How Bayesian machine learning works

Classical statistics is also called frequentist because it interprets probability as the relative frequency of an event over the long run, that is, after observing a large number of trials. In the context of probabilities, an event is a combination of one or more elementary outcomes of an experiment, such as any of six equal results in rolls of two dice or an asset price dropping by 10% or more on a given day.

Bayesian statistics, in contrast, views probability as a measure of the confidence or belief in the occurrence of an event. The Bayesian perspective of probability leaves more room for subjective views and, consequently, differences in opinions than the frequentist interpretation. This difference is most striking for events that do not happen often enough to arrive at an objective measure of long-term frequency.

Put differently, frequentist statistics assume that data is a random sample from a population and aims to identify the fixed parameters that generated the data. Bayesian statistics, in turn, take the data as given and considers the parameters to be random variables with a distribution that can be inferred from data. As a result, frequentist approaches require at least as many data points as there are parameters to be estimated. Bayesian approaches, on the other hand, are compatible with smaller datasets and are well-suited for online learning, one sample at a time.

The Bayesian view is very useful for many real-world events that are rare or unique, at least in important respects. Examples include the outcome of the next election or the question of whether the markets will crash within three months. In each case, there is both relevant historical data as well as unique circumstances that unfold as the event approaches.

First, we will introduce Bayes' theorem, which crystallizes the concept of updating beliefs by combining prior assumptions with new empirical evidence and comparing the resulting parameter estimates with their frequentist counterparts. We will then demonstrate two approaches to Bayesian statistical inference that produce insights into the posterior distribution of the latent, that is, unobserved parameters, such as their expected values, under different circumstances:

  1. Conjugate priors facilitate the updating process by providing a closed-form solution, but exact, analytical methods are not always available.
  2. Approximate inference simulates the distribution that results from combining assumptions and data and uses samples from this distribution to compute statistical insights.
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