messages, Field used in existing query, 20

Excel, 67


UCGI Access System, reports, creating, 292-293

UNIT, 101

unit of measurement, 176

Up to Today option, period fields on Selection Screens, 219

User Groups: Initial screen, 13

users, assigning to query groups, 13


Variant Attributes screen, 82-83

variants, 78

advanced functions for, 82-83

creating for SAP queries, 78-80, 308

editing for SAP queries, 81, 310

executing reports with, 80, 309

SAP reports, 31

saving SAP queries with, 80-81, 309

using calculated fields to update variants in schedule SAP queries, 141-142


file data in Notepad, 111

InfoSet fields, 20



Chart Wizard, 258-264

Import Spreadsheet Wizard, 288-289

Report Wizard, 290-291, 296-297

Word (Microsoft), 270

form letters, creating from SAP data, 66, 270-275

mail merge Outlook emails, creating from SAP data, 280-282

mailing envelopes, creating from SAP data, 279

mailing labels, creating from SAP data, 275-279

Word Processing option

reporting selection screens, 66

SAP Query tool, 33

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