If you can’t find the truth right where you are, where else do you think you will find it?


At this point in the coaching program, you have increased your natural energy, created more time and space than you have had in a long time, are surrounded by supportive and loving people, and are on the path to financial independence. Life should be looking pretty good. Now comes the big question: what do you want to do?

Some people seem to be born knowing what their natural gifts and talents are, and they know exactly what they want to do in life. I was always a bit jealous of these people because I was born with a strong sense of purpose, a feeling that there was something important I was supposed to do, but I had no clue as to what that might be. I was pretty good at a lot of different things but not extraordinarily good at any one thing. It wasn’t obvious what I was supposed to do. If you are searching for what to do, Part Six will help you discover your natural gifts and talents. But even if you already know what to do with your life, read on. No one attracts success more than someone who is doing what they love to do. When you are doing what you love, your eyes sparkle, you are happy and excited about life, you are full of energy and joy. Given this, it is perverse how much time we spend doing what we don’t love to do. The latest research indicates that 50 percent of the Western world is in the wrong job. The happiest people get paid for doing what they love, but don’t wait. You may never get paid so you had better start now, or you’ll go through your whole life without experiencing the joy that comes from expressing your deepest values and passions. The following tips will help you tap into the energy that is already out there, leverage your natural gifts, and move effortlessly in the direction you want to go.

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