1 Getting Started with the SAP R/3 Query Reporting Tools

The SAP R/3 Query Reporting Tools

How the SAP R/3 Query Tools Work

Comparing the Query Tools to Decide Which to Use

Things to Remember

2 One-Time Configuration for Query Tool Use

Steps in Configuring the Query Tools

Performing Maintenance on InfoSets

Things to Remember

3 Creating Basic Reports with the SAP Query Tool

The SAP Query Tool

Creating a Basic List Query by Using the SAP Query Tool

Reviewing the Options on Each of the Five Basic Screens

Modifying an SAP Query

Saving a Query

Maintaining Queries

Things to Remember

4 The Fundamentals of Reporting with the SAP Query Tool

SAP Query Reporting in the Real World

SAP Query Maintenance Functions

Working on Your Existing SAP Queries

Things to Remember

5 Basics of Using Reporting Selection Screens

The Reporting Selection Screens

Maximizing the Use of Selection Screens in SAP Query

Understanding Output Options on the Selection Screen

Things to Remember

6 Using Reporting Selection Screens: Advanced Skills

Using Multiple Selection Buttons

Using Variants

Things to Remember

7 Creating Advanced Reports with the SAP Query Tool

An Overview of the SAP Query Tool’s Advanced Screens

Using the Advanced Screens of the SAP Query Tool

Things to Remember

8 Creating Extract Files and Interfaces with the SAP Query Tool

Overview of Interface/Extract Files

Creating a Fixed Positional Extract File by Using the SAP Query Tool

Things to Remember

9 Creating Basic Calculated Fields with the SAP Query Tool

Creating a Basic SAP Query for This Chapter

Using a Simple Mathematical Formula to Create a Basic Calculated Field

Using a Simple Condition to Create a Basic Calculated Field

Using an Input Value to Create a Basic Calculated Field

Things to Remember

10 Creating Advanced Calculated Fields with the SAP Query Tool

Creating a Basic SAP Query for This Chapter

Using Multiple Conditions to Create an Advanced Calculated Field

Using Multiple Fields to Perform a Calculation in an Advanced Calculated Field

Using a Calculated Field to Update a Variant in a Scheduled SAP Query

Things to Remember

11 Inserting Pictures and Graphics in SAP Queries

Using Symbols and Icons in an SAP Query

Inserting Black-and-White Symbols in an SAP Query

Inserting Black-and-White Symbols in an SAP Query by Using a Simple Condition

Inserting a Color Icon in an SAP Query by Using a Simple Condition

Inserting a Color Icon in an SAP Query Using Multiple Conditions with Two Operators

Things to Remember

12 Creating Simple Statistics Lists with the SAP Query Tool

Statistics Lists in the SAP Query Tool

Creating a Statistics List with the SAP Query Tool

Creating a Subtotaled Statistics List with the SAP Query Tool

Things to Remember

13 Creating Advanced Statistics Lists with the SAP Query Tool

Creating a Basic List for Reference by Using the SAP Query Tool

Creating an Advanced Statistics List by Using the SAP Query Tool

Things to Remember

14 Creating Ranked Lists with the SAP Query Tool

What Are Ranked Lists?

Creating a Ranked List by Using the SAP Query Tool

Sample Uses of Ranked Lists in SAP R/3

Things to Remember

15 HR and Payroll Reporting Options in the HCM Module

The Reporting Tools in the HCM Module

Reporting Options in SAP R/3 for the HCM Module

Things to Remember

16 Special Considerations for Configuring HR and Payroll Reporting in the HCM Module

Configuring InfoSets for the HCM Module

Special HCM Configuration Maintenance Considerations

Things to Remember

17 Special Considerations for HR and Payroll Reporting in the HCM Module

Payroll Result Reporting with the SAP Query Tool

Eliminating Duplicate-Line Reporting in the HCM Module

Understanding Selection Period Fields on the Selection Screens of HCM Reports

Auditing Query Execution

Configuring HR Actions/Events to Improve Reporting Capabilities

Things to Remember

18 Security Concepts in SAP R/3 Query-Based Reporting Tools

Security for the SAP Query Tool

Security for the InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query and QuickViewer Tools

Things to Remember

19 Creating Basic Reports with the InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query Tool

Creating a Basic Query with the Infoset (Ad Hoc) Query Tool

The Options Available on the InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query Tool Screen

Modifying an InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query

Saving an InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query

Restrictions with the InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query Tool

Security Considerations for Using the InfoSet (Ad Hoc) Query Tool

Things to Remember

20 Creating QuickViews by Using QuickViewer

Understanding QuickViewer

Creating a QuickView by Using QuickViewer

The Options Available on the QuickViewer Screen

Modifying a QuickView

Using QuickViewer in Layout Mode

Converting a QuickView to a SAP Query

QuickViewer Security Considerations

Things to Remember

21 SAP Reporting with Microsoft Excel

Using SAP Reporting with Microsoft Office

Maximizing SAP Reports by Using Microsoft Excel

The Fictional SAP Report for a Basic Microsoft Excel Columnar Chart

The Fictional SAP Report for a Basic Microsoft Excel Pie Chart

Making Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables Using SAP Report Data

Things to Remember

22 SAP Query Reporting with Microsoft Word and Outlook

Maximizing SAP Reports by Using Word

Maximizing Reporting Options by Using Word and Outlook

Things to Remember

23 SAP Reporting with Microsoft Access

Maximizing SAP Reports by Using Access

Maximizing SAP and Third-Party Solution Reports by Using Access

Things to Remember

A Quick Reference Guide

Basics Of Sap R/3 Query-Based Reporting

Creating A Basic List Query By Using The Sap Query Tool

Creating A Statistics List With The Sap Query Tool

Creating A Ranked List By Using The Sap Query Tool

Creating A Quickview With Quickviewer

Report Distribution Strategies


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