Chapter 9. Humanizing Your Song

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Humanizing with the OFS knob
  • Humanizing with the Graph editor
  • Humanizing with the Piano roll
  • Humanizing with the Playlist


Humanizing your song means you can change the small intricacies of any sound. When working with digital music, everything is very robotic and stiff. This is by far the true nature of music and for those that play instruments in live settings, there are small nuances where the members of a band may get slightly out of sync but then hit their groove and enjoy the magic that happens. When using the step sequencer in FL Studio, it makes the steps perfectly timed and machine like. This is exactly what is needed when composing. However, once all of your pieces come together, you may find it to be a tad unemotional and mechanical. Sometimes this may be desired, and other times you may want to tweak the groove of some of the parts. FL Studio makes this very easy to do. Humanizing your song means introducing more feeling into your composition and making things less computerized. Yes, it's ironic that we are trying to make a computer program less computer-like. Nevertheless, it's a crucial tool that will separate a good song from a great song. You may use all of the following recipes on any type of sound, including vocals, percussion, audio, and virtual instruments.

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