2.3 Linear Time-Variant Filtering of GACS Processes

Let img and img be jointly GACS processes, that is (Definition 2.2.10)

(2.109) equation

where img, and let img and img be LTV filtered versions of img and img, respectively, obtained by systems with impulse response functions img and img.

Under assumption (2.47), substituting (2.109) into ((2.46)) leads to

(2.110) equation

Let img and img be LAPTV systems, that is, according to (1.107), with impulse-response functions

(2.111) equation

Substituting (2.111) into (2.110) leads to (Section 3.3)

(2.112) equation

where img is defined in (1.115)

(2.113) equation

Under assumptions

(2.114) equation

(2.115) equation

(2.116) equation

(where conditions (2.115) and (2.116) on h1(t, u) and h2(t, u) can be possibly interchanged) one obtains (Section 3.3)

(2.117) equation

where img.

Due to the presence of the Kronecker delta in the integrand function in (2.117), Ry(β, τ) can be nonzero only if for some n, σ1, and σ2 the function img is nonzero in a set of values of s with positive Lebesgue measure. That is, only if x1(t) and x2(t) exhibit a joint ACS component in the cross-correlation function. In particular, from (2.117) with x1x2 and h1h2 LTI filters, accordingly with the results of Section 2.2.3, it follows that low-pass or band-pass filtering of a purely GACS signal (Section 2.2.2) leads to a zero-power signal (see Section 2.7.7 for a numerical example) (Izzo and Napolitano 2002a,b, 2005).

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