In transient stability studies, particularly those involving short periods of analysis in the order of a second or less, a synchronous machine can be represented by a voltage source at the back of transient reactance that is constant in magnitude but changing its angular position, neglecting the effect of saliency, and assuming constant flux linkage and a small change in speed.(Refer Fig 4.7)


E ′ = Et + ra It + jXd It                    (4.16)

                Where Et = machine terminal voltage.

                            E′ = voltage back of transient reactance.

                            It = machine terminal current.

                            ra = armature resistance.

                          Xd = transient reactance.

When saliency and changes in field flux linkage are taken into account, the three-phase ac quantities of synchronous machines can be divided into direct axis and quadrature axis components (Refer Fig. 4.8).

The voltage behind the quadrature axis synchronous reactance is given by


Eq = Et + ra It + jxq It                    (4.17)

                Where Eq = oltage back of quadrature axis

                            xq = quadrature axis synchronous reactance

The sinusoidal flux produced by the field current acts along the direct axis. The voltage induced by field current lags this flux by 90° and therefore is on the quadrature axis. This voltage is given by


EI = Et + ra It + jxd Id + jxq Iq                    (4.18)

Fig 4.7 Equivalent circuit


Fig 4.8 Equivalent circuit


            EI – voltage proportional to the field axis

            xd – direct axis synchronous reactance

            xq – quadrature axis synchronous reactance

            Id – direct-axis component of machine terminal current

            Iq – quadrature axis component of machine terminal current.

The phasor diagram for E1 can be shown in Fig. 4.9.


Fig 4.9 Phasor diagram for determining the quadrature-axis component of voltage behind transient reactance

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