7.2. Quotient Space Approximation and Second-Generation Wavelets

Since the quotient space approximation is a multi-resolution analysis method, it is closely related to wavelets analysis. Now, we discuss their connection.

7.2.1. Second-Generation Wavelets Analysis

We can see the wavelet transform (WT) as a decomposition of a signal f(x) onto a set of basis functions called wavelets to obtain a series expansion of the signal. So far there are two kinds of WT, the first-generation wavelets (Mallat, 1989; Rioul and Vetterli, 1991; Unser and Blu, 2003) and the second-generation wavelets (Sweldens, 1998). In the first-generation wavelets, the basis functions are obtained from a single mother wavelet by dilations and translations. Then, the signal f(x) is directly projected onto the basis functions by taking the inner product between f(x) and the functions. If a set of basis functions is obtained from dilating and translating the mother wavelet, the function becomes spread out in time, then the corresponding projection onto the set of basis functions takes only the coarse resolution structure of f(x) into account. This implies that this set of basis functions composes a coarse space. Conversely, if a set of basis functions is obtained from contracting and translating the mother wavelet, the fine structure of f(x) will be taken. It means that this set of basis functions composes a fine space.
Now, we introduce Haar wavelet as follows, where X is a measurable subset in an n-dimensional European space.

Definition 7.11

image is a family of measurable subsets on X. If each image is a finite partition of X and for image, when image, image is finer than image, where image is a finite set of indices, image is called a series of hierarchical partitions, or a nested set of partitions.
General Haar Wavelet
Definition 7.12
image is a series of hierarchical partitions on X. Let the characteristic function of set image be image. Defining image, then image is a scaling function.

Definition 7.13

Define a subspace image.

Definition 7.14

Assume that Wj is the orthogonal complement of Vj on Vj+1. image is an orthogonal base on Wj, image is called a general Haar wavelet.

Example 7.2

Divide image into two equal parts image and image, i.e., image. Assume that image. Let the scaling function be


Define a wavelet


The wavelet defined by Formulas (7.5) and (7.6) is called a general Haar (dyadic) wavelet.

7.2.2. Quotient Space Approximation

1. Introduction
image is a space. image is a performance function on image. image is a set of hierarchical quotient spaces on X. image is a set of corresponding equivalence relations.
Since equivalence relation and spatial partition are mutually equivalent, a set of hierarchical quotient spaces, a set of hierarchical equivalence relations and a set of hierarchical partitions are equivalent. Namely, a series of finite hierarchical partitions in the second-generation wavelet is equivalent to the above as well.
We will show below that the quotient space approximation of signal f(x) corresponds to some sort of wavelet approximation.
2. Quotient Space Approximation
Recently, there are two forms for approximating (or decomposing) a signal f(x), the limit form image, and the series expansion image. These two forms are equivalent. In wavelet transform, the signal is expanded into a series form. In the series expansion, only the increment of the signal values is represented at the high-resolution levels. The quotient space approximation of a given signal is based on the limit form. If transforming the limit form of quotient space approximation into the series expansion, we will have some sort of wavelet transforms.
Assume that f is an attribute function on X. image is a set of hierarchical quotient spaces on X. Define a quotient function image, where image denotes the mean of x. And we call the quotient function as a quotient function defined by the mean principle. Assume that image is the (dyadic) quotient space of image.
As shown in Fig. 7.1, image is the mean of image on image. image and image are the means of image at elements image and image of image, respectively. For simplicity, assume that the measure of each equivalence class is the same, i.e., image. We may use image to describe image, or use the increment between image(image) and image to describe image, for example, if image, then image and image. We may use image to describe image as well.
Figure 7.1 Dyadic Quotient Spaces
Assume that image. For image, let image. For image, let image. We have image.
Generally, there are image equivalence classes in the i-th level and its corresponding mean is image. Let


We have


Definition 7.15

image is known. image defined by Formula (7.7) is called the quotient incremental function of f in the i-th level.
The quotient space approximation process can also be described by the quotient incremental function.
3. The Relation between Two Quotient Space Approximation Forms
From Formula (7.7), we know that image can be computed from a known image. We will show below that image can be computed from the known image and image.

Definition 7.16

Assume that integer a is a binary number with n bits. image is the first j bits of a.

Example 7.3

Assume that image. Then, image, image, image, image, and image. Therefore, an element of quotient space image can be represented by a j-dimensional vector image. Replacing each component with 0 value of image by value –1, we have a new vector image.

Definition 7.17

Assume that image is known and image is defined by Formula (7.7). Now, define a vector as follows: image, image.

Definition 7.18

Assume that a is an n-dimensional vector. Define an i-dimensional vector:


Example 7.4




Theorem 7.1

A function f on image and a set image of hierarchical (dyadic) partitions are given. image is a quotient function defined by the mean principle. image is a quotient incremental function defined by Formula (7.7). image is an image -dimensional binary vector. Then



By induction, when image, from the definition of image, we have that Formula (7.9) holds. Assume that Formula (7.9) holds for image, i.e.,





Substituting Formula (7.10) into (7.11), and when image, image, we have


where, image is the j-th component of image, image is a vector obtained via replacing the ‘0’ component of image by ‘–1’.

Example 7.5

Find the f value of the 21st element at the 5th quotient space. Let a=(1,-1,1,-1,1)=21. And find the f value of the equivalence class that a belongs to at the 4th level.




Theorem 7.2

Assume that image converges to X with respect to its grain-size, and quotient function image is constructed by the mean principle. If f is uniformly continuous on X, then image converges to f with respect to the grain-size.
The theorem can be obtained from Proposition 7.1 directly.

Proposition 7.4

image and image are the coefficients of the expansion of performance function image with respect to scaling functions image and wavelets image of general (dyadic) Haar wavelet, respectively.


The coefficient of image with respect to image is


The coefficient of image with respect to image is


Theorem 7.3

If image is a series of quotient functions approximating to image on image, then
(1) The quotient function image at the image -th level is the coefficient of the expansion of image on scaling function base image of the general Haar wavelet at the image-th level (multi-resolution).
(2) The quotient incremental function image at the image-th level is the coefficient of the expansion of image on the general Haar wavelet base image.
(3) Formula (7.9) is the transformation relation between quotient functions [f] and quotient incremental functions in the quotient space approximation.
It’s noted that although Formula (7.9) is obtained under the dyadic assumption, the similar but more complex result can be got in general cases. In multi-resolution analysis, the dyadic wavelet with n levels has image basis functions (wavelets), so the number of coefficients in the wavelet expansion of image is image. But in Formula (7.9), the number of coefficients is only n simply. Of course, the total number of values in image is image.

7.2.3. The Relation between Quotient Space Approximation and Wavelet Analysis The Meaning of Wavelet Analysis

We will explain the physical significance of wavelet analysis from the quotient space approximation point of view. From Section 7.3, image is a quotient function obtained from refining space image, or from adjusting function image. It can also be represented by the quotient function on image directly. If adding a quotient incremental function image, then we have image. By recursion, we have a series form


where ⊕ indicates the ‘sum’ obtained from Formula (7.9).
Generally, image.
From the multi-granular computing point of view, term image represents the variation of f, when the grain-size changing from the n-1-th level to the n-th level, i.e., the rate of change (frequency) at each grain-size. The finer the grain-size, or the bigger the n, the higher the changing frequency of image. So image is just the so-called ‘wavelet’. From a mathematical view point, when replacing the sequential convergence-based quotient space approximation by the series convergence-based one, ‘wavelet’ is an inevitable product. ‘Wavelet’ is the description of the difference between two adjacent quotient space approximations. The Comparison between Wavelet and Quotient Space Approximation

In wavelet analysis, it’s needed to choose a set of complete, orthonormal basis functions in a functional space, and then a square-integrable function is represented by a wavelet series with respect to the base. The method allows the commonality across different applications. In quotient space approximation, for a given function, it’s needed to choose a specific domain partition method, and then to approximate the quotient functions (or quotient incremental functions). In the domain partition process, when the incremental value image of quotient functions in some equivalence class is rather large, the class is refined. When the value image in some equivalence class is small enough, the partition stops. The partition can be adjusted dynamically. This ‘customized’ method is flexible and personalized. Therefore, in wavelet analysis, for a kind of functions, we need to choose a proper wavelet base that is difficult generally. In quotient space approximation, it’s only needed to construct a proper quotient function for a specific function that is an easier task. Different Forms of Quotient Functions

In the above discussion, the quotient functions are defined by the mean of values of the given original function. The quotient functions can also be defined by the sum of values of the given original function.
Assume that f is a performance function on X. image is a set of hierarchical quotient spaces. The sequence of quotient spaces is required to be dimidiate, not necessarily halved. Let quotient functions be



The corresponding quotient incremental functions image are defined as


We have



Definition 7.19

Define an i-dimensional vector as


Definition 7.20

Define an i-dimensional vector as


Proposition 7.5

The quotient function and quotient incremental function defined by Formulas (7.12) and (7.13) have the following properties.




Similar to the proof in Theorem 7.3, by recursion, the results can be obtained directly.
It’s noted that when the partition is not halved, image may be obtained by Formulas (7.12)(7.14), and again image and image may be obtained from Formula (7.15).
We show that the series form of quotient space approximation is equivalent to the second-generation wavelets. This means that many mature tools in wavelet analysis can be transformed to quotient space-based granular computing, for example, lifting scheme, fast lifting wavelet transform, etc.
Further, other methods in the second-generation wavelets can also be applied to performance, stability, robustness, and convergence analysis of systems besides the attribute functions that we have discussed.
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